Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shoes Well

Later I have one where I am with a group in a bookstore, all bright and full of stuff and everybody having a great time. My group leaves and I tag along behind, and one of them drops their silver bulbous cell phone and it makes such a clatter but they just keep going, how could they have missed all that echoing noise on the stairwell as we go down stairs?
So, I pick it up and try to chase them down, telling them they dropped their phone. I see them disappear around a corner on the stairs going down every time. I open the phone as I am going one time, curious as to it's odd shape. Experimentally, I put it to my face, and it seems to move to fit my face! It is very comfortable and it can now be hands free. But it's not mine so I quickly take it off and fold it back together.
I finally catch them up when we are at the bottom and I see them going up this grand wide staircase going straight up. I mean, a city bus, a 16 wheeler, could easily fit sideways on this stair case with plenty of room to spare!
I finally cause them to stop and turn around. I hold up the phone, waving it, telling them they dropped their phone. One of them makes a "d'oh!" motion, laughing and the group laughs with him, and he waves me up. But then the dream changes to something else.
I am not sure what, but I am in a building open to a common docking area with many other businesses. I help the delivery guy to come in and he starts talking to this girl, who I know is married, but I let them talk and hide. I have to bend under a wire like electrical cord. I move around rows of 3 foot tall bookshelves. He doesn't notice my hiding.
Later I go back outside and find myself next to a bunch of boxes piled there, Some of them have been opened. On top of the boxes I see shoes, all kinds, some sneakers some hiking boots. I get closer to inspect them, when I hear something coming from one of the businesses and see a couple people come out.
So I back away from the shoes. I don't want them to think I was going to steal them or anything.

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