Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BOL, Lucky Foot Coin


I was with a guy and a girl. We were out in the sunshine it was a nice Spring day. We were on a slight incline on a mountain with light green on it. There were three wires, like steel cables.
The girl was trying to balance on one of the wires and doing a great job of it when this Ball of Light appeared floating in the sky towards us.
The girl didn't really take much notice of it. She started getting worried and upset and afraid, and the BOL came right down on her and enveloped her!
Then it quietly left and hovered in the sky. It can change shape color and form. It now looks like a black & white soccer (Football) ball!
She said it was nice and good and she felt better, but she didn't want to do that again. She wasn't ready for it.
I volunteered, because it felt OK to me not vampiric or anything. Do, I went out and balanced on the wire. Firstly, in real life I have crap balance, but here I was able to balance with no effort. Then I breathed in and out like yoga and I asked that only if the BOL were non-vampiric and good could it come to me. It enveloped me. I was not straight now, I was either leaning backwards or forwards (I forget which now that I am awake) and it was like a shower! It was cleansing me! It was cleansing my aura and my mind heart and soul. It felt great.
It got offa me and I thanked it and copy pasted some of my energy to it. It happy zipped back into the sky.


Lucky Foot Coin

I find a coin in my apartment like place. Before I did I was getting all this bad luck. But as soon as I pick this coin up, all those bad luck things start to turn around to good luck,and more good things happen!
MEANWHILE a woman is sad because she lost her lucky coin. Someone is talking to her comforting her. She says it has something to do with her foot. Like she rubbed it on her foot to make it lucky or something? She is sad because this coin is gone. The Comforter tells her it's OK, don't be sad or greedy, now someone else in need can use the coin. And she can make a new one now. She tried it did not work. Well try now, the timing wasn't right. She tried, it worked! She held her palms together and saw a time where she had a coin in them, and one appeared! She rubbed them first on her corns and they went away.

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