Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Angel On The Inside

I am in this place that has mountains behind it. Treacherous impassable mountains. There is this large building and set of other buildings here. They set up at the root of the mountains. People here are wanting to escape now, they want out, but they can't get out. There seems to be trouble in the buildings so this is partially out of safety issues. I don't see any authority figures, though. No guards. But a kind of guard like authority like presence is here.
Sometimes I watch this first person, sometimes third person.
I see a glowing man I associate with myself from third-person. He is waking up to his true identity it seems. He is glowing. He comes to a chain link fence. He passes through it floating more than walking as if it was not there. He is like an angel on the inside.

I cannot explain how epic this dream felt and all the details.


I had other dreams. I have been for many days now. But when I awake they fly away from me. Many are important! I am going on missions, I am traveling I am traversing dimensions, I am learning things, I am learning about myself.
But when I awake they're gone. Even scant details or overviews are gone. This makes me sad.


I had another driving dream. I am driving around a maze of suburban streets. Sometimes it felt like exploring just for exploration's sake, sometimes it felt like I was lost and bothering these people as I drove by their houses, and sometimes felt as if I was looking for something and along the way maybe I could find other things or help others or something.


I am on a couch and I can hear a father interacting with his son on the other side of the wall (is a window there? But it would be an inside window.) I guess the child would be like 10 or younger. 5-10? Why am I (able to) eavesdrop(ing)? Sometimes I am uncomfortable doing this, sometimes i feel they are aware of my presence, but then I will also wonder how come they aren't.
But for the most part I know it's OK for me to be there, I'm supposed to be. I am doing my own things. Sometimes I am lying back on the couch playing or reading, sometimes I am talking out loud.
At least they sound like they have a good healthy relationship.

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