Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thanks Ogre, I Was Already Late!

I am in a kitchen with a female like unto my mother and a male like unto my brother. We are all getting ready to go (and all to separate places) for the day. I'm trying to get ready but the woman tells me I needn't rush so. I start to comply, but then I notice something and tell her. "How can I even know what the real time is, every clock in here is different!" She doesn't think there is a problem with the time. I am unsure what to do now that I do not even know what the real time is! So, I just keep trying to get ready to go. *** I don't notice a scene change but things change a bit. I am still trying to get out of here and so is the other male, but the house is different OR we are in a different part of it. We are almost ready to go now when I realize my shoe is untied. I stop and bend down to tie it when I hear a horrific roaring sound. It's a bizarre sound indeed, it doesn't really sound human. It startled me, but I go investigate. The other male is silently behind me at a short distance. I get into this room and there is what I feel is an OGRE. I am not sure what it is except it is big ugly male and mean. Huge! But now it's seen us so we have to deal with it. We have to outwit it somehow. We notice it's shoes, so we decide to offer to help it with it's shoes. But what we were really going to do, what I was really going to do, was tie it's shoelaces together and around something to slow it down at least. So, I'm working on that but we still need to go! The Ogre is getting restless and I'm not getting anywhere with my tying project. So I give it up as a bad job. Then the Ogre moves his feet and is not stopped so I hit him on the head a few times until he is knocked out. *** We HAVE to get out of here! But we realize lights have been left on. So, we go upstairs to turn them off. But one standing light won't turn off, the switch is faulty, so the other male comes to aide me even though he is late as well. He holds the lamp as I try to follow it's cord tangled up with others so I can unplug it, which I finally do. So, we can go now, right? That's when I realize I have two different shoes on. My brother says no one will notice, but I go to my room and find a matching pair and figure I'll put them on later. I went through two rooms to do this and turned on the lights, but coming out I keep missing the wall switches as I am rushing out. I finally get them and rush to the exit. *** At some point the other male has left, maybe only a few steps in front of me? But I am in a kitchen that is open to an entertainment room on one side and has a screen porch on the other (where the exit is). I give up. It's too late. I'll never make it now. *** I am in the same place in the entertainment area, but I am not entertained. I can't find anything to do to distract me from feeling badly! Just then something flies into the cords to the side/back of the entertainment center. I go to investigate. It is a bird! So, I gently talk to it, letting it know I am going to help it. It seems to understand but it is also a bit woozy. Otherwise it seems OK. I gather it up in my hands and walk to the exit. It is talking to me a little, but I forget what it was saying, nothing really important just talking. It flies out of my hands once I enter through the door into the screened in porch. I am not sure if I let it go too early or it escaped too early, but now it was trapped inside the screen porch. I told it I am still here, and would still help. So I went over to the exit and opened it for it and coaxed it to freedom. It thanked me. But I am still stuck in a place with different times on the clocks so I have no idea what time it is, or even the day! And as I walk back inside, I am not sure what I am supposed to do! I consider going to ... wherever I was going to (school? work? or what?) but I figure it's too late so I'll just stay here. Wherever here is. So now I feel displaced. My last thought/feeling is hoping the woman doesn't come home too soon, and to make sure the place is neat for her return. But, then I wonder if the woman will ever return. Maybe she has left forever. *** I wake with this ... maybe she isn't coming back, maybe she has left forever.

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