Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Drawn" A Short Fim by Tim Burton

I dreamed I saw a short simple film by Tim Burton. It was just black line drawings on a white background at first. It has many references to "draw". This odd man meets this odd woman when they both seem to be the only ones to witness an oddity in their world. I do not know what they say, but it would be like seeing the edge of the paper or a CGI element in their line-drawn world, something that questioned the order of things, reality itself.

They mustn't draw attention to themselves
or draw the attention of the authorities
or they will be drawn and quartered as punishment
and/or drowned (sounds like drawn a bit)
they are drawn towards the anomalies

But what are they to do? They keep seeing evidence that their world is not as they have been told. Shouldn't the truth matter more? How will they avoid being hunted by authorities but haunted by these odd occurrences? What will they do when THEY start to change themselves? Can they hide it for long? What will tip the balance from these oddities becoming normal and what was expected become rare? What will the world do then?

Sketch ---> more professional line drawing ---> more shading and details ---> CGI ---> live-action

Do they find a way to escape or be rescued from the clutches of their world to be able to fully enter this new world? Is there still a line-drawing about them? Because then how will they ever fit into this other world, especially when they can never return to their old world.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Drawing Attention

I am sitting at a table with a bunch of other people. There is one special person here, like a teacher or group leader something. I am sitting on her left at the left corner. So she is sitting on this side _ and I am sitting on this side | of the corner. Her chair is more like a tall backed stool, it is different from everybody else.

But before I see her, or notice much that I am at a table, I watch myself drawing pictures. The pictures are quick sketches in black (pen, pencil charcoal or other I don't know, but I do know it is black on white).

This woman is very alluring! She is perhaps in her 40s or more. She seems aged but she wears her years very well. She is still gorgeous! I really like her. She has brownish-gold very curly hair that at least reach her shoulders, sparkling eyes, a mouth that seems to be smiling all the time even when it isn't and such a kind smart giving face.
Her top has a low V neck and it seems kind of loose. I can see her cleavage. I want to see "more of her heart" is how it is phrased in my dreaming mind at the time and she wants to show it to me, so I lean more over and towards her, and she moves so that her top is more lose and I can see her nipples.
Then we both smile and go back to our original positions. She does this all while she is still talking everybody!
It felt like a sharing, a communication, not a pervert or a seductress.
She had asked if anybody had any interesting drawings, but I didn't show mine. After I got to look down her dress, shortly thereafter she told me that my drawings were just what she was looking for.
I was humble about it. But with layers of not knowing what I can really do and not knowing what to do with success and wondering if others would be jealous of me. I am not an attention hound. But none of that came up.
The drawings were showing your psi abilities and she was very impressed with mine. The one drawing she liked the best has bunch of thick filled in sharp polygons and in the middle is a thin vertical line with a man on top of it with thin wavy squiggles ~ around him except there is a small bit of space between him and the squiggles.
OH MY GOD! It's incredible isn't it! Do you know what that symbolizes?
Nope, me neither, stupid weird dreams *grumbles*
But inside the dream it meant something amazing!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sean Connery is 007 in "Gh0sts 0f 7uture Past"

Ghosts of Future Past

Another male was telling me his review/essay on a spy film. The spy ... none other then Sean Connery! The theme he had found was "ghost". The woman Sean Connery was talking to was like a ghost. So this person played clips throughout the film to prove his point.
Sometimes Sean called her a ghost by name, sometimes it was more subtle than that. She was a ghost because she wasn't really living life but letting it live her. She wasn't letting anybody touch her so she might as well be non-material like a ghost. She was upset with things that happened in her life and she wanted to have things communicated to people in her life but she wasn't doing it just like a ghost. He talks to her in places like a house, and in a train.

Then .... the explosions. But it was like nothing they had ever seen before. Strange things as well, used as implements of terror.
So they start investigating that. I start investigating this, with a genius beautiful tenacious strange woman by my side. Well, I think actually I was at HER side, she seemed to be the main person. She was shorter than me with long black hair.
We watched the mountains in the background as the background for a sample of this terror. It was in broad daylight (early morning it felt) and fire fell from the sky.
Somehow these things FELT different.
It felt like the odds were against us. We felt behind and helpless for awhile. We wondered if they were aliens it felt so odd.
But we got to work to figure out what was going on. We ruled out natural disasters quickly. But we did investigate this possibility.
Then we got psi and real world intel making it more likely that it was not alien based in any way.
After awhile, messages started coming out. They were in code. So, we had to figure out the code. Some of them were phrases like "future past" and "history repeats itself" and "the wheel has come round again" and "the past you tried to destroy and hide is getting it's revenge by destroying your future and hiding it in it's ashes".
I think we were figuring it out before all the messages came out, the messages were just confirming our findings.
Someone had discovered our past civilizations. There were two of them. One was created by The Watchers, then later another was created by man. I do not know in the dream but it seemed both were men, it was just said that way. I am not sure what the first one was called but the second was Atlantis. Some group had figured out their ways and then figured out how to weaponize them.
It was quite an adventure I felt swept into! Before I did things for other reasons, but doing this mission I realized I had become a ghost as well! I was letting the ghosts of the past haunt my future just as she was, and it was making me have a kind of walking dead life. Here, the ghosts of the past were haunting our future as well. To win, we had to exorcise all past ghosts and start to live again! But to do that we needed truth, justice, peace, and love. Inside ourselves, between one another, and in the whole fabric of time and space.
The perpetrators of this weaponizing of the past called themselves D.O.W.N. I do not know what that stands for. So, to counteract it a group was formed and called U.P. I do know what that stands for ... Union of Psientists or maybe University of Psi.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lagoon Not Lagoon, Odd B.S. food, Driveway money

I hear a group of friends male and female plan a trip to a watery place then I am going with them in a car (I am in the back seat by the right window I think?) and we get there.
It is a strange place. Sometimes it is an ankle-deep lagoon like place, sometimes it's inside somewhere and the lagoon is just painted on the floor or something.
There are three or four others. At least two are female. One has long dark hair. She is in a robe like clothes and goes out to the middle of the floor/shallow water/floor and slowly dances in place. She has like a 2-piece bikini underneath her robe. I don't take this as a strip tease or a seduction, but as self-expression and having fun.
But I remain off the floor/lagoon. A different female comes up to me and gently pulls me to the dance floor with me wanting me to dance with her and join in the fun. I am unsure, am i supposed to let her lead since she made the move to pull me to the dance floor? What moves should I do or not do? I am trying to just relax and be in the moment and have fun, but I'm nervous I am going ot do ti wrong and mess up and ruin an opportunity to just have fun, but I also worry that questioning is going to do that as well.
This is how I work in waking life.


I find myself in a group. We are being fed. The food is being placed on my plate. One dish looks a bit like Brussels sprouts that have been pressed into by a fork, because it has ridges. I wonder what it is and I hope if it is Brussels sprouts they do not taste like them. A woman is serving it to me. She is short has brown skin and dark hair in a long pony tail. She is gently smiling and full of easy warmth and giving.

On the way from this (or this is a unconnected scene) I am in the back seat of a car with only the driver and me in it. The driver is an older male. I have a bag of clothes. I take them out to search what I have. I see a pair of black shorts that are actually swim trunks, a pair of dark pants, and two shirts. One is a black t-shirt with a complex design on it in blue lines. I have a memory recall that he driver gifted me this shirt not too long ago, it may have even been before we left to go to the food group thing.
I want to change clothes for some reason. I do not feel properly dressed as is, but I am unsure as to why I feel this. I do not see socks shoes or underwear in the collection of clothes I have.

Semi-connected to the last scene is this one. We pull into a driveway. The owner is known to us somehow, family like an Uncle of mine? Something feels familiar about the owners even though I never see them.
Instead I am concentrating on the grounds, both the concrete driveway and the sidewalk by the house and the grass. There is scattered coins here! Silver and gold in color. Many are large as quarters or Kennedy half-dollars! I feel wonder and childish curiosity in this. The other doesn't impede me.
I pick through the items. I find that some of them look stretched and flattened! As if they were placed on a railroad track or in a machine that flattened them. One of these I get a close up look at.
It is silver in color and the size of a Kennedy half-dollar if not bigger. I can barely make out some details. One is a female figure in profile with a small crown trapped in her curly hair. The hair is made of lots of tight small curls. She faces to the left. I read out the words on top that I could make out, but I forget upon waking what they were.


P.S. After posting this I went to my widgets to check my google mail. The widget is a stamp. The royal figure on it looks a lot like what was on the coin. I don't knwo if it was meant to be that, but I did not check my mail before going to bed and have never dreamed of this figure before.
Could that mean something of interest is going to be in my google mail? Since it was on a coin does that money or some kind of thing with value? But what would it be exactly, do the details in the dream point ot something specific, otherwise i could make it mean anything.
... curious.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Angel On The Inside

I am in this place that has mountains behind it. Treacherous impassable mountains. There is this large building and set of other buildings here. They set up at the root of the mountains. People here are wanting to escape now, they want out, but they can't get out. There seems to be trouble in the buildings so this is partially out of safety issues. I don't see any authority figures, though. No guards. But a kind of guard like authority like presence is here.
Sometimes I watch this first person, sometimes third person.
I see a glowing man I associate with myself from third-person. He is waking up to his true identity it seems. He is glowing. He comes to a chain link fence. He passes through it floating more than walking as if it was not there. He is like an angel on the inside.

I cannot explain how epic this dream felt and all the details.


I had other dreams. I have been for many days now. But when I awake they fly away from me. Many are important! I am going on missions, I am traveling I am traversing dimensions, I am learning things, I am learning about myself.
But when I awake they're gone. Even scant details or overviews are gone. This makes me sad.


I had another driving dream. I am driving around a maze of suburban streets. Sometimes it felt like exploring just for exploration's sake, sometimes it felt like I was lost and bothering these people as I drove by their houses, and sometimes felt as if I was looking for something and along the way maybe I could find other things or help others or something.


I am on a couch and I can hear a father interacting with his son on the other side of the wall (is a window there? But it would be an inside window.) I guess the child would be like 10 or younger. 5-10? Why am I (able to) eavesdrop(ing)? Sometimes I am uncomfortable doing this, sometimes i feel they are aware of my presence, but then I will also wonder how come they aren't.
But for the most part I know it's OK for me to be there, I'm supposed to be. I am doing my own things. Sometimes I am lying back on the couch playing or reading, sometimes I am talking out loud.
At least they sound like they have a good healthy relationship.