Monday, July 9, 2012

Her Cure

The female figure in this dream reminded me of a real-life online friend for some reason. It starts like this ... I think I am stirring in bed so much that I give up and get out of bed. Going into the bathroom, I take a look in the mirror in passing -- but wait! Is there ... is there something on my face? Looks like a thin layer of slightly glowing white patches, like a fungus or something. Oh my gosh what the heek! Then I am startled by a phone ringing. It is my cell. It is a female friend. She wants to see me, to bring her something. It sounds casual but it has the edge underneath of being an emergency. So, I am back in the bedroom suddenly clean and dressed and I walk into my living room and flip through a book and find what I am looking for and pull out a page. It doesn't rip out, it pulls out. It is a few pages long, actually, and I know I wrote it for her. Now I am on the road. For a moment I was in the backseat driving, but then that scared me so I somehow moved to the front. Next thing I know I am where she said we would meet. It is a absolutely gorgeous day, and the area is like a park or common area. It is grassy and undulates slightly like green ocean waves. But ... where is she? Have I come at the wrong time, appeared in the wrong place? I call her, but it says the number no longer works. I start to panic, I start to worry I have been fooled again. But no, not her. Something must have happened, keep the faith. Keep the faith, calm yourself, breathe. I keep the faith I breathe again I calm myself down. That is when something pops into my peripheral vision, I turn my head and look. There is something about 300-500 yards away. I see a kind of cart, I think it is to sell things, but I do not know what. It is a big wooden cart, old-fashioned but looks brand new. But that is not what attracts my attention. It is the female figure by the cart. There is something about her ... She has a light around her head ... an aura ... a halo. It is the most beautiful blue I have ever seen, with royal purple lines like sun beams in it and a golden-white glow to it. At first that is all I see, that overshadows the facial features. I walk closer slowly feeling gentle awe ... and suddenly I am by the cart. She is behind the cart. She is shaking. "What's wrong, dear one?" I query. "My father said I could go outside but my dad wouldn't let me. 'You are only 14 and you will mind me.' says my dad; 'Go on out and play, it will be ok.' says my father. So, here I am; but I have to go home to face my dad." "It's OK! You are actually over 18 (24 to be exact) and thus free to live your own life as you see fit. You know this in your heart and this is why you are out on this beautiful day." "I don't know." and she turns her back to me. "I don't think I'm ready!" "You are a beautiful soul, surely you know you will be ready one day?" "Yeah-yes." "Then why not today, on such a beautiful day!" She turns her head towards me and I see a ghost of a smile, but then she turns back away from me. "I brought you what you asked for; what I was told to bring you." "Oh?" I hand it to her, she turns at the torso to be able to take the papers, then turns back away from me. I hear the rustle of papers as she reads them, and turns the pages. Then she turns around with a big smile on her face, pressing the papers over her heart and says "Thank you!" and as she says that, the papers seem to kind of melt into her heart. But then when I see her looking at me, I recall the weird stuff on my face. I quickly turn my back on her. "What is it? What's wrong?" "I am a sinner I am sure, I don't want you to be harmed by me." "It's OK, that can be all in the past. Now is now!" "I do not think I am ready." "A friend once told me something,and it applies to them as well: 'You are a beautiful soul, surely you know you will be ready one day?'" "I guess." "'Then why not today, on such a beautiful day!' ... with me here with you. I have just the cure if you'd just turn around, silly!" I hesitate. I can't hurt such a wonderful person with my issues. Then, it hit me, that is exactly right! I CAN'T hurt such a wonderful person with my issues! So, I turn around and face her. And she says "Here is your cure." and she hugs me. I think I am crying, maybe I am, but I realize it is a melting sensation all over my face. I am sure it is that weird stuff on my face melting off. But as that is happening I am stirring awake. I try to stay asleep but the dream fades away and I give up and get out of bed ... for real this time. The time is exactly 8:00.

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