Saturday, October 29, 2011

PH_IX ... FRINGE material?

A strange dream indeed ... it was like I was watching an episode of FRINGE! So, I've written in that form, which changes the actual dream very little, just organizes it better. PH_IX TEASER: We start in what seems to be a lab. It has a few scientists in white coats and tables and equipment, but sparsely appointed. The strange thing is that the rooms seem to be made out of stone blocks. "How's he looking, Brains?" "Not so hot, Phil. I think we have to crunch the data and work on other variables." "I just can't see what we're doing wrong! I KNEW we should have waited for more information." "You know the rules, desperate times call for desperate measures. We are to use what we have and fill in the blanks ourselves." "Even if eventually we are the ONE scrambled inside like these guys?" "They are military prisoners, we can do anything we want to them. It's your turn to free up the workspace, Brains." "Oh, OK." Brains walks through a short narrow stone hallway, ducks under a low ceiling as a series of doors open for him and each close behind him as he gets past them, then straightens up when he gets to the next room. It is made of polished red granite walls of large blocks, the whole room is nearly cube shaped. In the middle of the floor is a red granite rectangular box. He reaches in and we move over to a top view so we can see that he is trying to get a body out of the box. He is having trouble getting in a position to move the body. That's when the supposedly dead body opens it's eyes. They snap to the man's face, who is in shock. "Braaaaaaaaains!" We see a POV of us rushing towards the scientist's face, we see blood, we pull back to see the scientist thrashing about as he is pulled into the box. More blood is spattered. Quiet. Then we see two corpses pulling themselves out of the granite box, shuffling towards the exit of the room. cue titles we hear a tone that sounds like the Violet Sedan Chair's "Hovercraft Mother" Walter: "Ah, it's ready!" Olivia walks in as Walter is humming "Hovercraft Mother" and walking toward a machine in his lab. Olivia: "Is that a new machine?" Astrid: "Walter is trying to ressurect food." Walter: "Re-substantiate, actually Aphid. Olivia, how nice to see you again! Come, come! You can look inside with me!" Olivia gives a look to Astrid, but Astrid gives a look that she is sure it is safe, so Olivia relaxes and goes on over with Walter. Walter opens the door as Olivia stands to the side and kind of peeks around to take a quick look. Olivia: "So, what is that, Walter?" Walter, looking crestfallen says: "It was supposed to be lunch! It is a dehydrated pizza I am trying to rehydrate in a few seconds like in Back to the Future II, but --" and then the pizza explodes and covers Walter's face. Astrid and Olivia cry out asking if Walter is alright. Olivia reaches up with a towel that she finds nearby, but Walter holds up his hand and licks the pizza from around his mouth. Walter: "Needs more basil and mushrooms perhaps?" Astrid: "Walter, you need to be more careful! What if that was hot cheese exploding onto your face!" Walter: "Don't be silly, the cheese tastes perfectly fine. It's the sauce I was talking about." Astrid just states at him in disbelief, then shakes her head and goes on with what she was working on. Olivia: "Well, you will have to put this on the backburner, Walter. We have a new case." Walter: "Oh good, where are we going this time?" Olivia: "Broyles' office." Walter: "That doesn't sound very Fringey ... unless -- is it raining in his office?" Olivia: "No, it's military and sensitive, so they just want to pick our brains for now." Walter: "The military ... they always want to pick my brain! Olivia, before we go, could you be a dear and pick a bit of sausage out of my nose? No, wait, I think I can get it." He picks something from his nose and puts it in his mouth. "Oh dear, I don't think that is from the pizza." But he goes ahead and chews it up anyway with a "huh, not too bad" tilt of his head/look on his face. Interior, Broyles' office: Broyles: "As you know, the military is just starting to open it's doors more to us, but it is a slow process indeed. Something happened at one of their military bases but they won't tell us many details yet. They won't even call it a Fringe Event, but if it were not part of The Pattern they would not bother to contact us at all. All they will tell me for now is that they have lost contact with it." Walter: "It's the aliens at Area 51, isn't it? They escaped and are now flying around in an Aurora plane, trying to find one of their bases?" Broyles: "No aliens, Walter." Walter: "Of course not. It's never going to be aliens, is it?" Olivia: "Which base is it then, Sir?" Broyles: "I was able to ascertain that it is on or near a place familiar to you, Olivia. One you grew up on, in fact. The one with your dad and the door he painted red."< Walter: "Oh, let's go there now, Olivia! Maybe we can convince the people there to talk to us if we bring them a pizza! I don't want any sausage on it, though. Not after my debacle." It turns out it is an underground facility near the base. What they have done is re-built the Great Pyramid Complex of Egypt, realizing it was not monuments or tombs, but a complex for a machine. The Sphinx, the three pyramids, and the temples and smaller pyramids around it all worked together in this complex. The Great Pyramid itself was a machine to help them to resurrect/heal people who were near death it seems. But the later culture only got part of it and used mummification instead for death only. The mistake on the base resurrected people only partially, thus creating zombies. The clues to resurrection is the title of Program "PH_IX" and one of the scientist at the start said "the ONE scrambled inside". You jumble the word ONE to go INSIDE the blank _ in the middle of PH and IX (not meant to be the Roman numeral 9 after all). So, you end up with PHOENIX. (PHIX = FIX? also why the other name PHIL?) The military wanted to use it to get injured soldiers back into the field faster. One additional idea is that at the end of the episode, when they think it's all taken care of, we realize it was actually a trap to lure Olivia there. And she is faced with the mysterious man with the X on his shirt who she said is going to kill her! This episode then would include many references to Season 3, Episode 19: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. This would provide the stinger for the end of the episode!

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