Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Russia Gets Cocky, Gets Hit With the MI5 Defense (and other scandelous DreamZZZ)

It's going to be hard to put these into words ...

I am bedside. A man is sitting on a bed and a woman is lounging on it. She is very happy with him. He wants to just sit there and stay with her, but he has a Mission. A young girl suddenly appears and reminds him of this mission, and why it is OK to leave the pretty adoring lady. "Don't forget, you have Defense M-15!"
(for a moment i reminded of Admiral Adama as played by Lorene Greene in the original TV Series "Battle Star Galactica").
Then I feel I am watching Russia. They are being cocky. They are speaking propaganda phrases and puffing up with power and false claims of working for peace when they are planning on doing the exact opposite. Things are starting to look bleak, but then comes along "Defense M-Fifteen". I don't know what it does, but I know that is what happens, and Russia is all "oh noes!" and their plans are turned around and they make a deal so as to actually work for peace and to help their people and it inspires the rest of the world and we have peace!
But it wasn't Lorene Green, who was it really? I see this figure in a kitchen. He has been secretly poisoned by someone who does not want his Defense M-15 to ever happen. Luckily he has not taken the full dose, but a sip does him harm. He falls to the floor clutching his chest.
His son runs in just in time and attends to him. He knows just what to do and is able to save his dad in such a way that there is no lasting damage either!

Now I am looking at a kind of game-board mini-game from a computer / console game like "graphic". It is of the "good guy's" piece (looking like a triangular space ship I think?) moving from bull's eye like place to place. It waits just long enough for the "bad guy's" piece to come to his area but move just in time. Every time the enemy's piece lands right where he wants it to. Soon a pattern is made and he gets him to land on the final spot, activating "Defense em-eye-five".


Another dream has me arguing with a co-worker about real work. It is about a resident (who really exists) with the last name of Starbuck (who, coincidently, was a major character name in Battle Star Galactica). In real life, she expired recently. Well in the dream she wanted me to make an admitting chart for a returning admission, Starbuck! Bu I said "how can we, she's dead." She argues "no she's not, if she was she couldn't return could she, now just do the chart." But I look at the information, and I go get the expired chart, and I see they are exactly the same, it is the same person. I show her the expired chart. At first she is mad that I am wasting time and challenging her authority. But I say "please look, I am not being a jerk here, this is serious." She takes a moment to calm down and actually looks. Her eyes get big! She calls the admission office to ask why they gave her information on an expired patient, they say they didn't and confirm the information. Further more they tell us to hurry with the chart because she is here.
We have her death paper work as found in the facility and the doctor filled out the official Death Certificate, and yet here she is alive and returning to the facility from a hospital very much alive!
So, in other words, we have proof of a TSLD!


QUESTIONS: I have a synchronicity here. Two different kinds of dream scenarios, both with a connection to Battle Star Galactica. Why? And why did it seem more connected to the original show than the modern one? Especially since I have not seen the original in forever but have the new one full-set? But haven't watched it recently and only watched it as a disc set (not on TV) once, months and months ago!

What was that about Russia and "Defense M-15/MI5"? MI5 is the name for British Intelligence.
The I looks like a 1, so is that why i first heard "Defense M-fifteen". Does "Defense M 15" or something similar have it's own significance?
1) Well ... Israeli Defense does carry something called M15, which is a gas mask .
2) Then there is "Jose Chungs Doomsday Defense: M15" by Mark Snow -- a piece of music from TV series "Millennium".

Wouldn't it be cool to carry over evidence from one TimeLine to Another during a Shift? XD

There seemed to be important things here, but I don't know what ...

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