Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Keys to The Treasure Are Also The Treasure

A DreamZZZ in two parts:

Part 1: The Vague (the poetic version)

I am on the run, I am being stealthy, but fast. Like a fox, I feel fox energy. I am in an foreign urban wasteland. It is daylight but it is dark. Sun shines with some clouds, but the houses are dark. Some of that darkness is alive.
I have an important ongoing mission. I cannot fail. I must be silent. I must not let the shadows get me, but I must use them to my advantedge. If I am seen I cannot be seen as I really am.
The trash is like autumn leaves rustling under my feet. Flood? The despair of not caring? It reeks of loss of hope, laziness, corruption. I have to wade through it, but not let it stick to me.
The shadows take on two human forms. But, who are they? I cannot check now for checking will expose me. I walk nonchalantly, I let them send tendrils as I hide That Which is Most Precious.
I withstand their thorny storm and they go off laughing. I have to pay the price for protecting my Charge by processing out the poison they created. It is worth it.
It is worth it for what i think of as "the girls". But I do not hold two girls in my hand.
Instead I hold Two Silver Keys on a silver ring (or is it two silver tings, is one of the rings gold?).

Part 2: The Apartment Forest

After other places to visit, other missions, I am back to this one.
I am now in metropolitan town, on it's edges? I see more trees where before I saw none. I don't notice the streets or the sky (but it is a pleasant day, the azure of blue mixed with lazy white, mid-day), but I notice the grass and trees and buildings.
I hear a voice in my ear. It is a trusted source, but I do not know where it originates. Is it me, an esoteric party, or another human talking to me? It seems more likely to be #1 or #2, but I cannot completely discount #3. It sounds male, but it's energy is androgynous.
I run to a set of apartments on my left and sparsely but many trees and grass on my right. There may be a body of water farther to my right. I feel it's weaving energy, yes more likely running water.
I consider going into the apartments. But wait, I might be caught there. Are you sure? It is not paranoia so much as knowing, trusting. I should not go in there yet, I cannot trust it, I have to protect "the girls".
I take my hand to be in front of me. It was ... where was it? In my shirt pocket over my heart? I look in my hand and there they are: The Two Silver Keys. One is round, the other is not. What shape is the second? square? diamond (square tipped onto it's corner)? Perhaps hexagonal with this orientation: <=>. I am unsure of the rings that hold them. One silver ring? Two silver rings? Is one of the rings gold? I think it is two silver rings most likely.
The keys to the treasure are also the treasure.
But something from the last trip is still in me. I must purge it! But how? Urination. But where? I again look to the apartments but again I know it is a no. So I ask the trees and they give me permission, but where won't I be seen? I must purge before it is too late and the corruption binds to me!
I start to relieve myself behind one tree, but it is far too thin. grown but too thin. I speed walk still going (I cannot stop the purging process now) to another tree calling me to it. It is overly perfect.
This tree is seemingly more than one tree in one, maybe two large trees with a single trunk that split soon above the grown about 3-4 feet high? 10 feet wide, 12, more? I finish the purging process here.
Am I done, did it work? Where am off to next? Are the keys still safe?
I can only guess all is fine, for the fear of peeing in the real world wakes me. I do not return to this place in this sleep session.


some analysis:
The first area felt like a non-Western country/city touched by Western society, but with the trappings of it the invasion the corruption the surface. Like a shell, it did not yet have any support for the shell. It has to play the hand it was dealt most unfairly and is doing the best it can to incorporate the foreign influence and make it's own ,but it is still in process and not going all that well right now.
I am thinking Nigeria, the capital mayhap.

The second area felt more like America I guess. I found the juxtaposition of man-made shelter trying to deny nature and hate it for trying to destroy him and not protect him with the large park like on the other side intriguing. I had a lot of duality in these two sections of dream, but more so in the second. Heck, it even came to me in two distinct parts separated by other dreams or something!

Two is my number. So it has to do with me. But 2 is about duality. Funny how two is a number and a word (two words) 2, to, too (not including the word form of the letter) and it's other version "second" is both a number and a form of time! No other number can boast this, let alone twice! (yes we say some one comes in 1st etc but that is not the same). 2 has a special power all it's own.

This is very near what I saw in the dream! I cannot find anything as close:
in the game series FABLE there are hidden Silver Keys. My dream was like a fable and I was to keep the silver keys hidden.

Curious! I have not read H.P. Lovecraft but he wrote a short story that is very curious indeed:
"The Silver Key"

Randolph Carter discovers, at the age of 30, that he has gradually "lost the key to the gate of dreams." Randolph once believed life is made up of nothing but pictures in memory, whether they be from real life or dreams, and he highly prefers his romantic nightly dreams of fantastic places and beings, as an antidote for the "prosiness of life", believing his dreams to reveal truths missing from man's waking ideas, regarding the purpose of humans and the universe, primary among these being the truth of beauty as perceived and invented by humans in times past. As he ages, though, he finds that his daily waking exposure to the more "practical", scientific ideas of man, has eventually eroded his ability to dream as he once did, and has made him regretfully subscribe more and more to the mundane beliefs of everyday, waking "real life". But still not certain which is truer, he sets out to determine whether the waking ideas of man are superior to his dreams, and in the process, he passes through several unsatisfying philosophical stances. Discouraged, he eventually withdraws from these lines of inquiry, and goes into seclusion. After a time, a hint of the fantastic enters his dreams again, though he is still unable to dream of the strange cities of his youth, leaving him wanting more. During one of these dreams, his long-dead grandfather tells him of a silver key in his attic, inscribed with mysterious arabesque symbols, which he finds and takes with him on a visit to his boyhood home in the backwoods of northeastern Massachusetts (the setting for many of Lovecraft's stories), where he enters a mysterious cave that he used to play in. The key somehow enables him to return to his childhood as a ten-year-old boy, and his adult self disappears from his normal time. The story then relates how Randolph's relatives had noted, beginning at the age of ten, that he had somehow gained the ability to glimpse events in his future. The narrator of the story then states that he expects to meet Randolph soon, in one of his own dreams, "in a certain dream-city we both used to haunt", reigning there as a new king, where the narrator may look at Randolph's key, whose symbols he hopes will tell him the mysteries of the cosmos.
In popular culture[edit]

"The Silver Key" is a song by the symphonic metal band Dark Moor.
"The Silver Key" is an experimental breakcore LP album by the Xanopticon [1]
"Regarding the Silver Key" is a fictional document in the visual novel Saya no Uta, supposedly detailing the candidates for the titular character Saya's original world and universe.
"Seven Silver Keys" by the epic doom metal band Candlemass is a reference to the story, featuring the lyric: "to open up your dreams you need seven silver keys."
A version of the eponymous artifact is an item in Maid RPG, there called "Enigmatic Silver Key."
The Silver Key was used as an artifact that caused people to see waking dreams of Lovecraft's creatures in a fourth season episode of the mystery series Warehouse 13.
The Silver Key is an item that can be found in the id software game Quake, often needed to complete the level.

This was an intriguing find!
Driver Training Eagle, ID: Driving School Boise
We are centrally located near the DMV in Boise ID. We offer online drivers ed class from all over the treasure valley ...

Silver Key – Free listening, concerts, stats, & pictures at Last.fm
Listen free to Silver Key: Learn to Let go, In the Land of Dreams & more, plus 3 pictures. Progressive rock, Under 2000 listeners and Rock. Free mp3 downloads ...

The Girl Scouts have a Silver Key Ceremony:
Tonight we gather to honor those girls that have completed their journey in Junior Girl Scouts. These girls are ready to accept the challenges offered to them in the Older Girl Scout program. The challenges are great, but the rewards are even greater. As they shed their green and don the khaki and light blue of the Cadette Girl Scout program they enter a world of new friends, new travels, new discoveries and new dreams. This is not the end of their Girl Scout journey, but rather the beginning of a whole new journey, and tonight we offer them the keys to unlock doors to the world of Cadette Girl Scouts.

Have 11 silver candles (or white candles tied with silver bows) arranged in a straight line on a table. 11 keys are cut from silver poster board (or white covered with foil). On these are written: PERSONAL GROWTH, UNDERSTANDING, FRIENDSHIP, VALUES, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, CHOICE, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE, THE WORLD, SILVER AWARD . As each candle is lit, the key (taped to the table) is flipped over the side of the table, so the audience can see it and what it says. Or, 12 Cadette girls may hold up the keys. Or, if you have a lot of girls, one may light the candle, while one reads the part taped to the back of the key she is holding up.



The Circle and The Square

It must be noted that I had two different shaped keys. One round (circle) and one square (most likely shape). There is a lot to this idea [O]

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