Saturday, May 30, 2015

Too Tired to Rise (aka Strange Menagerie Outside)

I am in and out of sleep in this dream, I even have another dream in-between this one. Yup, I am dreaming inside a dream .... OK o_O
The dream inside the dream was nothing much. It was like a story/TV Twilight Zone idea. I, this guy, is talking to his superior. He doesn't know about this latest job, and wants to not do it, take his vacation early. The supervisor says he can do it, he's been doing it for years, he is his best man, it is too late to find someone else to do it, he can do it! After this one he promises the guy will have his vacation, and a long one if needed, he has certainly earned it. And a promotion and a raise! So, what does this guy do? Well, eventually we find him saying he doesn't want to kill this person. So, a hit-man? No, it turns out he is a kind of Grim Reaper. The question is, why is this one different, and will he or won't he?
There is someone inside the apartment waiting for me to help them, but I am not waking up. Well, I am but going back to sleep. At first I think it is this one person (forget), but then it turns out to be this guy. Like a kind of ....client? I am not sure what he expects from me. He is being patient, I think, time is different when you are half asleep. Anyway, I am worried he is going to force me ot get out of bed, but it is so hot I am nude, so ... don't! :D
Anyway he leaves after calling for someone for a pickup, says he understands. I get up, look for my bathrobe, kinda panic, there it is! But then I look to be sure (in the dark barely penetrated by the light) to see if anything is missing. No, everything seems to be still here, yAy!
But HE has left some items (They were not there, then they started appearing .... dream logic, ladies and gentlemen!)
Anyways, I gather all his stuff, I even get help but I forget from who, maybe 2 people a male and a female. And I rush out with a bag to hold it all in finally. As I am walking the paths in the dark I try to follow ones to a major street, figuring he would wait for his pick up there. As I am traveling one way, I see a strange assortment of animals. One is a bear like creature with a light brown front half and a dark brown back half .. not going that way. Then I go the other way and this complex has NICE GROUNDS. But strange menagerie. Like when I get to the road and do not see him and give it up as a bad job and go back home, on the hill are big cats, and in the pathway I come across giant anteaters and other odd animals!
None of them mind me, they seem tame or at least not wanting to other me or run away, curious is all, unless that is their way of saying hello :P

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