Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/15/2013 Dad Wants Me Committed + I Have a Bad Tooth + job is promised in Africa

This is one long dream. A lot was happening, so I am going to put in as much as I can.

I am driving down an empty road at night. I guess there are maybe empty winter fields to either side of me? It is pitch black with no street lamps and no other traffic or houses. I finally see a lit up house, but it is lit in red and I see clouds with lightening over it, but I hear no thunder.
But the gas is low and I'm tired so I stop here anyway.
It's my family house, figures. Great
My dad is there, and my brother, and maybe my sister?
I am put to work right away doing some hard on the back but useless job. I do it for a little while, but stop and go up to my room. The neighbors just follow me with their eyes, they say nothing good or bad.
In my room, I hear an ad for the third part of this book series coming out. It reminds me of The Dark is Rising, but is better. That reminds me I have not finished Book Two "The Howl Lost in the Wind" so I try to find that. It is a hardback, with some illustrations.
But I am distracted by talking outside my room. "I have distracted John with busy work, so we can talk. Have you thought on how we can do it?"
"I don't know, he seems fine. Besides he is an adult."
"No he's not. I have the great burden of a father to have to take care of him his whole life."
Just then I felt a hole in my tooth! The upper farthest back molar on the left side.
I went through the kitchen where my brother and sister were having breakfast. Since I was afraid for my tooth I did not want to eat. My brother followed me for awhile. I was mad at dad. He tried to defend him. I said he wants me committed! My brother faltered at this and I went on ahead to find a bathroom to brush my teeth.
I found one that was all white where sun beams came through a skylight and it seemed nice. The light was over the sink. So, I brushed my teeth vigorously and prayed the tooth to be repaired. It worked! It no longer had a hole in it!
I went out and passed my dad who was surprised to see me and I said "My tooth is fine and you are not going to get to keep me!"
I ended up in a room with a lot of people in it. Someone I knew from before (like high school or college or something? A brown skinned guy that is just a description not a judgment.) Dark hair, my height or slightly shorter. Well, he says he could arrange for me to get to Africa to have a job! I cannot quite recall the name now! Aghan? I don't know.
I already felt like this was my chance! My dad tried to own it by saying it was a great place, but maybe I should just stay here and help "your mother, who is crying again."
Next i know I am with someone (my sister?) trying to find out more about this African country. Trying to find it on the map. Meanwhile a friend was sad that I was going but I told her to come with me, she would be closer to what she loves, too!
I was also getting information about this place somehow. It was in a nice city, modern but clean and nice. It really seemed wonderful. And I was going to be flown there on the company jet and guaranteed housing and a job, with training and support and raises and/or advancement!
I think I have found the country and ...
that is when I wake up.
To be perfectly honest, I was so invested in the dream reality that waking up to this reality .... well I felt such a crushing depression I just wanted to stay in bed as long as possible. I did not get up until noon.


And here are how it relates to real life!
1) My dad has not texted me in long while, and I wake to find he has tested me? SYNC!
2) I heard my friend say she had a tooth problem, but she did not say WHICH tooth. In the dream I had a problem with the exact same tooth she did! PSI!
3) Was the African state Ghana?

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