Sunday, March 28, 2010

Working The Dream, The Tale Of The Impossible Shower

Working The Dream

I am in a rather spacious room with peaceful muted colors. Off-white walls and light brown carpet and light you can safely read by but also see what you're doing. I am at a computer work-station with others. They are set up kind of like flower petals. Rounded bulbous tables, more than one per "stalk", these are white as well. The screens do not hurt your eyes, and there is a keyboard but you can also just talk if you like ... I think.
Is this a place for .... architects?
A woman comes to me (manager) and asks me very politely to come to her office. She is a brunette, white almost pale white, and um ... you know ... isn't a skinny minny.
we sit across from each other and talk. I mention that my badge seems incomplete for some reason, I don't know why. I hand it over to her, and she realizes what is missing. She picks up a red pen and starts writing on my badge. Well, that's a bit odd, but she is over me so *shrugs*. She hands it back to me. I see a large
"ID 7"
on it, and some words further down, all in red. I can't figure out why that is a single number, she says it isn't it's code for a two-two-four identity ("or is it a seven number ID" she says to herself). Then she sends me away from my usual station to be in a different section.
I am very excited to be in this other section! I feel very confident and in my full-power of determination and being able to be in any situation and work with it and make it better too!
I am slightly disappointed because I am not doing what I thought I was doing. I thought I was going to go out but I have to stay behind. While I'm working through my disappointment I am standing at a work-station and this guy is showing me pictures on the machine that are like montages and theme packages. He saves two of them and then asks for my badge and swipes it on the side like a Debit Card Reader. The files from my computer, including those two pictures e-mail and work documents are now saved on my ID badge.
I'm bored and my ennui isn't helping me get through my disappointment faster. I still do what I can. I see a Y shaped exit. It is two open doorways with one hallway going to the left, the other to the right, as if I were in the bottom stick-end of a capital Y. Well, I've never seen that before. I walk a short way down the left end and when I see a flashing and I am called into an office with 4 people in it, but I concentrate on only one of them.
They tell me something is wrong with my ID badge. I say my manger just looked at it. They ask if any pictures are stored there. I start to say no because I don't do that, but then I remember that guy put those 2 pictures on my ID.
He smiles and I hand him my badge so he can troubleshoot it.
He looks askance at the writing on it. I say my manager put it there. He says he doesn't know why, and he may have to get me a whole new badge. I asked that I not be charged for it, please, because it was not my fault.
The dream ends shortly after this, I forget the details and have added some as I am typing it but it is basically as-is.
But it seems to lead to the next one as I walk out the door into ...


The Tale Of The Impossible Shower

What does a guy have to do to simply get a shower around here?
This dream came directly after the office one above.
I walk down a hall and it feels more like an hotel or convention center something. I walk around this maze-like partition like two brackets | ___| --- |
I first see a floor like cement. It is in a large shallow bowl like depression with a drain in the center. On the edge is a faucet. So ... this is supposed to be like a bathtub? Doesn't look very comfortable and it looks like it's for more than one person.
I walk further in and I see water and stuff can come out of the walls, but again there are no partitions, no privacy, no chance to use single-stalls. I stare forlornly at this for a few moments, trying to figure out a way I can shower in private, or just dealing and doing it public, when I hear others coming in.
That decides it, I'm not showering with a bunch of strangers, I'm out of here!

I exit and look up and the sign up there on the maze-partition wall reads "WOMEN" with "ISRAEL" to the right of it. I must have come out the wrong entrance ... that means this isn't just a public shower but co-ed too!
Why is ISRAEL next to WOMEN?
What does Israel mean?
Is this the correct definition: "In the right path with god. One who prevails with God (Genesis 32:28)"
EL is GOD, as in the archangel names MichaEL, GabriEL, UriEL, RaphiEL ...

So, I walk out and I'm grumbling to myself about how hard is it to find a shower around here when someone calls me over, he's overheard me.
He is dressed slick and he is manning a turnstile by the stairs. He looks exactly like "Victor" in the TV show "Dollhouse".

He is saying for a small fee to pass through the turnstile, which he will pay on my behalf, he can lead me to a shower. Before I can say a word, he has unlocked the turnstile and I am going through. He points over to the left and says, "Walk this way, sir, for the time of your life." He continues walking that way and talking as if I am following him, but I'm not. I see he is leading me to a ... well, what to call it. Like a club with naked women in it and stuff, a strip club or Playboy club.
Whoa, I just want a private shower, I'm sure the girls are pretty and nice but I don't want lust right now, so I move to the right and on down a hallway with rooms on either side.
"Hey, hang on, if you aren't coming in you have to pay me for the turnstile!" He tries to find me, chasing after me down the other hallway. He starts knocking on doors, getting into rooms, harassing the occupants looking for me.
But I know I am safe, he will never find me. I swipe my ID badge next to door #7, step through the threshold, and that's when I wake up!

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