Saturday, February 6, 2010

Topsy-Kurly, Under Where?

Topsy Kurly

First off, to explain the title. Another online friend calls me "Kurly" and this is meant to be a play on the phrase "Topsy Turvy" of course.

Apparently I am in KC because the name pops up in the dream, but I'm not sure where. I am sitting in a room with a friend from URU. Er, Norway. But I don't know her or call her by her real-world name, but as her URU name! So I didn't call her "Yngvil", I call her "Topsy", and she goes by that name as well! :p
She's sitting in this big comfy chair in front and to the right of mine. She's saying how glad she is to have come here. To America? I ask. No, specifically here, with me. She says she now knows where she came from!
She tells stories of how her essence entered this plane of existence first in KC here, then drifted off elsewhere to be actually born, but now returning here she feels more of a kinship here.
She has different version of her story, or I get clearer answers with follow up questions? All I can recall is the last version. She said something like "I came as a rain drop and I fell softly into that one fountain you showed me and entered the KC water supply."
"But .... I thought you were from Norway, weren't you born there?" I asked curiously.
Slightly agitated, she answers, "Yes, eventually I made my way to the place where I was physically born. But for all intents and purposes I was truly born here."

Meanwhile I sometimes had a book in my lap, and a pen. I was trying to look things up and record things, too. This seemed like a book of my friends, it had their faces and info in it. I was trying to find hers. At the same time, I didn't want to "cheat", I wanted to be able to recall her naturally PLUS she was sitting right there! :D I realized a truth about me was that I was still in shock that she was actually here with me, no longer somewhere else online. So I got a bit anxious then.
I was happy and relaxed to have her over, but once I thought of that stuff, I got a bit nervous and awkward and I felt I was going to be stupid and ask stupid questions and not be observant or relaxed and stuff, which is what happens to me in real life.
I say things like "so ..... you're "Topsy", right? T-o-p-s-y?" You hadn't told me your name when you came in, you just said my name with a big smile on your face and pulled me into a big long hug. I knew you WERE Topsy, but I was nervous now.
"Yes, I'm Topsy." and you said it with an edge of exasperation and hurt in your voice.
But I realized that a kind of "joke" to tell you. I told you "My name is Kurly, so now together we are Topsy Kurly!" We got a big laugh out of that and things got relaxed again and I put my book down and the dream ended as you came to sit in my chair with me.
That was really nice!


I don't remember much from this next dream, but I was tired of where I was living with people (family?) and at the end of the dream I was packing up to go, mainly my clothes.
I mention this because it bled into my next dream ...

Under Where?

So now I am in a room. It is a combination of a hotel room, apartment, or part of a house, but MAINLY a very nice hotel room.
I unpack and put my stuff away, mainly clothes but a few other things. I go to bed, but I can't go to sleep right away. I can hear other people for one thing. For another I realize I don't even know what time it is here! So I roll over in the bed to the edge to find some kind of clock. All I see is a modern cordless phone standing up in a stand.
Man this phone is teched out! But simple! It is thin. The screen has all kinds of options on it, but all I want is the time and I am having trouble concentrating and finding the time. I think I finally find it and it says 2:22 AM. NOW I have to figure out how to make it into a wake-up alarm, lol!

So, eventually the phone wakes me up, and i go for a shower. I saw to myself "Boy, this shower really is a show-er!" Because all the walls were clear so anybody could see me. Is that ... water running through the walls? But, I don't have time for modesty, I have to shower! So, I shower and dry myself and wrap a towel around me. Now i see people outside, so I'm nervous. I try to hunker down, and walk that way sometimes. I am looking for my underwear, but I can't seem to find it. I look out the front door and realize I left a satchel out there on the steps!
So I go out there to look inside it, but now there are two young women on the steps, in the way of my bag. I am trying to step around them and quietly open my bag,and at first they are just doing their own thing. (note I am not sure what I'm wearing at this moment, feels like more than just a towel but I'm not sure). The girl in front of my bag giggles at me and asks what I need. I said I need what's under there and pointed towards my bag. "Under where?" she asked, I answered "Underwear, exactly!" and I showed her that I wasn't dressed yet and she got a big laugh out of that. So, she offered to help me look in my bag.
She giggled even more then. "Are you sure this is your bag?" Then she opened up a roomy side pouch and showed me there was only a bunch of panties! I was so shocked and embarrassed, I told her I had MY underwear in there, "she must have put these in here when I wasn't looking." and the young woman laughed and said "no, I put mine in here when you weren't looking. This is my bag, silly!"

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