Friday, April 9, 2010

Confusion, Violence & Lies in Traffic; Adventures in Resident Evil Land - oh joy

Confusion, Violence & Lies in Traffic:

I think I was at work before this? Now I'm trying to figure out which turn lane to be in. This one car pulls around all the others onto the median and on the other side of the road and through the light as it's green to get past all these other cars to get further in line on the other side of the light, and we're waiting on another light.
People are agitated at him. They also don't like how he has positioned his car now. He is out of his car confronting the other drivers!
There is a police officer, and he gets out of his car, but he seems to be supporting the bad driver. But more in not stopping him then anything more direct. The bad driver has some kind of weapon, like a bat or shotgun? He looks at the cop, who nonchalantly turns away from him, and that's when the bad driver strikes a driver and stomps off.
A person in my car or near my car decides to go tell the cop on the guy. I tell him to be careful and he reaches back in the car and gets a weapon like the bad driver's. The cop is in a car by now. He tries to tell the officer of the law what the bad driver did, but the cop disarms him and laughs at him like a bully. The guy is confused. He has lost his train of thought. He reaches into the cop car to retrieve his weapon. The cop lies for the bad driver, he's not going to do anything about it.

I get past all of this and I want to get home because a new dog is going to be there! Things keep getting in the way. I think we drive forwards with the car backwards at some point. We have to slow down when loose neighborhood dogs are in the street.


Resident Evil: Afterlife Movie StillSee More Resident Evil: Afterlife Movie Still at

Adventures in Resident Evil Land - oh joy

I am going along for the ride! I see people dying in horrible ways by one creature more than any other. It is big bulky and mainly a big huge mouth full of teeth with no lips. It can take a lot of bullets, but mainly it likes to move so fast and side to side that you can't hit it, and to scare you so you can't target it properly. Then it grabs you and bites you, or tears you apart limb by limb, or slowly breaks and twists you apart at your back, or slams you on the ground while still holding onto you.
I also see weird plant life. It's all red, bright red, glowing red. Many of these things move themselves, as if they are swaying under water. Some can move off of a single spot. There are "walking" "toadstools" large and small, as well as "fan tree" like things. They don't seem to be hurting anybody that I can see. they seem to be like migrating birds moving a a mass formation group. Some just are rooted and sway there.
We were on these weird platforms and mazes and such. Going down as if going deeper into Hell in order to escape. Strangely enough, I didn't stay with the group I was with ... it was more like I saw through a movie camera and so I moved to several other views, including vistas and action points a CGI camera would follow.
It was like watching a movie and being in it at the same time.

That's why I'm up now. It was way too intense for me! Too trippy, horror-scary, and the way I saw it the way it moved.
And no, once again like every time I put things in, I have done no drugs. I didn't even drink. I don't really drink anymore, anyway. I did watch the trailer for the new "Resident Evil: Afterlife" but that was early in the evening and I'm not sure why I dreamed of it I don't dream of tings in the real world that often and why wait till late in my dreaming cycle to use it?

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