Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting The Room For Him

pre-note: I have been having a terrible night's sleep as of late. I can go to sleep, but then I'm awoken by either these god-awful nails-on-chalk-board rattling/banging sounds above me that sound like water pipes having a bad time of it I guess ... or a jackhammer running as several very heavy metal desks are dragged along the floor sloooooowly. That and/or noises from the neighbors above, sometimes a dog who sounds pissed, or the TV, all at 1-2 am.
Well, last night it was the rattling that bugged me. And I "wanted out". Not suicide, I say again, but to be able to leave this "game" or whatever this is. I can play a game but leave it for awhile, this "game" we can't leave, so I feel imprisoned and trapped so sometimes it is no fun.

I know someone was in the room a real person not a ghost. But there was nobody. I checked the door. The hinges were on the other side so I know it was a dream.

So at 1:23 am (seriously!) I gave up and got out of bed and had a spot of green tea (decaffeinated) and just sat doing nothing else. Eventually going back to bed .. after checking the door's lock for like the fifth time. Then I woke with a dream where I was in a restaurant, and in a city, and i met an old friend (not in real life, I don't know them in real life) and he asked me to secure him a hotel room that had to do with Iran or something. So I finally found the right one and set up the room for him. Then he wanted to go shopping. He tried on a black dress and a wig :) He was fun. There were a couple other guys trying on woman's clothes in the back, but it was OK they were nice. I was still a bit uncomfortable about it in the dream they were asking me that i should get one of the dresses for "my friend" and I felt they meant you Yngvil. I just smiled an embarrassed smile and stuttered out a kind of no, but they were nice and changed their behavior a bit to make me less anxious. The I woke :p

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SoulMate (2 Light Years Away)

I find myself in bed with this white skinned dark haired woman. She is working with me in a way only my soul mate could. She is forgiving my misgivings and broken pieces inside, she is encouraging me with empathy just the way where i can work through things to healing and being. She is turning my doubt and pain and fears around (these cause by my family and friends).
I am scared, worried, wondering if this is OK, wondering if I will do it wrong, is she trying to trick me, am I doing this more for her than myself and is this OK? In other words thinking too much, stuck in the loop of my mind that comes not from my true essence but how I was raised.
She is healing me, taking me through a process. She is reminding me of my true essence and allowing me to forget (and forgive) my faults wither inside or put there by others (read I let them in).
That is why I know this is my soulmate. She knows just what to do. And I can do the same for her. Without effort, the process of healing ramps up and the ultimate kind of Love takes over.
I kiss her passionately on the neck now.
Now I understand the song "Sexual Healing"
Because it was not just sex, but a real joining of two souls. I wasn't just with a lover, but my soulmate.

Now we are swimming in the starry expanse. I see some bright lights in the otherwise pitch black sky. I hear another voice say "19 light years." Then it says "17 light years." Then I feel the hidden difference is the answer, so the answer is between 19 and 17, which makes 2.
2 again. I have been dreaming about and seeing 2 (and pair like things) a lot lately. Not too long ago I had a dream with this dark-haired woman where I was seeing two in everything. The two of us, two beds right next to each other, and a desert-scrub landscape with two suns (I was watching the sun set and rise at the same time. It was like a wrap-around video game or cartoon. I mean as the sun set it rose on the other horizon as if the two suns was just one sun and the west and east were joined with no distance between them).
Why all these twos, in dreams and waking life as well? For example there was 12-22-2009 if you write it like that you have 2 pairs of 2s together, AND it was on Tuesday (pronounced twos-day) and it was literally two's day!
I saw two dimes on the floor, they seemed to just appear there but I didn't see it happen. They just seemed out of place. They were in the department at work I was not in that day (Tuesday .. again) but I'm in today. the two co-workers were there. One dime was by the fax machine, the other was in the other room by the copier. They are similar machines.
So, there is something about 2's and it's happened in dreams and in synchronicities in teh real world. I do not know what that means yet, but it's been happening a lot, basicaly starting since 12-22-2009 but may have started a little before that?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Drawn" A Short Fim by Tim Burton

I dreamed I saw a short simple film by Tim Burton. It was just black line drawings on a white background at first. It has many references to "draw". This odd man meets this odd woman when they both seem to be the only ones to witness an oddity in their world. I do not know what they say, but it would be like seeing the edge of the paper or a CGI element in their line-drawn world, something that questioned the order of things, reality itself.

They mustn't draw attention to themselves
or draw the attention of the authorities
or they will be drawn and quartered as punishment
and/or drowned (sounds like drawn a bit)
they are drawn towards the anomalies

But what are they to do? They keep seeing evidence that their world is not as they have been told. Shouldn't the truth matter more? How will they avoid being hunted by authorities but haunted by these odd occurrences? What will they do when THEY start to change themselves? Can they hide it for long? What will tip the balance from these oddities becoming normal and what was expected become rare? What will the world do then?

Sketch ---> more professional line drawing ---> more shading and details ---> CGI ---> live-action

Do they find a way to escape or be rescued from the clutches of their world to be able to fully enter this new world? Is there still a line-drawing about them? Because then how will they ever fit into this other world, especially when they can never return to their old world.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Drawing Attention

I am sitting at a table with a bunch of other people. There is one special person here, like a teacher or group leader something. I am sitting on her left at the left corner. So she is sitting on this side _ and I am sitting on this side | of the corner. Her chair is more like a tall backed stool, it is different from everybody else.

But before I see her, or notice much that I am at a table, I watch myself drawing pictures. The pictures are quick sketches in black (pen, pencil charcoal or other I don't know, but I do know it is black on white).

This woman is very alluring! She is perhaps in her 40s or more. She seems aged but she wears her years very well. She is still gorgeous! I really like her. She has brownish-gold very curly hair that at least reach her shoulders, sparkling eyes, a mouth that seems to be smiling all the time even when it isn't and such a kind smart giving face.
Her top has a low V neck and it seems kind of loose. I can see her cleavage. I want to see "more of her heart" is how it is phrased in my dreaming mind at the time and she wants to show it to me, so I lean more over and towards her, and she moves so that her top is more lose and I can see her nipples.
Then we both smile and go back to our original positions. She does this all while she is still talking everybody!
It felt like a sharing, a communication, not a pervert or a seductress.
She had asked if anybody had any interesting drawings, but I didn't show mine. After I got to look down her dress, shortly thereafter she told me that my drawings were just what she was looking for.
I was humble about it. But with layers of not knowing what I can really do and not knowing what to do with success and wondering if others would be jealous of me. I am not an attention hound. But none of that came up.
The drawings were showing your psi abilities and she was very impressed with mine. The one drawing she liked the best has bunch of thick filled in sharp polygons and in the middle is a thin vertical line with a man on top of it with thin wavy squiggles ~ around him except there is a small bit of space between him and the squiggles.
OH MY GOD! It's incredible isn't it! Do you know what that symbolizes?
Nope, me neither, stupid weird dreams *grumbles*
But inside the dream it meant something amazing!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sean Connery is 007 in "Gh0sts 0f 7uture Past"

Ghosts of Future Past

Another male was telling me his review/essay on a spy film. The spy ... none other then Sean Connery! The theme he had found was "ghost". The woman Sean Connery was talking to was like a ghost. So this person played clips throughout the film to prove his point.
Sometimes Sean called her a ghost by name, sometimes it was more subtle than that. She was a ghost because she wasn't really living life but letting it live her. She wasn't letting anybody touch her so she might as well be non-material like a ghost. She was upset with things that happened in her life and she wanted to have things communicated to people in her life but she wasn't doing it just like a ghost. He talks to her in places like a house, and in a train.

Then .... the explosions. But it was like nothing they had ever seen before. Strange things as well, used as implements of terror.
So they start investigating that. I start investigating this, with a genius beautiful tenacious strange woman by my side. Well, I think actually I was at HER side, she seemed to be the main person. She was shorter than me with long black hair.
We watched the mountains in the background as the background for a sample of this terror. It was in broad daylight (early morning it felt) and fire fell from the sky.
Somehow these things FELT different.
It felt like the odds were against us. We felt behind and helpless for awhile. We wondered if they were aliens it felt so odd.
But we got to work to figure out what was going on. We ruled out natural disasters quickly. But we did investigate this possibility.
Then we got psi and real world intel making it more likely that it was not alien based in any way.
After awhile, messages started coming out. They were in code. So, we had to figure out the code. Some of them were phrases like "future past" and "history repeats itself" and "the wheel has come round again" and "the past you tried to destroy and hide is getting it's revenge by destroying your future and hiding it in it's ashes".
I think we were figuring it out before all the messages came out, the messages were just confirming our findings.
Someone had discovered our past civilizations. There were two of them. One was created by The Watchers, then later another was created by man. I do not know in the dream but it seemed both were men, it was just said that way. I am not sure what the first one was called but the second was Atlantis. Some group had figured out their ways and then figured out how to weaponize them.
It was quite an adventure I felt swept into! Before I did things for other reasons, but doing this mission I realized I had become a ghost as well! I was letting the ghosts of the past haunt my future just as she was, and it was making me have a kind of walking dead life. Here, the ghosts of the past were haunting our future as well. To win, we had to exorcise all past ghosts and start to live again! But to do that we needed truth, justice, peace, and love. Inside ourselves, between one another, and in the whole fabric of time and space.
The perpetrators of this weaponizing of the past called themselves D.O.W.N. I do not know what that stands for. So, to counteract it a group was formed and called U.P. I do know what that stands for ... Union of Psientists or maybe University of Psi.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lagoon Not Lagoon, Odd B.S. food, Driveway money

I hear a group of friends male and female plan a trip to a watery place then I am going with them in a car (I am in the back seat by the right window I think?) and we get there.
It is a strange place. Sometimes it is an ankle-deep lagoon like place, sometimes it's inside somewhere and the lagoon is just painted on the floor or something.
There are three or four others. At least two are female. One has long dark hair. She is in a robe like clothes and goes out to the middle of the floor/shallow water/floor and slowly dances in place. She has like a 2-piece bikini underneath her robe. I don't take this as a strip tease or a seduction, but as self-expression and having fun.
But I remain off the floor/lagoon. A different female comes up to me and gently pulls me to the dance floor with me wanting me to dance with her and join in the fun. I am unsure, am i supposed to let her lead since she made the move to pull me to the dance floor? What moves should I do or not do? I am trying to just relax and be in the moment and have fun, but I'm nervous I am going ot do ti wrong and mess up and ruin an opportunity to just have fun, but I also worry that questioning is going to do that as well.
This is how I work in waking life.


I find myself in a group. We are being fed. The food is being placed on my plate. One dish looks a bit like Brussels sprouts that have been pressed into by a fork, because it has ridges. I wonder what it is and I hope if it is Brussels sprouts they do not taste like them. A woman is serving it to me. She is short has brown skin and dark hair in a long pony tail. She is gently smiling and full of easy warmth and giving.

On the way from this (or this is a unconnected scene) I am in the back seat of a car with only the driver and me in it. The driver is an older male. I have a bag of clothes. I take them out to search what I have. I see a pair of black shorts that are actually swim trunks, a pair of dark pants, and two shirts. One is a black t-shirt with a complex design on it in blue lines. I have a memory recall that he driver gifted me this shirt not too long ago, it may have even been before we left to go to the food group thing.
I want to change clothes for some reason. I do not feel properly dressed as is, but I am unsure as to why I feel this. I do not see socks shoes or underwear in the collection of clothes I have.

Semi-connected to the last scene is this one. We pull into a driveway. The owner is known to us somehow, family like an Uncle of mine? Something feels familiar about the owners even though I never see them.
Instead I am concentrating on the grounds, both the concrete driveway and the sidewalk by the house and the grass. There is scattered coins here! Silver and gold in color. Many are large as quarters or Kennedy half-dollars! I feel wonder and childish curiosity in this. The other doesn't impede me.
I pick through the items. I find that some of them look stretched and flattened! As if they were placed on a railroad track or in a machine that flattened them. One of these I get a close up look at.
It is silver in color and the size of a Kennedy half-dollar if not bigger. I can barely make out some details. One is a female figure in profile with a small crown trapped in her curly hair. The hair is made of lots of tight small curls. She faces to the left. I read out the words on top that I could make out, but I forget upon waking what they were.


P.S. After posting this I went to my widgets to check my google mail. The widget is a stamp. The royal figure on it looks a lot like what was on the coin. I don't knwo if it was meant to be that, but I did not check my mail before going to bed and have never dreamed of this figure before.
Could that mean something of interest is going to be in my google mail? Since it was on a coin does that money or some kind of thing with value? But what would it be exactly, do the details in the dream point ot something specific, otherwise i could make it mean anything.
... curious.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Angel On The Inside

I am in this place that has mountains behind it. Treacherous impassable mountains. There is this large building and set of other buildings here. They set up at the root of the mountains. People here are wanting to escape now, they want out, but they can't get out. There seems to be trouble in the buildings so this is partially out of safety issues. I don't see any authority figures, though. No guards. But a kind of guard like authority like presence is here.
Sometimes I watch this first person, sometimes third person.
I see a glowing man I associate with myself from third-person. He is waking up to his true identity it seems. He is glowing. He comes to a chain link fence. He passes through it floating more than walking as if it was not there. He is like an angel on the inside.

I cannot explain how epic this dream felt and all the details.


I had other dreams. I have been for many days now. But when I awake they fly away from me. Many are important! I am going on missions, I am traveling I am traversing dimensions, I am learning things, I am learning about myself.
But when I awake they're gone. Even scant details or overviews are gone. This makes me sad.


I had another driving dream. I am driving around a maze of suburban streets. Sometimes it felt like exploring just for exploration's sake, sometimes it felt like I was lost and bothering these people as I drove by their houses, and sometimes felt as if I was looking for something and along the way maybe I could find other things or help others or something.


I am on a couch and I can hear a father interacting with his son on the other side of the wall (is a window there? But it would be an inside window.) I guess the child would be like 10 or younger. 5-10? Why am I (able to) eavesdrop(ing)? Sometimes I am uncomfortable doing this, sometimes i feel they are aware of my presence, but then I will also wonder how come they aren't.
But for the most part I know it's OK for me to be there, I'm supposed to be. I am doing my own things. Sometimes I am lying back on the couch playing or reading, sometimes I am talking out loud.
At least they sound like they have a good healthy relationship.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 - Hanging Out With The Guys ... Sometimes, 2 - Her Dream Guy Is Real, 3 - Helpers Tricked?

I also had this set of dreams at Sharri's house:

1 - Hanging Out With The Guys

I am around this group of guys. Maybe around 10 of them? All white I think. Sometimes I am with this group sometimes not, sometimes they are not aware of my presence. We eat, I hear their small talk, I go off to use the restroom once (it's a large maze, a multi-story building, but I seem to know my way). When I return they are not aware of my presence and are discussing plans. I feel like a spy now. This is important information so I record it and they can never know they are being heard. This is important. This research can lead to good because bad will be thwarted!


2 - Her Dream Guy Is Real

This is like a movie. I am watching this. There is this very pale young woman (late teens to mid 20's) with jet black hair. She is having this series of very lucid dreams of being with this guy. She can talk to him, she can express her feelings for him, she can cuddle with him.
MEANWHILE this man (30's maybe?) keeps having these weird experiences while awake. At first it's just vague feelings, then disembodied words, and so on. But now he is in a park under a tree reading when this woman appears to him! She says things as if they already know each other. Before he knows it she is putting her head in his lap, calmly lovingly cuddling with him. The guy is shocked and is at first numb with shock.
She thinks it is just another dream. Neither of them are yet aware that the other person is real.
When he finally leaps up out of shock, she wakes up suddenly.

3 - Helpers Tricked?

I keep having visions of an asteroid strike. I get a call and I am asked "How are your dreams lately?" I reply with the code phrase "I don't recall, all I know is that I woke with an upset tummy so I can't talk right now." The reply code phrase is "I can suggest something for that."
I check a box connected to the phone. This connection seems safe and genuine. So, I reply "OK, I'd like to hear." Now if their side is also clear I will be given specific instructions on when and where to meet. This is what happens.
I meet up with a conference table full of people. I had a long drive to get here -- for some reason they bother more with tracing plane trips and not car trips for such long drives from the home. I sit in between what seem to be the same two women from my Dreamzzz 3 nights ago but I can't be sure of this.
We discover that we have different parts of the message, so talking together we can figure out more facts and non-facts. We call this separating the wheat from chaff and then finalizing the tapestry. It's like having pieces from more than one jigsaw puzzle, figuring out which pieces we need and do not need, and then working on putting it together to get the complete picture.
We also find out it isn't going to hit here, which was a surprise. It will hit another planet (or dimension or reality plane, I am not sure). We do not usually worry about other places, but we discuss this and it is decided to do it this time. We decide to go ahead and try to help them. It turns out that one of us has a connection, a contact, to this other place. All we need to do is offer energy to help strengthen their connection.
The contact eventually comes back to us saying we can go there to help. So we finish our preparations and go. Some of us have developed ways to find a vortex, others can help make them available to our other senses like sight, another can safely tune it to act as a travel tunnel, and we have a final person to help us actually do the traveling. This last person is William Henry. Starfire Tor and Sharri Lorrain are also there, and many many others.
William Henry passes around special helmet hat things, cloaks, gloves, shoes, goggles, a special necklace and other accoutrement. We all put them on per his instructions. He also leads us in a special meditation to activate the clothes on the outside and our souls on the inside.
We find the vortex fix it in position and visibility and program it for our destination. Our contact communicates our arrival will be soon and gets a welcoming reply. So we walk on through and reach the other side. We are welcomed and shown our place to stay. We put our traveling clothes away, take a moment to rest and gather ourselves, and at the appointed time we go to the meeting room to meet with our hosts.
We are surprised they are military and political mainly with only one or two scientists, I am not even sure any citizens were there. They are not like our group: psientists, educated laymen, researchers and gifted people. Odd, but we decide to go ahead with our mission.
We tell them what we saw and know. An asteroid will soon strike their planet, but there is just enough time to do something about it. I don't know ... coming from the meeting I can't shake this unease I have about them. Like they are not taking us serious ... no, it's more like they are withholding things from us, I don't know .. something seems off.
We have to work fast to get this cataclysm to change. We have been talking to them and working with them for a while now so some time has passed. I still feel something is off. Suddenly I realize what it is.
I call the others together and I ask "Is it safe?" They go about with instruments and psychically and both check and create a temporary safe place to talk freely. You see we are not in our native area so we cannot have this last long. Once that is done I tell them my fears.
These people wish to hijack our work to make the object smaller and have it strike their enemies on the continent on the opposite side of the planet! This planet happens to have two continents exactly opposite each other.
This is disgusting and against all we are for. We still have a chance to do it so there is no strike but we cannot be sure of this. We look and see that if they are successful in hijacking our work there is no way this strike will not also affect them. They think they can do it with zero risk, but if they are wrong they are prepared to take that risk if it can decimate their enemy. They are in a cold war like state and their enemy has done all they have said they would in negotiations. But this side sees this as a great opportunity that cannot be defended against or blamed on them to knock out their enemies.

What are we going to do? This place is foreign to us. Are we strong enough to stop their plan, are we strong enough to get justice, are we strong enough to get back home? I wake up as we are still deciding our next move even as our protections will weaken in a few more minutes.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

1 - Searching for Artifacts, 2 - Naysayer Does Good 3 - Stuffy Hat Fight

I had these Dreamzzz staying with Sharri Lore~rain.

1 - "Searching for Artifacts"

I am with someone and we are looking for an artifact. In typing this I am reminded of the SYFY series "WAREHOUSE 13" but this reference was not strong in the dream. This other person is a short white female with long straight dark hair. I am helping this person who is in charge of the investigation. We trace the artifact to a residence. It is full of things but empty of people. There is a vortex here, but we need to do something different to find the object, so we leave to conduct research to refine this.

Later in the night I dream of this place again. A third person, female, has joined us. We stand in front of the house, clear our throats, and gently sing to it. It sounds like a combination of Celtic and Egyptian. I don't know how else to describe it. It is beautifully plaintive. I start out unsure I can sing and trying to recall the words, but as we go on all our voices fit together and the song just comes out of me.
We finish the song and bow our heads for a small count and walk into the house again. This time we go immediately to a darkened glass cube on a dark wooden stand. I feel that when we all touch the box it will open for us and we can retrieve the artifact. I feel a great sense of accomplishment and we all smile and laugh at each other, full of joy and promise.


2 - "Naysayer Does Good"

I am with a light haired woman a dark-haired woman. The women could be the same ones from the last dream but I'm not sure. We are closer to discovering something important so we are talking to each other out loud. We walk and talk. We end up at a place that was crowded ... or maybe it just has a long que. This one guy with a British accent overhears our conversation. He is being playful with what we are saying. Half interested, half teasing (aka dismissive). He says something, the three of us pause, and realize he has just given us the answer! The naysayer has done good. He even looks flummoxed by this. Somehow he knows what he has just done.

(note: could this be how we realized the answer to get into the house?)

3 - "Stuffy Hat Fight"

I am with a small group of people. We are in a house. One of the females has a large stuffed animal. It may be a gorilla, it's hard to recall clearly. We go about our business. Later I notice something different about the stuffed animal (aka stuffy). No one else seems to notice at first. Soon they realize that I am right. Yes, the stuffed animal DID have a white cowboy hat on it's head and it's now gone! At first we think it is a TimeShift or RealityShift, but then we go outside and I say "Then what's that!" and on to a guy actually wearing the stuffy's hat!
We try to get it back but he won't let us have it. He runs into a store. Some go in but a few of us search the next door store that faces the other one. It is empty and has no other exit, so we hurry over to the other store.
It seems because we weren't there with the others that they were out numbered, but now we outnumber them. We do not want to fight, we do all we can not to, but we have to so we do. I see two men sparring with what seem to be either children or small adults or perhaps anthropomorphic animals. They are not a part of the fight. Just a few seconds later this man is running at me forming a martial arts move but I am ready for him and I have a power move that is too quick for him. It knocks him down for the count, it didn't seem that we even touched each other.

Soon we are walking out with the hat.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rude Classroom

I keep going to this one class room. It could be college, feels more like college or after. This is s "roomy" place. Things well spaced out but not too far from each other. The teacher stood in front and had a kind of projection screen/whiteboard if he wanted to use. I attend this class more than once, three times I think. Well by the third time, I was getting tired of some of the people there. My contributions to the class, while imperfect, should not be getting such a response!
Why didn't the teacher/instructor ever say anything?
I tried to just keep it in, just do my contributions and keep going.
So, in the middle of class, I jumped up, and said a little speech about how rude and inconsiderate and bullying and MEAN these people were being. I was so mad that they did this and didn't care, thought it was OK to do and you can't reprimand them because they just shrug it off.
So, I went over to this one guy's desk and I rocked it back and forth telling him he is rude!

people are so annoying
I hate how they adversely affect me
I hate how I was negatively programmed

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"That Weird Thing in the Sky" Party, Polly Wanna Black Olive?

Partinar's (Party + Seminar) Third Event "Sky Oddity"

This dream is very vivid, I feel I am there.
I am ... at some event. I don't know if it is school-related or what, but there are a lot of people here, active and young like me it seems. They seem to be mid-to late 20's to 30's. There are three different nights when special events would happen that I want to go to (to each one), and I do. You have to wait at a stop for a bus to pick you up at a certain time. I am most worried about the third/last date. I have the flier right there in plain sight, easy access, but I felt confused on the DAY, what day is it? Is the final event tonight or later? I just can not tell. It skips to me getting off the bus for the start of the third and last event I feel like I've been waiting for this event my entire life.
There are a LOT of people here, male and female. A lot of the males were getting rambunctious. There was a movie screen like thing there playing stuff and a smorgasbord of finger food. I am with this one female that is a friend and trying to help me scope out a date. She made a "ah?" sound of "look at that winner" and I did and I was like "wow". But two of her female friends came up to her and they all started talking so I was like "crap". They left and I go up to talk to her, we hit it off! We are leaving, when there is some kind of commotion and a crowd rushes outside, splitting us. I'm outside suddenly, and it seems to have calmed down, but I can't find her, OR the bus. Where are all the lights? I hear someone walking faster than me say "what was that all about?" I say what and she calls behind her "that weird thing in the sky", she has straight dark brown hair and seems sure of herself and matter-of-fact. Soon she is swallowed up in the crowd in front of me. I am in a group looking for a way to leave, maybe a car, wondering where they parked their cars. Then I come upon the bus and board it. When I sit down, I am able to breathe a sigh of relief. I sit between the girl from the party and the dark haired girl I just heard, and I smile and relax and wait for the bus to go to the next destination.


Polly Wanna Black Olive?

A man welcomes me to take a copy of a newspaper, but there is a bird on the stack. He tells me the eclectics parrot-like bird was OK. I am good with animals, even birds, so I talk to him as I reach gently for the paper, but he "snaps" at me! This is very surprising to me and the owner. He tries to calmly talk to the bird, to find out what is wrong.
The man tells me to try to take the paper, but I somehow know I am meant to ask what the bird wants something in return first. "What do you want in return, Echo?" The man never told me his name, but this name just came out of my mouth when I asked the question. Echo tells me what he wants, but in a different language (from English). The owner translates it as "black olives". So, I go on a quest for black olives.
And as soon as I step through the threshold the real world wakes me with my radio alarm.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Library of Destinies

I am with my family – Mom, Dad and brother. I walk through a living room to get to a far closet that is fairly spacious. I think it may have two doors to it, reaching the same room. Inside are a bunch of mainly young adult books.
I remember at work they are asking for children’s books (this is a fact in the waking world), and these seem to be in great condition! I wonder if they are too old for the intended targets.
I focus on a few of them. One seems to be ”featured”. It is very tall and wide, I cannot determine its thickness. It is the final book in a series.
I look for another series in this place. At first I think I am looking for “The Dark is Rising” series (fact in waking world) but I find another instead.
This series feels very familiar in the Dream World but upon waking I cannot place it. It starts out where fairly soon in the book, a wizard comes to a secluded village. He knows he has four potentials for a chosen one, but they must all participate in a test so he can be sure of which one is the true chosen one. Hs wants these four to go on a separate quest for him to find a super rare flower that only grows every 1,000 years. But the elder, who is also a father, is furious at the wizard. He has no time for silly games, this is the festival day that is used to celebrate the woman- and man -hood, and at the same time gather flowers that grow only every 100 years, which can in turn be used in the land for medicinal purposes not only to help the sick, but also as the one time when the village can get the most trade and coin. So he cannot spare even one young adult, let alone four, to this crazy old man’s reliance on a prophecy spoken so many generations before with no threat at all. The father gets very angry about it. The wizard is preparing himself to deal with this set back.
Something is wrong. So, I come out to see what it is. Something is very wrong and it is centering on my mother. She is very emotionally upset. My dad doesn’t know what to do and seems unable to get her to forget her problems; she will not listen to him any more. He later says to me incredulously and helplessly that he even saw her drawing a picture with her and her lover on a far away island.
Meanwhile, I had already sensed there was too much wrong here for me to fix or be able to deal with, so I was looking to leave.

I am in my room. Someone is helping me to pack and encouraging me to leave and helping me to decide things for myself. Someone older than me by a decade or more was giving me tips and stuff, very helpful. I was scared and unsure of what to do, but he was very helpful and at the same time did not feel manipulating like my father or an emotional train wreck like my mom. There was one item that was like a piece of clothing, but you could turn it inside out and it became a kind of duffle bag. I turned it both ways, ending with the bag version, and used that to pack.
It is near time for me to go to school or work (I forget which it is) and I want to sneak this packed bag into my car. Thank God I have a car, I think to myself. If anyone notices, they do not say anything … except my brother. He seems to realize I may be leaving and not returning home, he wonders if there is any way we could contact each other if we had to do so. I hesitate. I consider giving him code words and an alias name, and my cell phone number; but I am unsure if this is such a good idea. He seems to be under the power still of my father. I walk away from him but I do not think I gave him that information, but I could have.
Now I think I am back in the living room with the book closet, but it also seems like a different room. For one ting, there are rows and rows of bookshelves here. I find a female. She is gorgeous, kind, smart, like an angel! She says I need to sneak away now while my father is pre-occupied with trying to work out what to do with his wife breaking free of his control and making a scene in front of other people. I don’t know why, but I decide to step through (duck under) a bookshelf from one side to the other. It is like stepping through a portal! It is odd because at the same time the bookshelf teeters and topples over but ALSO topples but remains standing with no problems. I settle on the upright one and continue out of the room. This female has had me pack a few books and things in here that I am very excited about. As I leave the room, I turn and she is gone.
I panic. I am sad. I feel stupid for feeling desperate and let down. She did help me and that should be enough. I feel conflict. I wanted to impress her and I just wanted to be happy with her showing me things. I felt intimidated by her because she is so smart and psychic and able to see the truth better than I can. I need to settle down and concentrate on the tasks at hand. So I can get out of this place and free myself from oppression and then be able to gather my energies and use my gifts!
I wonder if she will be in the car, waiting for me?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

OBE of an Alternate Dad Life?

I am in bed. It is a luxurious large bed, but there is no canopy or anything.
The room itself seems white, but I don't sense many colors here. Like a glowing white.
I am not ready to get out of bed yet.
I am ready for a woman's company, but no woman is here and no woman comes.
I seem to be handling this pretty well. My emotions and thoughts about this are there, but not overshadowing.
Someone like unto my Dad comes in. He says I have to get up now. I tell him I do not wish to I am not ready. I turn over away from him and pull the covers over my shoulder and close my eyes and let the negative emotions like frustration and anger dull out of me even when he is trying to exacerbate them. He storms off in a huff.
I settle back in bed semi-sleeping, wrapped in the luxury of the covers and the heavenly way the bed takes my body's weight. The sheets are so soft on my skin, the pillow the perfect balance between firmness and softness, and I have a dull almost non-existent smell that are so very calming and nice. I don't know what the smells are. There is light rose there for sure, but there are other smells too. Two others I feel.
Alone again, My readiness my randiness is out in the open, where is she? But no, I do not call for her or get too frustrated. She will come when she comes, I have waited this long I only need to wait a little longer. I take care of myself a little but, but only for the briefest of moments. Just adding to the luxury of the moment, just what feels good to add to this moment not in a sinful or hedonistic way but it just is.
Soon I drift back into a waking sleep, like a nap where you rest your eyes.
That is when someone comes in the door. A man-servent sent by my dad. Now he can't do it himself, he has to send a virtual slave of his. The man seems foreign, Latino-esque I guess? He is small, short, brown, has the briefest of a brushstroke of facial hair on his lip and a V shape of a soul patch. His hair is maybe 3-7 days growth from bald it's so short.
He is doing as he has been told. Coming to tell me I need to get up. It's policy. It's embarrassing and wrong for me to be still in bed. There are things that need to be done.
It is when he comes in that I almost have a feeling of place. I get the sense of "boat". But I feel no movement and so no other sense of this. It seems a large boat, so a cruise liner or a large yacht?
I tell him I do not have to do what my father says. He starts to protest. But I tell him he does not have to do what my father says either. He stops, goes quiet. Leaves teh room. He seems unsure. But I know he will not be back, he won't be browbeaten by my dad to come back and try again, so that is good.
The dream ends sometime after I go back to bed. Letting go of anxiety of not doing as my father wishes, accepting the sweet luxury of lying in bed as long as I wish not from defiance but because I feel like it, drifting off to a quiet restful sleep.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Classroom, Bookstore Babes

Either before this or after this scene, I was in a social gathering. Seemed like a smallish gathering, I felt OK, a little nervous at times, saw a couple girls eying me and smiling. But I forget the details.

I am in a group, like a classroom, and it is a male teacher talking to us. He is white and probably in his 30's 40's. He is giving us facts, short little parcels at a time. Now it is nearly the end of class and I feel good about it, but I worry a little about how I will do on the exam. I think I will do OK tho. I think he is a good teacher.

I am in a bookstore. I go through it to exit the building to walk a couple steps to a connected building first. It is different from the first. It is dark, cluttered, dirty, like neglected. Musty, crap just lying around. I do something with an iPod thing here. Take a part off and leave it there it seems.
Then I go back to the store.
I am in one row. Part of the books are behind this clear plastic protector, it may be locked or stuck.
I move around from one side of this row to the other side of it.
I found some books and put them in my basket.
1) like "astrology" kind of. It is about destiny. It seems positive and helpful.
2) A kind of comic book. There are many panels in black and white line drawings with speech bubbles. Like 6 in a column. Lots of pages, size of a novella.
3) A kind of Graphic Novel. It is a series, this one is the newest and in the middle. It looks really neat! It is called something like "751: Mi Familia" In this book it is #75-151. The "hero" in the series realizes that he is part of a large "family". I think it means both "genetic/blood" family, as well as a social grouping. This family is doing a lot of wrong in the world, controlling things, greed, power-mongering, etc. He has an epiphany and a quest to confront them all. He learns more about him self with each new confrontation. He goes up and down towards positive and negative with each series of encounters. He does different things to them each time. Sometimes he just talks to them, sometimes he cannot approach them, sometimes he is defeated them, sometimes he kills them, sometimes he finds out hey are not as bad as they seem, others he can balance.
This looks like a fascinating series!

But, I think about putting all three back. A woman with brown hair with highlights comes up to me like she's a store clerk. Asking me if I am finding everything OK. I say that I don't htink I can have these even though I really want them. I say I have enough to look at right now, I should probably just focus on those.
She says if I really want them, if they call to me, I should have them too.
Then she asks me about my iPod thing. I say I left a part in the other building. She says "well, when you find it, ping me!"
Ping me, not ring me.
I feel a bit suspicious of her for some reason.
I go towards the other building, I do not know if I still have the books or not. I may have put them back.
Along the way I see a black haired woman. She recognizes me like an old friend! She is adored of me, her eyes are all bright as her smile. She says I should call my parents to let me know we are coming.
I say hang on I need to get this part.
She follows me into the decrepit building as I look for the part. I think I went in here the first time to look for a bathroom?
She sees something i can't see. "oh, what is that" At first I think it is something gross. It sound like that. But then she seems intrigued and curious about it.
Then I realize I didn't need that part or always had it.
So she says "you silly" and "let's get out of here then, k?" And she leads me out of the building that seems like a maze now. But we are out fast.
Then I tell her I can't call my parents, and I don't want to. And I don't have to, I live by myself.
She smiles a big smile as we walk away.

She seems young, on the thin side but with meat on her bones, white, pretty, sweet, brave, patient, she sees.

I had other dreams tonight, I feel, but I cannot remember ...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Again With The Stealing of My Ride

I ride up to this grocery store in my "motorcycle". I don't even know if it is a proper motorcycle, it's pretty small for one.
I back into a parking place, the next one open on the left of all the cars on the right of me (3-5?). I am about to leave my vehicle when I realize it may not be safe to leave it. I look around for a way to keep ti safe, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this. I consider leaving right now, but I need to go into this particular store for some reason. So, I leave it and go on in.
This place is starting to feel slightly familiar. It looks old and neglected in here. I hesitate by the front of the store, someone clumsily bumps past me from the front window on towards the back.
I go a little further in. Here is a display of featured products. Most of them seem to be in-bulk products A few of these are 3 kinds of cereal bags in one cardboard box. I look at those.
Then I go further into the store. Here I find a different kind of store display. It is a glass/plastic case. Inside is mostly desserts, and out in the open too not sealed as far as I can tell. The case is closed though.
But it is strange. This seems to be used food! I see a powdered jelly donut with a bit taken out of it or something. I see the open ends crimped closed as if by a mouth or fingers. I also see other used food.
Some of them just look like mistakes or odd experiments.
Suddenly these big guys appear and start talking to me. They are taller, wider, stronger even maybe than I am. First one, then others. 3-5 in total? I do not like them from the get go.
I try to act casual, not afraid, just talking, but I just don't like this whole situation. On the outside I'm calm, but inside I am looking for a way to get out. They are not surrounding me or making big threatening moves, but it is feeling oppressive.
So I go back to the front of the store, I don't have anything in my hands I am not going to buy anything. I get out without incident, but those men are following me. Not crowding, they keep a distance. But I know they are there. I make it out to the parking lot ...
... to find my motorcycle is gone!
I'm soon pissed! Those thugs stand there with smug looks on their dough faces. I walk right up to them and tell them to give me my motorcycle back. They try to pretend to be innocent. "I saw one of you rush past me to tell you guys to distract me while my ride was stolen!" They cross their arms and glare down at me, stepping forward and pretending to be insulted. "Just give me back my motorcycle, it is mine and you know this is wrong!" or something like that. They refuse. Sheesh, what did I expect?
So, I walk away. I am not that far from home. It will take a bit to walk there, but it can't be more than a few miles away, if not only one.
Then I think it might be more prudent to get away faster, so I speed walk/run to try to gain some distance. Since I am smaller I am faster than them. I navigate the blocks of housing taking a look behind me to see if I am being followed/check for line-of-sight blocks to hide my movements.
The dream ends when I realize my rides have been stolen from that place before. Before this they were cars. I realized this when I came out to see the motorcycle stolen I think, I forget. It ends when I decide I can go straight home now as well.


I woke up from this dream. At first it was just with my eyes still closed. Soon, I had an idea that was more thought but not so much visual of an alternate scene to my dream. This is the alternate, which takes place right after I have discovered my stolen property and have started confronting the villains:

A police officer comes up and tells them he saw what happened. He tells them they are under arrest. They kill him, in broad daylight! I couldn't believe it! They tell me I can go, but to not tell anybody. I am not sure I can do that. It seems another alternate scene is created here where one is I leave, but another is I stand there and tell them I will not be telling on them, they told on themselves. They should either shoot me as well or turn themselves in.

That's the end.



This dream seemed to take place in a real environment in the waking world. It did seem like I had been there before later on. I wonder if I dreamed of this place earlier that night or what?

It takes place in a run-down urbanized part of town. The curbs are crumbling quickly to dust both from cheap badly mixed cement and neglect. The people here know they have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves. There is a feeling of learned helplessness here.
I remember very vividly what it looked like and felt like to run away along those streets. Looking behind me, switching paths around the blocks trying to throw off their scent, trying to remain brave and resourceful.

I suppose it's a message dream?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Parrot Almost Drowned

I am in this comfortable but small room with this pretty woman - i like her she has a good soul. She is playing with this parrot, it has a blue tail and red wings and a white chest. Soon another man comes that she needs to talk to, so she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. This other man is a doctor. Dr. Dan I think she calls him.
The parrot is in this plastic tube thing. It has a sliding cover on top. There is a hole there where you can put it in and let it out.
Somehow water got in. Oh no don't die! I turn tube upside to let water out, water at last leaves his head where he breathes. I want him to live, do not panic
He is ok how did that happen?
Soon it happens again, oh no surely he is dead for sure what is going on feeling guilty but i didn't do it
again tip over water last to leave head, he is alive!!
he sticks a leg out, grasping out with his claw wide and flexing
she comes back in. i feel so stupid and irresponsible and sad as if he is dead but he isn't and i don't know what to say to her, i just want to give her back the bird.
I am so relieved he is alive and the woman doesn't seem to be mad at me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bedroom, Project, Quicker by Toll

I am in a large bedroom with a bed that is in the far corner and is low to the ground. This place is full of stuff but at the same time spacious and not too cluttered.
Someone that reminds me of my brother is there, but is not exactly my brother. I just have the idea of "brother".
I am working on a project. This "brother" is worried for me, on how well I'll do. Giving me all this advice and stuff. I just want him to shut the hell up, enough! I don't say that, I am calm. I endure his talking and just do my own thing. I feel I have done enough for this project to be ready for it.
I lounge in bed now, and I have this one odd card to look at in preparation for tomorrow. It is like the size of one of the larger index cards and it is black background with small white letters almost like a negative or copy paper. I look at it as I am going to sleep.
I wake up to an Ice-T song. I am but briefly in the apartment getting up, getting ready to go, taking my time, my brother is rushing me all a twitter! I am not being lazy, just calm.
Next thing I know we are at a kind of intersection. But it is more like a field. I mean, we have a choice of how to proceed and we are in a car in a flat area with short grass I am not sure of the details here. In front of us is a place like a line of ticket booths. White with windows.
We are discussing which route to take. If we take the regular route, we could be late. There could be traffic or a wreck or something. If we instead take the ticketed route (like a toll route? a bus, a train, what? I don't know) we will be guaranteed to get there in plenty of time.
BUT if we take the ticketed route we might get caught! For some reason it's dangerous for us. Are we fugitives? I never know why my brother is nervous about this way. I still am not, but his worry does make me worry a little.
So, I decide to take the ticket route.
I go up to the counter. There is a space just over a foot long and palm high in the glass that is open bordered in silver and rounded on the sides flat on top. it rounds up to the flat top gradually. I'd say three pairs of regular size hands could fit side by side here. There is a female on the other side, dark hair white, but otherwise vague and mute.
My brother is especially worried about me making crumbs on the counter there. I shrug it off. The crumbs are from a dessert. Like a long rice crispy square. The lady doesn't seem to care.
I get the ticket and go back to my car.
I think my brother is gone. The last time he is clear is what I said last.
At some point a young white blonde gorgeous woman has appeared as well.
That is all I can recall.


Analysis: I think this may be telling me to let my worry side jabber on, but ignore it. Everything is going to be OK, and things are shaping up for something soon in it's own time. I am prepared enough, but a little bit of a review wouldn't hurt but nothing big.
I don't have to really worry about any threats. Just weather them and it will be OK.
Soon I will be on a fast track and guaranteed to get where i am going in plenty of time.
This may also mean "focus energy". I just thought of that on my drive home from work.
As to the blonde ... not sure. If it is my guardian angel, it is further saying that I'm doing just fine. Since I made it through all the other stuff, THEN she appears as like a nod. I forget if she was in the car. If she was in my car, that means she is saying she is along for the ride. All I remember is her smiling, I don't recall a single word or other expression.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Con Artist @ Work?

I am in a workplace. I see a tall gorgeous blonde young woman (20-30) and we talk briefly and cordially. Feels like the air between us has cleared, but there's something else odd about her I cannot place so I just shrug my shoulders and get on with my day.
I in a "back" area like a dock. I am doing what my supervisor is telling me to do. No pressure. I forget what though.
Now I am outside by a truck/van. I am out there to do something (load or unload the van), but I am interrupted by a man who is asking me questions. I try to tell him I don't know even as I try to answer some of them. Finally he listens to me when i have been telling him to go see my supervisor. He acts annoyed that he has to go all the way inside. But, if you want answers, go to the source I think. So, I am nice and smile but his frustration affected me.
Now I am a slightly different situation. It feels as if Two plot threads are twisting around each other like a DNA double helix. Because this part still feels like it is in a workplace BUT it also feels like a social gathering/dinner party.

Later on I have reason to go into the young blonde's office. She isn't there, but two dark-haired middle-aged women are. Her desk faces away from the door and is to your right as you walk in. To her left and behind her is a filing cabinet. Diagonal in the opposite corner facing the door is another desk. That is her co-worker's (but I also get the word "husband") desk.
These women are asking me questions about blondie. They don't seem to know her name yet, and when I say it they nod at each other. This name is on their ALIAS list. They are investigating her as a kid of "con artist". Her hubby and co-worker is probably her accomplice but sometimes she keeps one person closer to her than others.
They tell me about her and ask me questions about her too. They are carefully investigating her desk, trying not to move anything or putting it back. I move one group of stuff. I was trying to be careful, but I am a tad clumsy at it. We try to get it to look like no one has been here.
They weren't 100% sure they had the right person. They also noticed that maybe she was tiring of this charade and wanted to quit/go legit.


I can't quite recall enough of the other scenes, but they were quick. Like one was standing at the top of a few carpeted stairs leading down and there are two lines one going to the left one to the right. I am in the left one, and a guy I know (reminds me of David Piepenburg, my best friend at college) is in the right. We converse a bit.

There is another scene that combines office with dinner party. And a few office-only related things.