Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 - Hanging Out With The Guys ... Sometimes, 2 - Her Dream Guy Is Real, 3 - Helpers Tricked?

I also had this set of dreams at Sharri's house:

1 - Hanging Out With The Guys

I am around this group of guys. Maybe around 10 of them? All white I think. Sometimes I am with this group sometimes not, sometimes they are not aware of my presence. We eat, I hear their small talk, I go off to use the restroom once (it's a large maze, a multi-story building, but I seem to know my way). When I return they are not aware of my presence and are discussing plans. I feel like a spy now. This is important information so I record it and they can never know they are being heard. This is important. This research can lead to good because bad will be thwarted!


2 - Her Dream Guy Is Real

This is like a movie. I am watching this. There is this very pale young woman (late teens to mid 20's) with jet black hair. She is having this series of very lucid dreams of being with this guy. She can talk to him, she can express her feelings for him, she can cuddle with him.
MEANWHILE this man (30's maybe?) keeps having these weird experiences while awake. At first it's just vague feelings, then disembodied words, and so on. But now he is in a park under a tree reading when this woman appears to him! She says things as if they already know each other. Before he knows it she is putting her head in his lap, calmly lovingly cuddling with him. The guy is shocked and is at first numb with shock.
She thinks it is just another dream. Neither of them are yet aware that the other person is real.
When he finally leaps up out of shock, she wakes up suddenly.

3 - Helpers Tricked?

I keep having visions of an asteroid strike. I get a call and I am asked "How are your dreams lately?" I reply with the code phrase "I don't recall, all I know is that I woke with an upset tummy so I can't talk right now." The reply code phrase is "I can suggest something for that."
I check a box connected to the phone. This connection seems safe and genuine. So, I reply "OK, I'd like to hear." Now if their side is also clear I will be given specific instructions on when and where to meet. This is what happens.
I meet up with a conference table full of people. I had a long drive to get here -- for some reason they bother more with tracing plane trips and not car trips for such long drives from the home. I sit in between what seem to be the same two women from my Dreamzzz 3 nights ago but I can't be sure of this.
We discover that we have different parts of the message, so talking together we can figure out more facts and non-facts. We call this separating the wheat from chaff and then finalizing the tapestry. It's like having pieces from more than one jigsaw puzzle, figuring out which pieces we need and do not need, and then working on putting it together to get the complete picture.
We also find out it isn't going to hit here, which was a surprise. It will hit another planet (or dimension or reality plane, I am not sure). We do not usually worry about other places, but we discuss this and it is decided to do it this time. We decide to go ahead and try to help them. It turns out that one of us has a connection, a contact, to this other place. All we need to do is offer energy to help strengthen their connection.
The contact eventually comes back to us saying we can go there to help. So we finish our preparations and go. Some of us have developed ways to find a vortex, others can help make them available to our other senses like sight, another can safely tune it to act as a travel tunnel, and we have a final person to help us actually do the traveling. This last person is William Henry. Starfire Tor and Sharri Lorrain are also there, and many many others.
William Henry passes around special helmet hat things, cloaks, gloves, shoes, goggles, a special necklace and other accoutrement. We all put them on per his instructions. He also leads us in a special meditation to activate the clothes on the outside and our souls on the inside.
We find the vortex fix it in position and visibility and program it for our destination. Our contact communicates our arrival will be soon and gets a welcoming reply. So we walk on through and reach the other side. We are welcomed and shown our place to stay. We put our traveling clothes away, take a moment to rest and gather ourselves, and at the appointed time we go to the meeting room to meet with our hosts.
We are surprised they are military and political mainly with only one or two scientists, I am not even sure any citizens were there. They are not like our group: psientists, educated laymen, researchers and gifted people. Odd, but we decide to go ahead with our mission.
We tell them what we saw and know. An asteroid will soon strike their planet, but there is just enough time to do something about it. I don't know ... coming from the meeting I can't shake this unease I have about them. Like they are not taking us serious ... no, it's more like they are withholding things from us, I don't know .. something seems off.
We have to work fast to get this cataclysm to change. We have been talking to them and working with them for a while now so some time has passed. I still feel something is off. Suddenly I realize what it is.
I call the others together and I ask "Is it safe?" They go about with instruments and psychically and both check and create a temporary safe place to talk freely. You see we are not in our native area so we cannot have this last long. Once that is done I tell them my fears.
These people wish to hijack our work to make the object smaller and have it strike their enemies on the continent on the opposite side of the planet! This planet happens to have two continents exactly opposite each other.
This is disgusting and against all we are for. We still have a chance to do it so there is no strike but we cannot be sure of this. We look and see that if they are successful in hijacking our work there is no way this strike will not also affect them. They think they can do it with zero risk, but if they are wrong they are prepared to take that risk if it can decimate their enemy. They are in a cold war like state and their enemy has done all they have said they would in negotiations. But this side sees this as a great opportunity that cannot be defended against or blamed on them to knock out their enemies.

What are we going to do? This place is foreign to us. Are we strong enough to stop their plan, are we strong enough to get justice, are we strong enough to get back home? I wake up as we are still deciding our next move even as our protections will weaken in a few more minutes.

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