Saturday, August 20, 2011

Vacation! (aka Was her smile going to save me?)

I am in an apartment, but it feels oppressive and dark. I have to get out of here!

I find somewhere to go! I was invited? It's a road trip. I am on the road, driving for hours.

I am in a building complex. It has spacious rooms. It has several buildings. It seems more small town or near the woods than urban which is nice.

They are starting a festival. They want me to start it off with the traditional announcement! I know so little about it, why me? But they insist. I am nervous, I wonder if it is a trick, are they teasing me, setting me up to fail? It doesn't matter, I am going to do it, and if I am going to fail I am going to win doing it! I make a rousing impromptu speech. I catch the eye of this one woman.

I am travelling from one building to another on a path. I see a housing building. The woman who liked my speech the most is entering the building. I watch her progress, curious as to who she is. But then she stops short turns on a dime and is coming back out towards me. She catches me looking at her. Embarrassed, I look away. I continue to my destination, reaching it and entering the building.

Vague memory ... too dearth of details to help.

Now I am in my car, trying to get my stuff together to leave. I steal forlorn glances at that woman's residence. I see her walking with her friends, laughing. I hide in my work at getting prepared to leave. There seems to be so much to leaving, so much complication and stress! I don't want to go. I leave my stuff and start walking up to the woman to talk to her. Her friends see me and leave her. She is turning to face me and ...

-end of dream due to waking up-

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