Friday, March 8, 2013

New Asphalt, Old Mountain

I am on vacation and I keep forgetting about my camera. *** Suddenly I am on a highway early evening/early morning and I am surprised to find myself suddenly driving on new asphalt. They have signs telling you to slow down to 35. There are bigger signs in the middle of the highway. There was one other car. I slow down quickly and set the cruise control to fight temptation to go any faster. *** Now it is bright out and I am trying to navigate a mountain curvy road. I am off the road and I'm trying to angle so I get back on. I see semi-trucks in front of me. *** When I finally make it back to the road and around the corner I am now on foot in a line of people also on foot trying to get down a narrow crumbly pass. *** I accidentally slide in-between a family. I apologize, they are OK about it. The son says something about hoping his eyes will adjust soon. Another bus rolls up and the line snakes forward so we can get off this mountain. I realize I forgot about my camera AGAIN. ***

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