Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Card Game Dealing With Fear Of Trouble. Meeting Raven-hair's Sister.

I had two dreams i recall from last night, the second I woke up from.

Card Game

I am hanging out with a friend, I forget what we were doing, but we end up going to another friend's house. He has put a note on the door with instructions on how to contact him in the house (he is staying up late, but his wife is not.)
We read the note and follow the instructions and are inside.
We are playing a rather complicated card game. I think it is called "Spell Slinger" or "Card Slinger". (this is probably influenced by my trying out a demo for the card game MAGIC on the XBOX360 last night and feeling totally overwhelmed and not-interested).
At some point, and for some reason, there is a commotion with a lot of metal pots and pans we create. Or I create, I feel responsible. Is this associated with the game somehow? I also have a pillow right next to me now.
Well, his wife comes in bothered by the cacophony. She isn't incensed, but I feel super-guilty. And I feel terrified. I freeze, I shake, I grab the pillow and shrink. I'm terrified of being in trouble. I break down apologizing and pleading for mercy. I am not in the present any more, but in the past. That is not the man's wife but my mother.
But it is not the past, it is the present. That is not my mother, but another man's wife. She comes right over to me and says "oh, sweetie; what's wrong? It's OK, I'm not mad. It's OK, you're OK." And she hugs me. Which I feel uncomfortable with because I am looking right at her husband. But he doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with it and knows it's kosher.
I can't quite leave my flashback. But as I start to, the dream ends.


I seem to dream most often of a blonde female figure and a dark-haired female figure. I wrote one of a blonde female figure not too long ago (I think she is the one who helped me with the jigsaw puzzle), but this time it was the dark-haired one.
I meet her in a class or meeting or gathering of some kind. Lecture, debate, something where it is not just a party or whatever. But there is something to discuss, to learn, to teach, to share. I think it was about fixing the world!
A raven-haired woman came right up beside me and we started talking. It was so natural and comfortable and easy-going.
Next ting I recall is meeting her sister. We are at a door and she is holding it open for me. I ask if they are twins and she says yes, but fraternal even though they look very much alike. She tells me her sister really likes me and she is glad because I seem like I great guy. I start asking her questions about her sister and she tells me i can ask her it's OK. Then I start making defense about myself, that I am a good guy but I have not completely excised my shadow side/mistakes brought forward from my past. She says it's OK I can work things out just fine with her sister, but I keep talking.

I wake up with this. I had an hour left to sleep and tried to get back into the dream but I could not, which upset me. I was hoping I could meet that woman again and just be with her. When I was with her my past did not exist.

She kind of looked like this new woman in therapy. In the dream I said she had "sweet Southern eyes", which reminds me of a girl I cared for in college.

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