Thursday, January 15, 2009

Parrot Almost Drowned

I am in this comfortable but small room with this pretty woman - i like her she has a good soul. She is playing with this parrot, it has a blue tail and red wings and a white chest. Soon another man comes that she needs to talk to, so she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. This other man is a doctor. Dr. Dan I think she calls him.
The parrot is in this plastic tube thing. It has a sliding cover on top. There is a hole there where you can put it in and let it out.
Somehow water got in. Oh no don't die! I turn tube upside to let water out, water at last leaves his head where he breathes. I want him to live, do not panic
He is ok how did that happen?
Soon it happens again, oh no surely he is dead for sure what is going on feeling guilty but i didn't do it
again tip over water last to leave head, he is alive!!
he sticks a leg out, grasping out with his claw wide and flexing
she comes back in. i feel so stupid and irresponsible and sad as if he is dead but he isn't and i don't know what to say to her, i just want to give her back the bird.
I am so relieved he is alive and the woman doesn't seem to be mad at me.

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