Monday, July 8, 2013

Bar Hopping, Sprint Less Clear, Home Sis

I wanted to start with the middle one first, because i think it was partially a pre-cog. And it was special anyway because i could make out actual clear English words on signs! Usually it is unintelligible.


I am in bed and partially wake to hear the news. But it is unclear. I know i should get up, but I just can't.
Then I am on the road. At first it is strange. I am in a mostly upright position moving along at a good clip, but otherwise my body isn't moving. So, how am I moving? I am on a road but not in a vehicle that I can see. I am leaning slightly forward and dressed only in my pajamas and wrapping myself in covers. I am worried I may be exposing myself, because these pj bottoms tend to unsnap, but I'm covered *phew*.
I come to a familiar intersection on my way to real-world work, but then I look at the time. It's 7! I start work at 8, but will I have time to turn around, get ready and come back?
Then the dream seamlessly changes a third time where I ma not sure what it is but I feel I am a vehicle this time, and the area has changed. I am now going towards a truck stopped in the road. Like a moving truck, not a work truck or a semi but I do not know what it was doing.
I don't seem to be slowing down soon enough! I can see cars coming from the other way. There are too many of them, nobody is even slowing down to give the other side a chance to go around the truck. Why aren't I slowing down, I'm not going to make it!
Then I go around the right side into the grass and it is smooth enough where i do not hurt my car and I go around the truck and I go on into a parking lot. Still I don't seem to be slowing down. I try to find a wide turn to go the other way, that slowed me down a little.
Finally I see a parking place I want and I am somehow able to park just fine.
I go inside. I don't know what this place is.
Now I an out on the backside. I have a bicycle now.
>more on this later<
(anyway to the main part before i have to go to actual work)
I step outside and get on my bike when I realize I am facing a lot of business buildings. I can make out 2 of the signs, but upon writing this I only recall one. That one is SPRINT, a cell phone provider. They have their HQ here. I saw their name and logo in red. They were on the far right. On the far left was the other readable sign. And there was something of focus in the middle. I saw the far left busisness and the middle brightem up but the SPRINT sign dim at the same time. I tried ot get closer to focus on this, but the dream faded away.
I woke to the news, and SPRINT is in the news. DISH bought out more shares of Clearwire:

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