Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Spy In The House Of Love

note: This title is taken from an episode of "DOLLHOUSE"

I am some kind of spy. I can gather intel. or collate it from other sources in the field. I have and need help. But, right now, I'm practically on my own. This is the final bit of work that needs to be done. I know what to do and I can improvise and roll with the punches!

I walk into the first floor, on through one set of 7 double-doors. But only one will get me through properly, all the others are fake.
I'm in!
I see that this seems to be some kind of study area or cafeteria for a school. I see adults and children (young teens?). I walk right up to one of the men and ask questions as I get close enough for some spy detail work. I choose my body language, tone of voice, and word choice perfectly to illicit information and not be noticed too much.
As I walk towards the back, towards the elevators, I am surprised to see someone I know.
"Sam? Samantha Carr?"
"Yes. Oh hi!"
I am confused because she does not look like her FaceBook picture at all. Plus she's much younger! I get a picture of her FB picture in my head inside the dream.
She has very short hair that is a pale yellow that almost matches the color of her skin. Her hair is very close to her scalp, or is in short bunches of braids, it's hard to tell.
Once I move from her table (she was surrounded by other people), I head straight to the elevators. But at that table there was a change ... for now my clothes are different. I was wearing a suit. Now I am wearing a long sleeve pale blue button-down dress shirt and shorts (or boxers, but I'm pretty sure they are shorts). As I get in the elevator I try to figure out this new dress, eventually I pull the shirt out of my pants so it is not tucked in any more. I think I want to hide the shorts, I'm not sure.
I go to push my button but see it is already pushed. I am in with young adults now: mid-twenties to thirties.
On the ride up (was I going to the 50th floor? I wish I could remember the number of the floor), one of the ladies eyes me up and down with a smile and asks something like "giving or receiving". I forget the phrase but it was opposites like that. With complete confidence I say "giving mainly, but also receiving. I am quite the popular one!"
"Mmm, I just bet you are," she returns.
Eventually it's my floor. I walk forward with zero fear and zero doubt, absolutely confident in my task and how to do it no matter what.

My mission: so, what was my mission anyway? What was I to accomplish? I am not sure, but I have some ideas. I was going into this place and I was going to set things right. Either they were going to listen to my sage advice and follow ti and fix things or I was going to make them "pay" justice. One way or another, this place was going to be cleaned up and from this point forward do right or do no more.

WHAT kind of place was this?:
Bottom floor was full of people hungry for knowledge or starving from lack of real food for thought. A place of study, where they could study things but they were also meant to study themselves. It was also a place where I could study them. They could not fathom me because I was Higher Knowledge ... or a better observer or knower of the truth or something I don't really know.
I don't know the difference between the adults and the kids.
At the top floor was like an escort or dating service? It was hard to tell.

more later, maybe! for now, off to work!

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