Great ... a Dad dream. Let's see what I can recall ...
I am in a house with my dad. At least 2 floors, many rooms, lots of stuff. Daylight or well lit inside. I forget if there is anybody else present.
I have been planning this trip/move for a long time. A female friend has offered to take me on vacation to Europe and then ... who knows to stay? I feel like myself with this woman, like I can relax and just be.
But I have lost my phone. I put it next to my packing. I need it to call her to finalize details with her. But it is not where I left it. When I walked into the room where i left my phone, I saw a shadow dash out the other door on the far side. It sure seemed like it could have been my dad.
So, I am multi-tasking.
1) I have random stuff to do today.
2) I am looking for my phone.
3) I am looking to gather all my packing stuff together to be in one place.
4) I am looking for my Dad.
SO, I'm doing all that. room to room, messing about and sometimes gathering packing materials. It is never easy to get the packing materials, always a game to it somehow, yet it is FUN! These games are fun.
I am almost done when I come across my dad. He says he is gathering packing stuff. I say but that's what I am doing! He thinks it's cute that I actually believe I am going any where. "You can't go anywhere, Joh. What would you do when you got there? Why fail in some far off place when it is better to just be here?"
He is baiting me. Just smile and continue on, John. But, I have to ask about the phone.
"Well, that's not a good sign, is it? If you can't keep track of your phone, how are you going to get anywhere?"
"I was just wondering if you have seen it. I left it by my packing HQ in my bedroom and went to the bathroom. When I came back it was gone."
"Huh! I guess you should do as I do and keep it on you all the time. But you don't like to carry things with you, do you, John? Because of your issues, you won't even wear a watch."
(oh for fuck's sake! It's like my dad has found a way to enter my dreams! >.<)
"Dad, we are the only ones here. I saw you go out the other door. May I please have my phone back?"
"You don't even have a real phone. See, mine is a real phone. And here it is, on my hip holster! I have not managed to lose it like you always do."
(ARGH! OK, just keep calm John.)
"Fine. May I please have my fake phone back?"
"OK." He doesn't hand it to me. "Hey look, I am going on a trip, and you are copying off me and going on a trip, too!"
"I am NOT copying off you, my friend and I planned this months ago."
"You are going with her again? I thought --"
"NO, Dad! This is a different person, different situation. Sorry, I am just saying this is now that was then. Now may I please--"
"We are the same, see? We are both going on a trip. We are practically twins! We are just alike. Now, if you just give up this silliness and come with me, I can keep taking care of you and --"
"I am doing fine. I have not lost my phone. I didn't go on that useless trip before that you spoke so highly of."
"Would you STOP! Please. Just ... give me back my phone and ... just give me back my phone."
"Well, I'll see what I can do. If you deserve it."
I stare at him, seething! I reach over, grab his jacket that he took off and set beside him, and storm off.
"Hey, where do you think you are going with my jacket!"
"I don't care about the jacket, I know my phone is in here. I just don't know which pocket it is in."
"But I put it in there when you were not looking how could you know?"
"Because, unlike you, I can see below the surface to what is really there!" I yell this at him as I am storming off away from him, searching pockets. He better not follow me!
I kind of woke up from this, but I calmed myself with a word game. How many words begin with "li-" or something similar. So, I started thinking of them all. Lie, liar,, lye, linoleum, limousine, lenticular cloud, lime, line, linebacker, lint, lip, lipstick, lit, light, live, ...
I did this off and on the rest of the night, able to go back to sleep, but I woke up still trying to think of LI-words. Odd! Man, there are a lot of li words!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Keys to The Treasure Are Also The Treasure
A DreamZZZ in two parts:
Part 1: The Vague (the poetic version)
I am on the run, I am being stealthy, but fast. Like a fox, I feel fox energy. I am in an foreign urban wasteland. It is daylight but it is dark. Sun shines with some clouds, but the houses are dark. Some of that darkness is alive.
I have an important ongoing mission. I cannot fail. I must be silent. I must not let the shadows get me, but I must use them to my advantedge. If I am seen I cannot be seen as I really am.
The trash is like autumn leaves rustling under my feet. Flood? The despair of not caring? It reeks of loss of hope, laziness, corruption. I have to wade through it, but not let it stick to me.
The shadows take on two human forms. But, who are they? I cannot check now for checking will expose me. I walk nonchalantly, I let them send tendrils as I hide That Which is Most Precious.
I withstand their thorny storm and they go off laughing. I have to pay the price for protecting my Charge by processing out the poison they created. It is worth it.
It is worth it for what i think of as "the girls". But I do not hold two girls in my hand.
Instead I hold Two Silver Keys on a silver ring (or is it two silver tings, is one of the rings gold?).
Part 2: The Apartment Forest
After other places to visit, other missions, I am back to this one.
I am now in metropolitan town, on it's edges? I see more trees where before I saw none. I don't notice the streets or the sky (but it is a pleasant day, the azure of blue mixed with lazy white, mid-day), but I notice the grass and trees and buildings.
I hear a voice in my ear. It is a trusted source, but I do not know where it originates. Is it me, an esoteric party, or another human talking to me? It seems more likely to be #1 or #2, but I cannot completely discount #3. It sounds male, but it's energy is androgynous.
I run to a set of apartments on my left and sparsely but many trees and grass on my right. There may be a body of water farther to my right. I feel it's weaving energy, yes more likely running water.
I consider going into the apartments. But wait, I might be caught there. Are you sure? It is not paranoia so much as knowing, trusting. I should not go in there yet, I cannot trust it, I have to protect "the girls".
I take my hand to be in front of me. It was ... where was it? In my shirt pocket over my heart? I look in my hand and there they are: The Two Silver Keys. One is round, the other is not. What shape is the second? square? diamond (square tipped onto it's corner)? Perhaps hexagonal with this orientation: <=>. I am unsure of the rings that hold them. One silver ring? Two silver rings? Is one of the rings gold? I think it is two silver rings most likely.
The keys to the treasure are also the treasure.
But something from the last trip is still in me. I must purge it! But how? Urination. But where? I again look to the apartments but again I know it is a no. So I ask the trees and they give me permission, but where won't I be seen? I must purge before it is too late and the corruption binds to me!
I start to relieve myself behind one tree, but it is far too thin. grown but too thin. I speed walk still going (I cannot stop the purging process now) to another tree calling me to it. It is overly perfect.
This tree is seemingly more than one tree in one, maybe two large trees with a single trunk that split soon above the grown about 3-4 feet high? 10 feet wide, 12, more? I finish the purging process here.
Am I done, did it work? Where am off to next? Are the keys still safe?
I can only guess all is fine, for the fear of peeing in the real world wakes me. I do not return to this place in this sleep session.
some analysis:
The first area felt like a non-Western country/city touched by Western society, but with the trappings of it the invasion the corruption the surface. Like a shell, it did not yet have any support for the shell. It has to play the hand it was dealt most unfairly and is doing the best it can to incorporate the foreign influence and make it's own ,but it is still in process and not going all that well right now.
I am thinking Nigeria, the capital mayhap.
The second area felt more like America I guess. I found the juxtaposition of man-made shelter trying to deny nature and hate it for trying to destroy him and not protect him with the large park like on the other side intriguing. I had a lot of duality in these two sections of dream, but more so in the second. Heck, it even came to me in two distinct parts separated by other dreams or something!
Two is my number. So it has to do with me. But 2 is about duality. Funny how two is a number and a word (two words) 2, to, too (not including the word form of the letter) and it's other version "second" is both a number and a form of time! No other number can boast this, let alone twice! (yes we say some one comes in 1st etc but that is not the same). 2 has a special power all it's own.
This is very near what I saw in the dream! I cannot find anything as close:
in the game series FABLE there are hidden Silver Keys. My dream was like a fable and I was to keep the silver keys hidden.
Curious! I have not read H.P. Lovecraft but he wrote a short story that is very curious indeed:
"The Silver Key"
Randolph Carter discovers, at the age of 30, that he has gradually "lost the key to the gate of dreams." Randolph once believed life is made up of nothing but pictures in memory, whether they be from real life or dreams, and he highly prefers his romantic nightly dreams of fantastic places and beings, as an antidote for the "prosiness of life", believing his dreams to reveal truths missing from man's waking ideas, regarding the purpose of humans and the universe, primary among these being the truth of beauty as perceived and invented by humans in times past. As he ages, though, he finds that his daily waking exposure to the more "practical", scientific ideas of man, has eventually eroded his ability to dream as he once did, and has made him regretfully subscribe more and more to the mundane beliefs of everyday, waking "real life". But still not certain which is truer, he sets out to determine whether the waking ideas of man are superior to his dreams, and in the process, he passes through several unsatisfying philosophical stances. Discouraged, he eventually withdraws from these lines of inquiry, and goes into seclusion. After a time, a hint of the fantastic enters his dreams again, though he is still unable to dream of the strange cities of his youth, leaving him wanting more. During one of these dreams, his long-dead grandfather tells him of a silver key in his attic, inscribed with mysterious arabesque symbols, which he finds and takes with him on a visit to his boyhood home in the backwoods of northeastern Massachusetts (the setting for many of Lovecraft's stories), where he enters a mysterious cave that he used to play in. The key somehow enables him to return to his childhood as a ten-year-old boy, and his adult self disappears from his normal time. The story then relates how Randolph's relatives had noted, beginning at the age of ten, that he had somehow gained the ability to glimpse events in his future. The narrator of the story then states that he expects to meet Randolph soon, in one of his own dreams, "in a certain dream-city we both used to haunt", reigning there as a new king, where the narrator may look at Randolph's key, whose symbols he hopes will tell him the mysteries of the cosmos.
In popular culture[edit]
"The Silver Key" is a song by the symphonic metal band Dark Moor.
"The Silver Key" is an experimental breakcore LP album by the Xanopticon [1]
"Regarding the Silver Key" is a fictional document in the visual novel Saya no Uta, supposedly detailing the candidates for the titular character Saya's original world and universe.
"Seven Silver Keys" by the epic doom metal band Candlemass is a reference to the story, featuring the lyric: "to open up your dreams you need seven silver keys."
A version of the eponymous artifact is an item in Maid RPG, there called "Enigmatic Silver Key."
The Silver Key was used as an artifact that caused people to see waking dreams of Lovecraft's creatures in a fourth season episode of the mystery series Warehouse 13.
The Silver Key is an item that can be found in the id software game Quake, often needed to complete the level.
This was an intriguing find!
Driver Training Eagle, ID: Driving School Boise
We are centrally located near the DMV in Boise ID. We offer online drivers ed class from all over the treasure valley ...
Silver Key – Free listening, concerts, stats, & pictures at
Listen free to Silver Key: Learn to Let go, In the Land of Dreams & more, plus 3 pictures. Progressive rock, Under 2000 listeners and Rock. Free mp3 downloads ...
The Girl Scouts have a Silver Key Ceremony:
Tonight we gather to honor those girls that have completed their journey in Junior Girl Scouts. These girls are ready to accept the challenges offered to them in the Older Girl Scout program. The challenges are great, but the rewards are even greater. As they shed their green and don the khaki and light blue of the Cadette Girl Scout program they enter a world of new friends, new travels, new discoveries and new dreams. This is not the end of their Girl Scout journey, but rather the beginning of a whole new journey, and tonight we offer them the keys to unlock doors to the world of Cadette Girl Scouts.
Have 11 silver candles (or white candles tied with silver bows) arranged in a straight line on a table. 11 keys are cut from silver poster board (or white covered with foil). On these are written: PERSONAL GROWTH, UNDERSTANDING, FRIENDSHIP, VALUES, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, CHOICE, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE, THE WORLD, SILVER AWARD . As each candle is lit, the key (taped to the table) is flipped over the side of the table, so the audience can see it and what it says. Or, 12 Cadette girls may hold up the keys. Or, if you have a lot of girls, one may light the candle, while one reads the part taped to the back of the key she is holding up.
The Circle and The Square
It must be noted that I had two different shaped keys. One round (circle) and one square (most likely shape). There is a lot to this idea [O]
Part 1: The Vague (the poetic version)
I am on the run, I am being stealthy, but fast. Like a fox, I feel fox energy. I am in an foreign urban wasteland. It is daylight but it is dark. Sun shines with some clouds, but the houses are dark. Some of that darkness is alive.
I have an important ongoing mission. I cannot fail. I must be silent. I must not let the shadows get me, but I must use them to my advantedge. If I am seen I cannot be seen as I really am.
The trash is like autumn leaves rustling under my feet. Flood? The despair of not caring? It reeks of loss of hope, laziness, corruption. I have to wade through it, but not let it stick to me.
The shadows take on two human forms. But, who are they? I cannot check now for checking will expose me. I walk nonchalantly, I let them send tendrils as I hide That Which is Most Precious.
I withstand their thorny storm and they go off laughing. I have to pay the price for protecting my Charge by processing out the poison they created. It is worth it.
It is worth it for what i think of as "the girls". But I do not hold two girls in my hand.
Instead I hold Two Silver Keys on a silver ring (or is it two silver tings, is one of the rings gold?).
Part 2: The Apartment Forest
After other places to visit, other missions, I am back to this one.
I am now in metropolitan town, on it's edges? I see more trees where before I saw none. I don't notice the streets or the sky (but it is a pleasant day, the azure of blue mixed with lazy white, mid-day), but I notice the grass and trees and buildings.
I hear a voice in my ear. It is a trusted source, but I do not know where it originates. Is it me, an esoteric party, or another human talking to me? It seems more likely to be #1 or #2, but I cannot completely discount #3. It sounds male, but it's energy is androgynous.
I run to a set of apartments on my left and sparsely but many trees and grass on my right. There may be a body of water farther to my right. I feel it's weaving energy, yes more likely running water.
I consider going into the apartments. But wait, I might be caught there. Are you sure? It is not paranoia so much as knowing, trusting. I should not go in there yet, I cannot trust it, I have to protect "the girls".
I take my hand to be in front of me. It was ... where was it? In my shirt pocket over my heart? I look in my hand and there they are: The Two Silver Keys. One is round, the other is not. What shape is the second? square? diamond (square tipped onto it's corner)? Perhaps hexagonal with this orientation: <=>. I am unsure of the rings that hold them. One silver ring? Two silver rings? Is one of the rings gold? I think it is two silver rings most likely.
The keys to the treasure are also the treasure.
But something from the last trip is still in me. I must purge it! But how? Urination. But where? I again look to the apartments but again I know it is a no. So I ask the trees and they give me permission, but where won't I be seen? I must purge before it is too late and the corruption binds to me!
I start to relieve myself behind one tree, but it is far too thin. grown but too thin. I speed walk still going (I cannot stop the purging process now) to another tree calling me to it. It is overly perfect.
This tree is seemingly more than one tree in one, maybe two large trees with a single trunk that split soon above the grown about 3-4 feet high? 10 feet wide, 12, more? I finish the purging process here.
Am I done, did it work? Where am off to next? Are the keys still safe?
I can only guess all is fine, for the fear of peeing in the real world wakes me. I do not return to this place in this sleep session.
some analysis:
The first area felt like a non-Western country/city touched by Western society, but with the trappings of it the invasion the corruption the surface. Like a shell, it did not yet have any support for the shell. It has to play the hand it was dealt most unfairly and is doing the best it can to incorporate the foreign influence and make it's own ,but it is still in process and not going all that well right now.
I am thinking Nigeria, the capital mayhap.
The second area felt more like America I guess. I found the juxtaposition of man-made shelter trying to deny nature and hate it for trying to destroy him and not protect him with the large park like on the other side intriguing. I had a lot of duality in these two sections of dream, but more so in the second. Heck, it even came to me in two distinct parts separated by other dreams or something!
Two is my number. So it has to do with me. But 2 is about duality. Funny how two is a number and a word (two words) 2, to, too (not including the word form of the letter) and it's other version "second" is both a number and a form of time! No other number can boast this, let alone twice! (yes we say some one comes in 1st etc but that is not the same). 2 has a special power all it's own.
This is very near what I saw in the dream! I cannot find anything as close:
in the game series FABLE there are hidden Silver Keys. My dream was like a fable and I was to keep the silver keys hidden.
Curious! I have not read H.P. Lovecraft but he wrote a short story that is very curious indeed:
"The Silver Key"
Randolph Carter discovers, at the age of 30, that he has gradually "lost the key to the gate of dreams." Randolph once believed life is made up of nothing but pictures in memory, whether they be from real life or dreams, and he highly prefers his romantic nightly dreams of fantastic places and beings, as an antidote for the "prosiness of life", believing his dreams to reveal truths missing from man's waking ideas, regarding the purpose of humans and the universe, primary among these being the truth of beauty as perceived and invented by humans in times past. As he ages, though, he finds that his daily waking exposure to the more "practical", scientific ideas of man, has eventually eroded his ability to dream as he once did, and has made him regretfully subscribe more and more to the mundane beliefs of everyday, waking "real life". But still not certain which is truer, he sets out to determine whether the waking ideas of man are superior to his dreams, and in the process, he passes through several unsatisfying philosophical stances. Discouraged, he eventually withdraws from these lines of inquiry, and goes into seclusion. After a time, a hint of the fantastic enters his dreams again, though he is still unable to dream of the strange cities of his youth, leaving him wanting more. During one of these dreams, his long-dead grandfather tells him of a silver key in his attic, inscribed with mysterious arabesque symbols, which he finds and takes with him on a visit to his boyhood home in the backwoods of northeastern Massachusetts (the setting for many of Lovecraft's stories), where he enters a mysterious cave that he used to play in. The key somehow enables him to return to his childhood as a ten-year-old boy, and his adult self disappears from his normal time. The story then relates how Randolph's relatives had noted, beginning at the age of ten, that he had somehow gained the ability to glimpse events in his future. The narrator of the story then states that he expects to meet Randolph soon, in one of his own dreams, "in a certain dream-city we both used to haunt", reigning there as a new king, where the narrator may look at Randolph's key, whose symbols he hopes will tell him the mysteries of the cosmos.
In popular culture[edit]
"The Silver Key" is a song by the symphonic metal band Dark Moor.
"The Silver Key" is an experimental breakcore LP album by the Xanopticon [1]
"Regarding the Silver Key" is a fictional document in the visual novel Saya no Uta, supposedly detailing the candidates for the titular character Saya's original world and universe.
"Seven Silver Keys" by the epic doom metal band Candlemass is a reference to the story, featuring the lyric: "to open up your dreams you need seven silver keys."
A version of the eponymous artifact is an item in Maid RPG, there called "Enigmatic Silver Key."
The Silver Key was used as an artifact that caused people to see waking dreams of Lovecraft's creatures in a fourth season episode of the mystery series Warehouse 13.
The Silver Key is an item that can be found in the id software game Quake, often needed to complete the level.
This was an intriguing find!
Driver Training Eagle, ID: Driving School Boise
We are centrally located near the DMV in Boise ID. We offer online drivers ed class from all over the treasure valley ...
Silver Key – Free listening, concerts, stats, & pictures at
Listen free to Silver Key: Learn to Let go, In the Land of Dreams & more, plus 3 pictures. Progressive rock, Under 2000 listeners and Rock. Free mp3 downloads ...
The Girl Scouts have a Silver Key Ceremony:
Tonight we gather to honor those girls that have completed their journey in Junior Girl Scouts. These girls are ready to accept the challenges offered to them in the Older Girl Scout program. The challenges are great, but the rewards are even greater. As they shed their green and don the khaki and light blue of the Cadette Girl Scout program they enter a world of new friends, new travels, new discoveries and new dreams. This is not the end of their Girl Scout journey, but rather the beginning of a whole new journey, and tonight we offer them the keys to unlock doors to the world of Cadette Girl Scouts.
Have 11 silver candles (or white candles tied with silver bows) arranged in a straight line on a table. 11 keys are cut from silver poster board (or white covered with foil). On these are written: PERSONAL GROWTH, UNDERSTANDING, FRIENDSHIP, VALUES, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, CHOICE, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE, THE WORLD, SILVER AWARD . As each candle is lit, the key (taped to the table) is flipped over the side of the table, so the audience can see it and what it says. Or, 12 Cadette girls may hold up the keys. Or, if you have a lot of girls, one may light the candle, while one reads the part taped to the back of the key she is holding up.
The Circle and The Square
It must be noted that I had two different shaped keys. One round (circle) and one square (most likely shape). There is a lot to this idea [O]
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10/15/2013 Dad Wants Me Committed + I Have a Bad Tooth + job is promised in Africa
This is one long dream. A lot was happening, so I am going to put in as much as I can.
I am driving down an empty road at night. I guess there are maybe empty winter fields to either side of me? It is pitch black with no street lamps and no other traffic or houses. I finally see a lit up house, but it is lit in red and I see clouds with lightening over it, but I hear no thunder.
But the gas is low and I'm tired so I stop here anyway.
It's my family house, figures. Great
My dad is there, and my brother, and maybe my sister?
I am put to work right away doing some hard on the back but useless job. I do it for a little while, but stop and go up to my room. The neighbors just follow me with their eyes, they say nothing good or bad.
In my room, I hear an ad for the third part of this book series coming out. It reminds me of The Dark is Rising, but is better. That reminds me I have not finished Book Two "The Howl Lost in the Wind" so I try to find that. It is a hardback, with some illustrations.
But I am distracted by talking outside my room. "I have distracted John with busy work, so we can talk. Have you thought on how we can do it?"
"I don't know, he seems fine. Besides he is an adult."
"No he's not. I have the great burden of a father to have to take care of him his whole life."
Just then I felt a hole in my tooth! The upper farthest back molar on the left side.
I went through the kitchen where my brother and sister were having breakfast. Since I was afraid for my tooth I did not want to eat. My brother followed me for awhile. I was mad at dad. He tried to defend him. I said he wants me committed! My brother faltered at this and I went on ahead to find a bathroom to brush my teeth.
I found one that was all white where sun beams came through a skylight and it seemed nice. The light was over the sink. So, I brushed my teeth vigorously and prayed the tooth to be repaired. It worked! It no longer had a hole in it!
I went out and passed my dad who was surprised to see me and I said "My tooth is fine and you are not going to get to keep me!"
I ended up in a room with a lot of people in it. Someone I knew from before (like high school or college or something? A brown skinned guy that is just a description not a judgment.) Dark hair, my height or slightly shorter. Well, he says he could arrange for me to get to Africa to have a job! I cannot quite recall the name now! Aghan? I don't know.
I already felt like this was my chance! My dad tried to own it by saying it was a great place, but maybe I should just stay here and help "your mother, who is crying again."
Next i know I am with someone (my sister?) trying to find out more about this African country. Trying to find it on the map. Meanwhile a friend was sad that I was going but I told her to come with me, she would be closer to what she loves, too!
I was also getting information about this place somehow. It was in a nice city, modern but clean and nice. It really seemed wonderful. And I was going to be flown there on the company jet and guaranteed housing and a job, with training and support and raises and/or advancement!
I think I have found the country and ...
that is when I wake up.
To be perfectly honest, I was so invested in the dream reality that waking up to this reality .... well I felt such a crushing depression I just wanted to stay in bed as long as possible. I did not get up until noon.
And here are how it relates to real life!
1) My dad has not texted me in long while, and I wake to find he has tested me? SYNC!
2) I heard my friend say she had a tooth problem, but she did not say WHICH tooth. In the dream I had a problem with the exact same tooth she did! PSI!
3) Was the African state Ghana?
I am driving down an empty road at night. I guess there are maybe empty winter fields to either side of me? It is pitch black with no street lamps and no other traffic or houses. I finally see a lit up house, but it is lit in red and I see clouds with lightening over it, but I hear no thunder.
But the gas is low and I'm tired so I stop here anyway.
It's my family house, figures. Great
My dad is there, and my brother, and maybe my sister?
I am put to work right away doing some hard on the back but useless job. I do it for a little while, but stop and go up to my room. The neighbors just follow me with their eyes, they say nothing good or bad.
In my room, I hear an ad for the third part of this book series coming out. It reminds me of The Dark is Rising, but is better. That reminds me I have not finished Book Two "The Howl Lost in the Wind" so I try to find that. It is a hardback, with some illustrations.
But I am distracted by talking outside my room. "I have distracted John with busy work, so we can talk. Have you thought on how we can do it?"
"I don't know, he seems fine. Besides he is an adult."
"No he's not. I have the great burden of a father to have to take care of him his whole life."
Just then I felt a hole in my tooth! The upper farthest back molar on the left side.
I went through the kitchen where my brother and sister were having breakfast. Since I was afraid for my tooth I did not want to eat. My brother followed me for awhile. I was mad at dad. He tried to defend him. I said he wants me committed! My brother faltered at this and I went on ahead to find a bathroom to brush my teeth.
I found one that was all white where sun beams came through a skylight and it seemed nice. The light was over the sink. So, I brushed my teeth vigorously and prayed the tooth to be repaired. It worked! It no longer had a hole in it!
I went out and passed my dad who was surprised to see me and I said "My tooth is fine and you are not going to get to keep me!"
I ended up in a room with a lot of people in it. Someone I knew from before (like high school or college or something? A brown skinned guy that is just a description not a judgment.) Dark hair, my height or slightly shorter. Well, he says he could arrange for me to get to Africa to have a job! I cannot quite recall the name now! Aghan? I don't know.
I already felt like this was my chance! My dad tried to own it by saying it was a great place, but maybe I should just stay here and help "your mother, who is crying again."
Next i know I am with someone (my sister?) trying to find out more about this African country. Trying to find it on the map. Meanwhile a friend was sad that I was going but I told her to come with me, she would be closer to what she loves, too!
I was also getting information about this place somehow. It was in a nice city, modern but clean and nice. It really seemed wonderful. And I was going to be flown there on the company jet and guaranteed housing and a job, with training and support and raises and/or advancement!
I think I have found the country and ...
that is when I wake up.
To be perfectly honest, I was so invested in the dream reality that waking up to this reality .... well I felt such a crushing depression I just wanted to stay in bed as long as possible. I did not get up until noon.
And here are how it relates to real life!
1) My dad has not texted me in long while, and I wake to find he has tested me? SYNC!
2) I heard my friend say she had a tooth problem, but she did not say WHICH tooth. In the dream I had a problem with the exact same tooth she did! PSI!
3) Was the African state Ghana?
Monday, July 8, 2013
Bar Hopping, Sprint Less Clear, Home Sis
I wanted to start with the middle one first, because i think it was partially a pre-cog. And it was special anyway because i could make out actual clear English words on signs! Usually it is unintelligible.
I am in bed and partially wake to hear the news. But it is unclear. I know i should get up, but I just can't.
Then I am on the road. At first it is strange. I am in a mostly upright position moving along at a good clip, but otherwise my body isn't moving. So, how am I moving? I am on a road but not in a vehicle that I can see. I am leaning slightly forward and dressed only in my pajamas and wrapping myself in covers. I am worried I may be exposing myself, because these pj bottoms tend to unsnap, but I'm covered *phew*.
I come to a familiar intersection on my way to real-world work, but then I look at the time. It's 7! I start work at 8, but will I have time to turn around, get ready and come back?
Then the dream seamlessly changes a third time where I ma not sure what it is but I feel I am a vehicle this time, and the area has changed. I am now going towards a truck stopped in the road. Like a moving truck, not a work truck or a semi but I do not know what it was doing.
I don't seem to be slowing down soon enough! I can see cars coming from the other way. There are too many of them, nobody is even slowing down to give the other side a chance to go around the truck. Why aren't I slowing down, I'm not going to make it!
Then I go around the right side into the grass and it is smooth enough where i do not hurt my car and I go around the truck and I go on into a parking lot. Still I don't seem to be slowing down. I try to find a wide turn to go the other way, that slowed me down a little.
Finally I see a parking place I want and I am somehow able to park just fine.
I go inside. I don't know what this place is.
Now I an out on the backside. I have a bicycle now.
>more on this later<
(anyway to the main part before i have to go to actual work)
I step outside and get on my bike when I realize I am facing a lot of business buildings. I can make out 2 of the signs, but upon writing this I only recall one. That one is SPRINT, a cell phone provider. They have their HQ here. I saw their name and logo in red. They were on the far right. On the far left was the other readable sign. And there was something of focus in the middle. I saw the far left busisness and the middle brightem up but the SPRINT sign dim at the same time. I tried ot get closer to focus on this, but the dream faded away.
I woke to the news, and SPRINT is in the news. DISH bought out more shares of Clearwire:
I am in bed and partially wake to hear the news. But it is unclear. I know i should get up, but I just can't.
Then I am on the road. At first it is strange. I am in a mostly upright position moving along at a good clip, but otherwise my body isn't moving. So, how am I moving? I am on a road but not in a vehicle that I can see. I am leaning slightly forward and dressed only in my pajamas and wrapping myself in covers. I am worried I may be exposing myself, because these pj bottoms tend to unsnap, but I'm covered *phew*.
I come to a familiar intersection on my way to real-world work, but then I look at the time. It's 7! I start work at 8, but will I have time to turn around, get ready and come back?
Then the dream seamlessly changes a third time where I ma not sure what it is but I feel I am a vehicle this time, and the area has changed. I am now going towards a truck stopped in the road. Like a moving truck, not a work truck or a semi but I do not know what it was doing.
I don't seem to be slowing down soon enough! I can see cars coming from the other way. There are too many of them, nobody is even slowing down to give the other side a chance to go around the truck. Why aren't I slowing down, I'm not going to make it!
Then I go around the right side into the grass and it is smooth enough where i do not hurt my car and I go around the truck and I go on into a parking lot. Still I don't seem to be slowing down. I try to find a wide turn to go the other way, that slowed me down a little.
Finally I see a parking place I want and I am somehow able to park just fine.
I go inside. I don't know what this place is.
Now I an out on the backside. I have a bicycle now.
(anyway to the main part before i have to go to actual work)
I step outside and get on my bike when I realize I am facing a lot of business buildings. I can make out 2 of the signs, but upon writing this I only recall one. That one is SPRINT, a cell phone provider. They have their HQ here. I saw their name and logo in red. They were on the far right. On the far left was the other readable sign. And there was something of focus in the middle. I saw the far left busisness and the middle brightem up but the SPRINT sign dim at the same time. I tried ot get closer to focus on this, but the dream faded away.
I woke to the news, and SPRINT is in the news. DISH bought out more shares of Clearwire:
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Cinema Bully
I am alone and seem to be myself as I am now. I drive my car and park in the front parking lot of the cinema. I go in and go into this very wide theatre. There are already many people here. I sit like ten or so rows from the back, in the middle of the row. There is more than enough feet room (space between rows of chairs.
The movie has started, someone sits right next to me. Nobody is next to me on my right side, but this guy sits on my left. As the movie is playing, he would every once in awhile talk to me. He is blond. He is not nice.
But average bully, really. Nothing I have not heard before. Easy hits. So I am not too hurt by it. It is more annoying than painful. I ask if he is a Christian and he says he is and starts to quote something from Romans.
There are a lot of kids here, mainly male. At the end of the movie, they are all over the place being rambunctious. The ushers are trying to get order again but they are also passing out stickers that have a magnet backing on a white paper backing. It is about the size and shape of a postcard, the sticker kind of slides off the flat black magnet. It is a scene from the movie with words on it. It is actually pretty neat. It has cut off corners. It has a white triangle pointing down with the corners cut off as well. But I cannot make out the title of the movie or what the picture is of, but it looks detailed, on land with lots of pieces on it. Complicated, beautiful. Sci-fi? Western?
I have trouble finding things and get lost then find my seat again when the bully is still sitting there says something to me. SO I grab my stuff. He follows me out. See, I started to go out the wrong way, but then going the right way I find him again. He calls me shrimp. But then I see a friend of mine. He says I'm cool. The bully looks totally flabbergasted!
The movie has started, someone sits right next to me. Nobody is next to me on my right side, but this guy sits on my left. As the movie is playing, he would every once in awhile talk to me. He is blond. He is not nice.
But average bully, really. Nothing I have not heard before. Easy hits. So I am not too hurt by it. It is more annoying than painful. I ask if he is a Christian and he says he is and starts to quote something from Romans.
There are a lot of kids here, mainly male. At the end of the movie, they are all over the place being rambunctious. The ushers are trying to get order again but they are also passing out stickers that have a magnet backing on a white paper backing. It is about the size and shape of a postcard, the sticker kind of slides off the flat black magnet. It is a scene from the movie with words on it. It is actually pretty neat. It has cut off corners. It has a white triangle pointing down with the corners cut off as well. But I cannot make out the title of the movie or what the picture is of, but it looks detailed, on land with lots of pieces on it. Complicated, beautiful. Sci-fi? Western?
I have trouble finding things and get lost then find my seat again when the bully is still sitting there says something to me. SO I grab my stuff. He follows me out. See, I started to go out the wrong way, but then going the right way I find him again. He calls me shrimp. But then I see a friend of mine. He says I'm cool. The bully looks totally flabbergasted!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Trying To Fix Time Only Makes Things More Complicated
My through-point of experience in this dream is a woman this time. Someone like Amanda Tapping = Stargate SG1, Sanctuary, Supernatural -- apparently she only plays in TV shows that start with an "S" ;-) I was watching her, I think also WAS her. Sometimes I saw through her eyes, sometimes like a 3rd person perspective.
I am distraught. I am in a corner, screaming and crying. There is rubble here, there are fires here, there are dead bodies here. Is everyone dead? Is the whole world lost? This cannot stand! I have to find a way to fix this, but not here. I have to get out of here and now ... ALL heres and nows. I can fix this, this cannot stand.
*scene change*
I am on a beach with many other people, I am with three others, specifically. The sun is in my eyes bouncing off the water, maybe that is it -- maybe that is why I feel disorientated. But what of the deja vu?
"Tommy? Tommy!" That is not me calling out, is it? No, it is one of my friends. "Did he go swimming? I told him not to go in the water. He could dip his toes in, but ... TOMMY!!!"
I dive into the water but it is more like I am pulled into the water. As if I am following a zip-line into the water, it is hard to explain. I look and look for the boy but I cannot find him.
I am back on the beach, dry. I watch myself walking along the beach with the man the woman and the boy Tommy. We must have just arrived. They do not see me watching them. I can do it if I go in earlier.
I am soaking wet now lying on concrete. It is like a waterway. I cough up water and get up and stumble into a corner and fall into the corner. Wait, why does this corner seem so familiar? It seems wrong, the opposite. Water instead of fire, whole instead of broken, no one else around instead of dead bodies. Have I fixed it by fixing a different personal tragic memory?
I am back in the concrete waterway, soaking wet. My eyes are still closed. I feel another hand another arm brushing against mine. I slowly open my eyes, maybe it is him maybe it was all a dream and ...
But no one else is there. That arm brushing mine, that hand touching my arm, I can still see it! It's MY arm brushing against my arm! It is MY hand touching me! WTF? I am not fixing anything, I am only making things more complicated!
But before i can do anything I am back on the beach. Well, actually far out in the water. I hear the others calling out for Tommy. What is that strange seaweed? It is human hair! I see a face bob up and take a quick gulp of air -- it is Tommy! I swim over to him to save him. I am a whisper away from saving him when --
"We must stop this, it is not working." It is a very tall thin man in a robe with a monk-like hood. I cannot make him out.
"It is working, we just have to make a few more adjustments," I reply.
"We aren't fixing anything, we are only making things more complicated."
"We can do it. If I save him, I can save us all. If I just can imagine saving one so important to me I can use that to focus my energy on saving us all."
"You aren't listening to me. You aren't hearing me. You aren't seeing what is actually going on."
"I don't see? I see the horror. Don't you? You remember that day just as I do when our heads are clear."
"Now, let's not relive --"
"YOU crawled over to me. Do you remember? YOU comforted me. You said we would make it through. If we can make it, then all is not lost. You chose the end of everything to tell me I was your everything. Yet again, you proved you have the worst timing."
"I know what I did. I know what I said. That does not justify all of what came after, it--"
"You did not disagree at the time! You HELPED me to figure it out! I shared my doubts but you allayed them. Why are you doing the opposite now? I was so close, I almost saved him before you pulled me out of there!"
"I know all of that, but I was wrong. I was lost in the grief, but the truth of the matter is too plain for me to be blinded by pain anymore."
"Maybe you don't want to save him, or maybe there is someone else you don't want to save."
"Don't play dumb. My fiancee was killed. If he were alive along with everyone else, you would miss your chance!"
"No! How could you think that of me? We cannot change time, all we can do is make more of it."
"And what is so wrong with that? Even if I say you are right, isn't that the whole point? To have more time?"
"Not like this, we've already made a mess of things."
"And it will get messier. Anything to get things done right."
"But --"
She disappears from him as he watches time get even more complicated from his place outside of it all. All he can do now is to monitor the edits, try to smooth out as many wrinkles as possible. He cannot stop her, it would only make things more complicated. She has to stop herself. I understand why she is doing this I take my responsibility. Because it is not a simple matter. It's ... complicated.
I am distraught. I am in a corner, screaming and crying. There is rubble here, there are fires here, there are dead bodies here. Is everyone dead? Is the whole world lost? This cannot stand! I have to find a way to fix this, but not here. I have to get out of here and now ... ALL heres and nows. I can fix this, this cannot stand.
*scene change*
I am on a beach with many other people, I am with three others, specifically. The sun is in my eyes bouncing off the water, maybe that is it -- maybe that is why I feel disorientated. But what of the deja vu?
"Tommy? Tommy!" That is not me calling out, is it? No, it is one of my friends. "Did he go swimming? I told him not to go in the water. He could dip his toes in, but ... TOMMY!!!"
I dive into the water but it is more like I am pulled into the water. As if I am following a zip-line into the water, it is hard to explain. I look and look for the boy but I cannot find him.
I am back on the beach, dry. I watch myself walking along the beach with the man the woman and the boy Tommy. We must have just arrived. They do not see me watching them. I can do it if I go in earlier.
I am soaking wet now lying on concrete. It is like a waterway. I cough up water and get up and stumble into a corner and fall into the corner. Wait, why does this corner seem so familiar? It seems wrong, the opposite. Water instead of fire, whole instead of broken, no one else around instead of dead bodies. Have I fixed it by fixing a different personal tragic memory?
I am back in the concrete waterway, soaking wet. My eyes are still closed. I feel another hand another arm brushing against mine. I slowly open my eyes, maybe it is him maybe it was all a dream and ...
But no one else is there. That arm brushing mine, that hand touching my arm, I can still see it! It's MY arm brushing against my arm! It is MY hand touching me! WTF? I am not fixing anything, I am only making things more complicated!
But before i can do anything I am back on the beach. Well, actually far out in the water. I hear the others calling out for Tommy. What is that strange seaweed? It is human hair! I see a face bob up and take a quick gulp of air -- it is Tommy! I swim over to him to save him. I am a whisper away from saving him when --
"We must stop this, it is not working." It is a very tall thin man in a robe with a monk-like hood. I cannot make him out.
"It is working, we just have to make a few more adjustments," I reply.
"We aren't fixing anything, we are only making things more complicated."
"We can do it. If I save him, I can save us all. If I just can imagine saving one so important to me I can use that to focus my energy on saving us all."
"You aren't listening to me. You aren't hearing me. You aren't seeing what is actually going on."
"I don't see? I see the horror. Don't you? You remember that day just as I do when our heads are clear."
"Now, let's not relive --"
"YOU crawled over to me. Do you remember? YOU comforted me. You said we would make it through. If we can make it, then all is not lost. You chose the end of everything to tell me I was your everything. Yet again, you proved you have the worst timing."
"I know what I did. I know what I said. That does not justify all of what came after, it--"
"You did not disagree at the time! You HELPED me to figure it out! I shared my doubts but you allayed them. Why are you doing the opposite now? I was so close, I almost saved him before you pulled me out of there!"
"I know all of that, but I was wrong. I was lost in the grief, but the truth of the matter is too plain for me to be blinded by pain anymore."
"Maybe you don't want to save him, or maybe there is someone else you don't want to save."
"Don't play dumb. My fiancee was killed. If he were alive along with everyone else, you would miss your chance!"
"No! How could you think that of me? We cannot change time, all we can do is make more of it."
"And what is so wrong with that? Even if I say you are right, isn't that the whole point? To have more time?"
"Not like this, we've already made a mess of things."
"And it will get messier. Anything to get things done right."
"But --"
She disappears from him as he watches time get even more complicated from his place outside of it all. All he can do now is to monitor the edits, try to smooth out as many wrinkles as possible. He cannot stop her, it would only make things more complicated. She has to stop herself. I understand why she is doing this I take my responsibility. Because it is not a simple matter. It's ... complicated.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Long Day of Driving, Mad Shooter @ The Gathering
I had a long day of driving to start out with. Lots of adventures. Tired me out.
Then someone like my sister wanted me to drive her somewhere! I was tired from driving all day and I had just gotten home and was looking forward to some down time. But, I took her.
We backed into a driveway. It was a slight up curve and only a few feet long. 20 - 30 feet?
Then we went by foot a few blocks to take a duffle bag to this guy's house. He was having a gathering. We were out in the open. It look like a nice place!
Then this middle-aged white guy with brown hair that kind of looked like a mix between John C. Reilly & Will Ferrell appears out of nowhere! He has a duffle bag of his own and is yelling at how this guy did him wrong and anybody who associated with him must also be evil. He slams his duffle bag on a nearby table, rips open the zipper, and pulls out a machine gun and starts shooting people!
Me and my sister duck and cover. We try to say we are just delivering something and were not evil. He would not listen. We managed to get away eventually. We were running for our lives, he felt like he was seconds away from getting a bead on us and killing us. We made it back to the car and got it started and pulled out of the driveway. My "sister" said what we were both thinking: Thank god we pulled in backwards!
It was a rush driving away. Fast and serpentine trying to get distance between that mad shooter!
Then someone like my sister wanted me to drive her somewhere! I was tired from driving all day and I had just gotten home and was looking forward to some down time. But, I took her.
We backed into a driveway. It was a slight up curve and only a few feet long. 20 - 30 feet?
Then we went by foot a few blocks to take a duffle bag to this guy's house. He was having a gathering. We were out in the open. It look like a nice place!
Then this middle-aged white guy with brown hair that kind of looked like a mix between John C. Reilly & Will Ferrell appears out of nowhere! He has a duffle bag of his own and is yelling at how this guy did him wrong and anybody who associated with him must also be evil. He slams his duffle bag on a nearby table, rips open the zipper, and pulls out a machine gun and starts shooting people!
Me and my sister duck and cover. We try to say we are just delivering something and were not evil. He would not listen. We managed to get away eventually. We were running for our lives, he felt like he was seconds away from getting a bead on us and killing us. We made it back to the car and got it started and pulled out of the driveway. My "sister" said what we were both thinking: Thank god we pulled in backwards!
It was a rush driving away. Fast and serpentine trying to get distance between that mad shooter!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Card Game Dealing With Fear Of Trouble. Meeting Raven-hair's Sister.
I had two dreams i recall from last night, the second I woke up from.
Card Game
I am hanging out with a friend, I forget what we were doing, but we end up going to another friend's house. He has put a note on the door with instructions on how to contact him in the house (he is staying up late, but his wife is not.)
We read the note and follow the instructions and are inside.
We are playing a rather complicated card game. I think it is called "Spell Slinger" or "Card Slinger". (this is probably influenced by my trying out a demo for the card game MAGIC on the XBOX360 last night and feeling totally overwhelmed and not-interested).
At some point, and for some reason, there is a commotion with a lot of metal pots and pans we create. Or I create, I feel responsible. Is this associated with the game somehow? I also have a pillow right next to me now.
Well, his wife comes in bothered by the cacophony. She isn't incensed, but I feel super-guilty. And I feel terrified. I freeze, I shake, I grab the pillow and shrink. I'm terrified of being in trouble. I break down apologizing and pleading for mercy. I am not in the present any more, but in the past. That is not the man's wife but my mother.
But it is not the past, it is the present. That is not my mother, but another man's wife. She comes right over to me and says "oh, sweetie; what's wrong? It's OK, I'm not mad. It's OK, you're OK." And she hugs me. Which I feel uncomfortable with because I am looking right at her husband. But he doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with it and knows it's kosher.
I can't quite leave my flashback. But as I start to, the dream ends.
I seem to dream most often of a blonde female figure and a dark-haired female figure. I wrote one of a blonde female figure not too long ago (I think she is the one who helped me with the jigsaw puzzle), but this time it was the dark-haired one.
I meet her in a class or meeting or gathering of some kind. Lecture, debate, something where it is not just a party or whatever. But there is something to discuss, to learn, to teach, to share. I think it was about fixing the world!
A raven-haired woman came right up beside me and we started talking. It was so natural and comfortable and easy-going.
Next ting I recall is meeting her sister. We are at a door and she is holding it open for me. I ask if they are twins and she says yes, but fraternal even though they look very much alike. She tells me her sister really likes me and she is glad because I seem like I great guy. I start asking her questions about her sister and she tells me i can ask her it's OK. Then I start making defense about myself, that I am a good guy but I have not completely excised my shadow side/mistakes brought forward from my past. She says it's OK I can work things out just fine with her sister, but I keep talking.
I wake up with this. I had an hour left to sleep and tried to get back into the dream but I could not, which upset me. I was hoping I could meet that woman again and just be with her. When I was with her my past did not exist.
She kind of looked like this new woman in therapy. In the dream I said she had "sweet Southern eyes", which reminds me of a girl I cared for in college.
Card Game
I am hanging out with a friend, I forget what we were doing, but we end up going to another friend's house. He has put a note on the door with instructions on how to contact him in the house (he is staying up late, but his wife is not.)
We read the note and follow the instructions and are inside.
We are playing a rather complicated card game. I think it is called "Spell Slinger" or "Card Slinger". (this is probably influenced by my trying out a demo for the card game MAGIC on the XBOX360 last night and feeling totally overwhelmed and not-interested).
At some point, and for some reason, there is a commotion with a lot of metal pots and pans we create. Or I create, I feel responsible. Is this associated with the game somehow? I also have a pillow right next to me now.
Well, his wife comes in bothered by the cacophony. She isn't incensed, but I feel super-guilty. And I feel terrified. I freeze, I shake, I grab the pillow and shrink. I'm terrified of being in trouble. I break down apologizing and pleading for mercy. I am not in the present any more, but in the past. That is not the man's wife but my mother.
But it is not the past, it is the present. That is not my mother, but another man's wife. She comes right over to me and says "oh, sweetie; what's wrong? It's OK, I'm not mad. It's OK, you're OK." And she hugs me. Which I feel uncomfortable with because I am looking right at her husband. But he doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with it and knows it's kosher.
I can't quite leave my flashback. But as I start to, the dream ends.
I seem to dream most often of a blonde female figure and a dark-haired female figure. I wrote one of a blonde female figure not too long ago (I think she is the one who helped me with the jigsaw puzzle), but this time it was the dark-haired one.
I meet her in a class or meeting or gathering of some kind. Lecture, debate, something where it is not just a party or whatever. But there is something to discuss, to learn, to teach, to share. I think it was about fixing the world!
A raven-haired woman came right up beside me and we started talking. It was so natural and comfortable and easy-going.
Next ting I recall is meeting her sister. We are at a door and she is holding it open for me. I ask if they are twins and she says yes, but fraternal even though they look very much alike. She tells me her sister really likes me and she is glad because I seem like I great guy. I start asking her questions about her sister and she tells me i can ask her it's OK. Then I start making defense about myself, that I am a good guy but I have not completely excised my shadow side/mistakes brought forward from my past. She says it's OK I can work things out just fine with her sister, but I keep talking.
I wake up with this. I had an hour left to sleep and tried to get back into the dream but I could not, which upset me. I was hoping I could meet that woman again and just be with her. When I was with her my past did not exist.
She kind of looked like this new woman in therapy. In the dream I said she had "sweet Southern eyes", which reminds me of a girl I cared for in college.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Dream Girl Completes the 'ship Puzzle
It seems the only beautiful relationship I am going to have is in my dreams ... literally. I just had another dream (it's been so long since the last one) where I had a girlfriend who made me whole made me better and I was able to do the same for her.
I woke up in my apartment and I thought I heard a noise. I go to investigate but I knock into a round card table with a jigsaw puzzle on it. I did not knock into it that hard but I noticed a lot of pieces on the floor, I a lot more than could have come from my bumping into it. So, I am trying to pick up the pieces so they do not get lost and pick up the bigger sections I have put together. They are strips from edge to edge horizontally. It is of an old sailing ship like from the 1600-1700s. But the strips don't seem to go together and that is so frustrating!
Then I feel a draft so I go to the front door. There is an odd gap there, I try it out and it is off it's hinges but for the top! I open it and it opens at an angle. OMG did someone break in did they get in? I did not notice if anything was missing, but there were far more puzzle pieces on the floor did I hit it harder than I thought or did they do that?
Just then a neighbor I have never seen before appears at her door (I am pretty sure she was coming out of her place). She immediately comes over and is sad about my door. She looks like the Detective Kate Lockley on Angel, if I had to describe her she looked a lot like her.
So she just walks into my apartment and is looking around. I'm nervous because I haven't cleaned everything up for company (there is a pile of stuff right there by the jigsaw table and in the bedroom) and she doesn't seem to mind. She says she loves puzzles and she can never get the ships to connect either.
Then she calls me into my bedroom. I sit down and she hunkers down on the floor next to me and we just start talking. It's very easy and smooth. I reach down towards her and she gently grabs my arms so we are touching each other's elbows and our forearms touch. She is so smart, so bright, so full of light and warmth. I know I can help her to help herself and I know she is the one who can help me do the same. I want to see if this is real when
-- I wake up, of course. I wake up just when she gets up, takes me by the hand, and is leading me back to the ship puzzle saying "let's work on this together."
It's like a cruel joke! Of course it is only in my head. Right when I need help the most, I get it only in my dreams.

P.S. This figure seems different from my other ones I have dreamed about. I have dreamed of 1 or 2 other blonde angels (one seems to be literally an angel!). I think this may be a new one? Or maybe it was Angel once again. She always comes to me when things are darkest, I have dreamed of her before. Did I not recognize her or is this a different figure?
I woke up in my apartment and I thought I heard a noise. I go to investigate but I knock into a round card table with a jigsaw puzzle on it. I did not knock into it that hard but I noticed a lot of pieces on the floor, I a lot more than could have come from my bumping into it. So, I am trying to pick up the pieces so they do not get lost and pick up the bigger sections I have put together. They are strips from edge to edge horizontally. It is of an old sailing ship like from the 1600-1700s. But the strips don't seem to go together and that is so frustrating!
Then I feel a draft so I go to the front door. There is an odd gap there, I try it out and it is off it's hinges but for the top! I open it and it opens at an angle. OMG did someone break in did they get in? I did not notice if anything was missing, but there were far more puzzle pieces on the floor did I hit it harder than I thought or did they do that?
Just then a neighbor I have never seen before appears at her door (I am pretty sure she was coming out of her place). She immediately comes over and is sad about my door. She looks like the Detective Kate Lockley on Angel, if I had to describe her she looked a lot like her.
So she just walks into my apartment and is looking around. I'm nervous because I haven't cleaned everything up for company (there is a pile of stuff right there by the jigsaw table and in the bedroom) and she doesn't seem to mind. She says she loves puzzles and she can never get the ships to connect either.
Then she calls me into my bedroom. I sit down and she hunkers down on the floor next to me and we just start talking. It's very easy and smooth. I reach down towards her and she gently grabs my arms so we are touching each other's elbows and our forearms touch. She is so smart, so bright, so full of light and warmth. I know I can help her to help herself and I know she is the one who can help me do the same. I want to see if this is real when
-- I wake up, of course. I wake up just when she gets up, takes me by the hand, and is leading me back to the ship puzzle saying "let's work on this together."
It's like a cruel joke! Of course it is only in my head. Right when I need help the most, I get it only in my dreams.

P.S. This figure seems different from my other ones I have dreamed about. I have dreamed of 1 or 2 other blonde angels (one seems to be literally an angel!). I think this may be a new one? Or maybe it was Angel once again. She always comes to me when things are darkest, I have dreamed of her before. Did I not recognize her or is this a different figure?
Friday, March 8, 2013
New Asphalt, Old Mountain
I am on vacation and I keep forgetting about my camera.
Suddenly I am on a highway early evening/early morning and I am surprised to find myself suddenly driving on new asphalt. They have signs telling you to slow down to 35. There are bigger signs in the middle of the highway. There was one other car.
I slow down quickly and set the cruise control to fight temptation to go any faster.
Now it is bright out and I am trying to navigate a mountain curvy road. I am off the road and I'm trying to angle so I get back on. I see semi-trucks in front of me.
When I finally make it back to the road and around the corner I am now on foot in a line of people also on foot trying to get down a narrow crumbly pass.
I accidentally slide in-between a family. I apologize, they are OK about it. The son says something about hoping his eyes will adjust soon. Another bus rolls up and the line snakes forward so we can get off this mountain. I realize I forgot about my camera AGAIN.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Mirror Mirror -- tonight's theme
1) I am walking down a hallway and I look to the left and see a mirror just larger than head-size. I notice I am seeing not my face, but the back of my head! I go over to look at the mirror opposite it and I see my face but it is hard to see it, it is not as clear as the other mirror.
2a) I see a body-length mirror in a room of a house (same as above?). Again, I do not see the front of me, I see the back of me. This time my shirt is off in back (not sure it was off in front) and I could see glowing white phosphorescent markings. Someone told me "It's probably like what was on your face last time." but I realized that I was wrong about that last time as well. That this glowing was a GOOD thing! But in this dream they were trying to tell me it was a bad thing.
They kind of looked like wings folded onto my back, with spirals and other symbols on the inside of them. A bright white with a slight VERY slight blue hue.
I tried to find the other mirror that was reflecting my back to me but I could not find it.
2b) At this time, the male with me got angry at me and I had to escape. So I got a good head start and thought I had a good hiding place. I hid in a hidden wardrobe.
I could safely look out to see him coming. He came closer ... closer ... I could see the reflections of light bouncing around because he was using a hand-held mirror to help him catch light to move around a room so he could see better.
I felt a soft poking in my side, but decided to dismiss it. I bide my time thinking I was safe.
But then I felt the poking on my side again, and realized it was this man, poking his hand and arm through a side hole and poking me!
So I step out to face him and chide him for giving me grief.
Then I say to him, "If you would but open your hand to take mine you would feel the truth. But to open your hand you have to let go of the pain, of the lie of power."
I wake up. I did not see him do as my wisdom to him specified. The last I saw his had was not only still clinched, but moving towards me in a punch.
driving, looking in the rear-view mirror I only saw darkness, but for some reason it projected onto my front windshield as well. I was trying instead to concentrate on the actual scene in front of me. It was a battle I knew I just needed SOMETHING and it would work. But I do not know what it was. I felt as if the rear-view mirror was wrong, that it was not what came installed on the car. That it was "smoke encased in mirrored glass". That is the phrase that I had.
I need to cross a bridge (still in my car?) but it is not a bridge, it is a mirror on top with a mirror underneath facing the river below and something inbetween the two mirrors. I stopped before the strange bridge and contemplated.
That is all I can recall.
As I said, last night definitely had a theme to it!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Why is alone not all-one?
I want to go to a movie. I think it is the sequel or the next part to the movie, but I also wouldn't mid seeing the 1st movie again to catch up/catch more things.
No one will go with me. I ask many different people, but they all decline my offer. A woman accepts! But soon after she declines and then rushes off. I try calling her but she won't answer.
Now I am on the road, the roads are clear. There is no traffic. No details. I feel lost in the space, and just when I feel I am lost in my goal I turn the corner and there is the cinema.
I am inside now and have chosen my seat. At first, there are not a lot of people there, they are all scattered. But soon a woman comes and asks if the seat to the right of me is taken. I say no. She is about to strike up a conversation with me when suddenly a lot of people come and fill up the rest of the place and the lights dim for the movie to start.
The movie ... I am not sure what it is about. It is modern-day earth or maybe set a few decades ago. It is in a scrub-land rural area like the American South-West. It has a kind of mystery and/or sci-fi-mystery edge to it, very compelling! Like the 70s 80s movies that were about CONSPIRACIES and stuff.
This auditorium is huge, it is bigger than I thought. Actually, it keeps changing size. Form being ginormous to being far more intimate and back and forth again.
I also confuse the movie with the theater, because now there is a man who comes in one of the bottom exits. He looks like he is looking for someone. He looks like trouble. He has thick winter gloves on, and his hand will jump to one of his bulging side pockets, then away.
I tell the woman beside me to remain calm, but duck down, try to move the people on her row out the other side. She is annoyed that I am interrupting the movie and does not move! I tried to save them in an orderly way!
So, I see the guy stop, and stare down a row, squinting. He has "revelation" marked all over his face. He has found who he was looking for. Everybody else is watching the movie!
He is starting to take off his thick winter glove! (It is black padded and shiny) I see an opportunity and I just take it. I get out of my row and stay kind of hunkered down as I move forward and just as he starts to notice me and turn towards me it is too late for him, I am too close. I am able to spring up and over to him so as to knock him onto his back and knock his arms up and away from his pockets to be over his head and I quickly move to a position where I am on his chest pinning his arms down.
He is still shocked at this development but he manages to say,
"Why is alone not all-one?"
I have to subdue him so I pick up his head and pound it into the floor to knock him out. As I said, I had to find a way to quickly subdue him, it knocked him unconscious but he was OK.
A man says something to me and puts his hand gently on my shoulder and says it's OK, he can take it from here, he is a police officer. He is in plain-clothes. I get off of him and I apologize for hurting the perpetrator but I did not know what else to do. The man just pats me on the shoulder and smiles.
Once he has him he searches the side pocket and finds a weapon. He is able to secure it. Then he is secures the man in handcuffs and also ties his legs in a way where he could still walk but not move his legs so much as to run without falling down. The police officer continues to search the man, finding many other weapons, including a note put in his waist by his groin. I do not know what it says, I am not sure what the other weapons were.
I am not sure what the man looked like. But he was white and fairly tall (over 5'7", closer or over 6"), with dark hair and dark eyes. The hair was shortish but not crew cut it had strands of hair. He was average build. 30's or so. Average features handsome even, but he did not smile.
I turn around to be sure the others are OK, but nobody else is here! Well, I see the woman who sat next to me as the door closes after her. I was left alone! Now, this is all I can think of, and I say it out-loud several times.
"I am alone. I'm alone. I am alone. ..."
I try to follow the woman. I want her to know she left me all alone and how it hurt me so. I start to follow her, but I stop. I sounded like the man I just tackled! Still I can't seem to help myself as I say "I am alone, I am all alone." a few more times as the dream fades to black.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Nice Snowing You
I am driving in the snow when I have a sudden idea to turn into a parking lot. It is for an apartment complex of a sort. I see a dark-haired lady has just gotten out of her car or is maybe just walking in front of me. I end up following her for awhile. But then our paths diverge. She goes to the right, I to the left. I go over 2-3 apartment doors to the last one on the corner. I go inside. There are 4 or more people in here, mostly females. They surprised to see me but familiar ... almost family. One is truly shocked and I sense feels extremely guilty, another is plain pleasantly shocked and glad to see me again -- welcoming, while the third is very negative and nagging and dismissive. I think there are others there ...
I hang around for awhile. It seems like a holiday or special gathering of sorts.
I want to explore this further, but I awake.
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