Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting The Room For Him

pre-note: I have been having a terrible night's sleep as of late. I can go to sleep, but then I'm awoken by either these god-awful nails-on-chalk-board rattling/banging sounds above me that sound like water pipes having a bad time of it I guess ... or a jackhammer running as several very heavy metal desks are dragged along the floor sloooooowly. That and/or noises from the neighbors above, sometimes a dog who sounds pissed, or the TV, all at 1-2 am.
Well, last night it was the rattling that bugged me. And I "wanted out". Not suicide, I say again, but to be able to leave this "game" or whatever this is. I can play a game but leave it for awhile, this "game" we can't leave, so I feel imprisoned and trapped so sometimes it is no fun.

I know someone was in the room a real person not a ghost. But there was nobody. I checked the door. The hinges were on the other side so I know it was a dream.

So at 1:23 am (seriously!) I gave up and got out of bed and had a spot of green tea (decaffeinated) and just sat doing nothing else. Eventually going back to bed .. after checking the door's lock for like the fifth time. Then I woke with a dream where I was in a restaurant, and in a city, and i met an old friend (not in real life, I don't know them in real life) and he asked me to secure him a hotel room that had to do with Iran or something. So I finally found the right one and set up the room for him. Then he wanted to go shopping. He tried on a black dress and a wig :) He was fun. There were a couple other guys trying on woman's clothes in the back, but it was OK they were nice. I was still a bit uncomfortable about it in the dream they were asking me that i should get one of the dresses for "my friend" and I felt they meant you Yngvil. I just smiled an embarrassed smile and stuttered out a kind of no, but they were nice and changed their behavior a bit to make me less anxious. The I woke :p

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