Sunday, April 25, 2010

lATE (also 3 shorts)

So, I'm just picking up my breakfast order in a drive thru when I get a phone call. It's my brother, he wants me to come right away, it's an emergency. I drive home fast it's reckless and scary but kinda fun, and I worry about cops but suddenly I'm home and inside the house.
:/ I really don't like it here. The weird mix of feelings juxtaposed makes my stomach tighten up. Nostalgia and care mixed with anxiety and wariness. I smile and I listen, but I'm very annoyed, because I'm finding out ... there is no emergency!
I have to go, I was on my way to somewhere (school? work? elsewhere?) and I still have time to make it there.
My brother is trying to make me feel obligated and feel guilty for not being nicer. But I'm perturbed at their trap so I'm trying to smile and be nice but I just want to get out of there!
There I am, with my bagged breakfast getting cold, but my mom keeps insisting I take HER food with me. The "emergency" is she's baked a lot of food. Is it a business -- I think she is making and selling food. (She IS a great cook!). She keeps wanting me to try food and take food and its all deserts and bread like stuff and to please her I take some, but she keeps piling it on and my arms are getting sore from trying to carry all this stuff and it's nothing I really want to eat all day so I get short.
I manage to keep a sticky cinnamon roll that is falling apart with me, on top of my bag of food. I try some. It is good. But I have to go! So, I don't say anything.
My brother chastises me for not gushing over it (I don't really say anything) as I try to move through a maze of items both inside and out. I forget what all the obstacles were, but it was like a maze!
I start to take a bite of her food but I instead accidentally knock it out of my hands and into the dirt. Great.
Now I could take a car they want me to take, but I just want MY car, the car I drove in to get here. Strange thing is, while I was inside I was forgetting how I got here so I am struggling now to trust my vague memory now that I am outside.
But, you see, it hasn't completely returned yet, so I keep asking for (and this is true in real life as well, the car I had before this one was a Honda) my Honda.
They kept telling me I don't have a Honda but I can take one of theirs. I need to take mine, or else I'll have to get a ride back here to get it! It's just another trick to keep me here and get me to come back.
At least that pauses their chattering (bro and mom), but the clutter in the driveway seems closer and more like blockages then before. *sigh* "I didn't mean to yell, it's just I try to bring the best out in you and make you happy but in return all you guys do is do the very opposite to me. I've tried and tried but I'm tired now and I just want to go back to where I was and let you be where you were, OK?"
They're quiet, and I suddenly remember what my car is and where it is! I dash over to it, but when I yelled I dropped my bag and I see now that dirt found a way into the bag and onto my breakfast sandwich.
.... great! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So, I get into my car and as soon as I'm ready to back out, and I'm actively backing out, I'm blocked. Worker like people with worker like trucks decide they want out before me. So, I have to wait on one. The other I try to speed up and honk my horn but I have to wait for him, too.
FINALLY I can go now!

It's hard to drive now. I am having trouble concentrating. Traffic is flowing just fine but there are a lot of cars. I am distracted by my gurgling stomach, and I even go as far as opening the bag again but I see the sandwich has dirt on it so I cannot eat it it's ruined. It's hard doing all the tasks needed to drive. I keep getting turned around and worried I won't be paying attention and get to where I need to go. I pull to the side and stop at a place, but I forget now if it was my orginal destination or not.


SHORT PIECES (I recall a couple other short pieces of dreams)

Sitcom Boss

I dream I walk by this room and see a co-worker staring at a TV. Her name is Jo Lee. I hear her laughing and saying "No way." Curious I walk in. I'm shocked to see my boss, Robyn, there in the TV show! A sitcom like that one Tim Allen was in ages ago. My boss is in a red dress with red lipstick. She makes another joke and the TV audience roars with laughter and my co-worker says "unreal!" Then I say "unreal". We continue to watch the show in wide-eyed amazement.


Game of High States

I am playing a board game with three other men. We have pieces to move around the board like Parcheesi or sorry or whatever. We have plastic tiles like dominoes. We have to pick them out of a bag. They have different colors, forest colors like bark browns and brownish-greens mainly. We talk some as we play. The play goes clockwise. I'm doing horribly, I picked a tile that freezes my movements until I get another certain tile, which I'm not getting. I'm starting to get frustrated, I don't have to win but I feel hampered and helpless and I hate that! They are getting so far ahead of me, I am getting so far behind, but I want to keep playing.
Eventually, the three other players decide to just let me start moving again. I don't want to cheat. They say it's not exactly cheating, the next edition of the game (which one of the players has but we are playing an older version) has a sub-rule that makes it that special tile OR you can move after X number of turns. They agree I've been frozen for more than enough turns. I reach my hand in the bag (I can still pick tiles, I just can't move) and, of course, this is when I get the unfreeze tile!
We laugh at that.
But that's when I realize some of these thick plastic tiles (even with a flat raised circular bump on some of them) look like States, United State States! The brown piece I picked was the smaller bit of Michigan, but I also find I have the bigger piece of Michigan as well!
I see other states, but I forget what they are.
I look up at the other players and say "Hey .... just what kind of game are we playing, here?"


Funny Sports Video

I watch this funny sports video someone got on their camcorder. This older girl, like 21 I think, is with these younger kids. They aren't having fun with the game/exercise, so she comes in to lighten things up and make it more playful. She let's herself get bonked in the head with this big light balloon of a ball (it doesn't hurt) and bonks someone else with it. She moves from one playing field to another and it's silly and fun!

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