Thursday, September 11, 2014

Devil Child is Angel & Mechanical Sleep, Game Roses Are (not) Real

OK, for last's night's entertainment, let's start with:

1) Game Roses Are (not) Real

This is based on a waking life situation, at least as a start. I did put some rose bushes by a female friend's house in MineCraft.
But, in the dream, after I did that, I got a notification of an incoming call on the computer (like SKYPE), so I alt-tabbed and answered it. It was her boyfriend. He starts out with "I just got on MC, and stopped by her hut. I see there are rosebushes there. I did not put them there. Did you put them there?"
"Yeah. I thought they would look nice there."
"So, you admit it!"
"Yeah ... "
"Why did you put rosebushes there?"
"As a nice gesture for my friend. I happened to have them in my inventory and so I thought at the moment that they would look n ice there."
"But ... roses?"
"Is she on the call too?"
"I'd feel better if she were, can you add her?"
"No, this is between me and you."
"It's just that. I don't get what this is. I meant no harm. It's a game, not real life. If I sent her roses in real life, I would understand. But this is a game and the rosebushes can be easily removed if.."
"So remove them."
"OK, but I think she should know."
"Because she has already seen them there and she liked them there and thanked me. Since they are now HER roses, we should talk to her."
"No. Because ... she would think this is silly?"
"Well, yeah but this is --"
SHE: "Hey guys, mind if I join the fun-talk?"
HE: "Did you invite her?"
ME: "No."
HE: "You did! Just to spite me!"
SHE: "I invited myself. What's wrong?"
ME: "You have the beef, you should tell her."
HE: "Fine. He gave you roses!"
SHE: "Um ... what?"
ME: "He means in MC, I put Rosebushes by your hut."
SHE: "um ... oh yeah, you did! Thanks again!"
HE: "No! No thank you. You need to have him apologize and rip them out!"
SHE: "Have him apologize for being nice have him rip out fake flowers in a fake world?"
HE: "In that world, they are real."
SHE and ME: "What?"
HE: "In that world they are real to me."
SHE: imitating Jake the Dog "Jealous?"
HE: "Well, see, it's just --"
ME: I also imitate Jake the Dog "Jealous?"
She laughs
HE: "Fine! Yes! I am jealous!"
SHE: "Of fake flowers in a fake world."
HE: "But you are real, I am real, he is real."
SHE: "Unless this is all his dream!"
ME: "This IS all my dream, guys!"
HE: "Haha, yeah right."
SHE: "Told you! So you are jealous of fake flowers in a fake world in a dream by someone else?"
HE: "You guys are messed up!"
SHE and ME giggle
-end dream-


2) Devil Child is an Angel

Damien, child of the devil, Rosemary's baby, the computer game Lucien etc. We have seen stories of children with The Devil as the Father. But ... what if the child took after his Mother more than the Father?
That's basically what this dream was about, the war inside the child between Mother and Father. The Father furious that the child (sometimes it was male, sometimes it was female) wasn't being evil, being chaotic enough.
The Mother was patient. She never worried. The Father tried to be patient as best he could, but worried all the time!
So, as She taught him life lessons and was there for the child when things did not go well and celebrated with the child when they went swimmingly ... making every risk worth while; the Father continued to put obstacles in the way and talked trash in his heart.
It was because the child was good, and doing the right thing, that the child eventually felt cursed.
Which led to the next dream ...

3) Mechanical Sleep

Father tried to surround him with monsters disguised as people to sway back to his side. But this wasn't really working out. So, he put the whole group to sleep. He infested them with nightmares and lesson dreams. Then he woke them, but the child after a moment's confusion and questioning was soon back to the light side of things.
Furious and frustrated, the Devil put them back to sleep, but this time changed them all to metal beings!
Again, when they woke and found their new circumstances, the monsters moved away from the child to go rampaging. At first the child was upset and confused. But soon even with this, the child calmed down and was in the Light again.
Having had quite enough of this nonsense, the Devil appeared in front of the Child in all his Horrific Beauty and demanded the child tell him why he gets upset and feels cursed,but in the end always returns to being happy and fun and helping people and generally being in the Light?!
The Child sat there, withstood the fire breath of his Father, waiting for him to finish. Then he said "Did you know my Mother is an Angel?"
"Yes, that is why I chose her. Is that why you are like this, resisting me, you are taking after your mother?"
"No, because she let me realize that you are an Angel, too! You have just forgotten. It is more important for me to help you remember you are an angel, then it is to concentrate on how your forgetting is trying to have me forget, too."
And with that, the child had Light stream out from inside the metal and it melted off and it was a Child of Light.
And the Devil was so amazed, but no more than when the Child walked slowly over to Him and gave him a hug.
The Devil wanted to fight this as well, he was determined to be as he is, not as he was, and nobody can change a crazy bad man, especially if they are .... if I am an Angel.
"Woah, I AM an angel!"
And with that, the devil had light come from deep inside him and explode off the dirty grimey thorny stoney skin he had built upon, and let build upon Him. And he was once again an Angel.

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