Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dreams Repeat Twice - Gill Tank & more

My DreamZZZ kept repeating tonight. Always twice, with slight variations in the second version, and they were not right after each other.

1) Gill Tank

I had dreams about a fish, I forget one of them, but I do recall some from one.
There was this guy talking to me about what another person (male?) did and was questioning in a judging manner. He wanted me to look at this fish tank and I did. I saw one medium sized fish in there and maybe other fish were there too but I focused on the one, mainly like a gold fish. It was in the middle, calm. The water looked clear. The tank was roughly the size and shape of a computer "tower".
He calls it a "gill tank", and it is meant to be used as a temporary place to keep the fish when you are cleaning it's tank. It is also specially designed to clean the fish and other things. But it is meant to be a place you put it until its original tank was ready again, and this person was complaining because the fish owner was usign it as the ONLY tank.

I've never heard of a Gill Tank, sounds like a cool idea, though!


2) School Class - Cultural Anthropology & Tardiness

I got in a few minutes late right when the teacher was finishing up getting everybody settled down. I see a pretty sweet smart looking girl, who I thought was also shy, looking at me and smiling at me with the most warm and caring smile I've ever seen. It makes me anxious (what do I do?) but calm (it's all good - from her eyes and smile) at the same time. But then I had to concentrate on the teacher.


The second one there is a tall thin white guy with an accent and a kind of grayish-beige duffel-bag backpack thing. He is flusterated, I try to help him. It calms him down and he thanks me. We go into the classroom and we're late. The class is already underway. We scramble to get out out pen notebook and textbook. As I was flipping through I saw a chapter on Dental Hygiene with a wide open mouth full of teeth.

3) Couple On The Run

This is another repeater. In the second one, I am with this girl. This dream is full of mistrust and fear under the surface. There is a Most Wanted couple, and this other guy who may be her brother who is bigger than I am (taller bulkier fatter) comes into the bed room saying he is suspicious that i am the guy in the photo and he wants to turn me in and get me away from his sister. I am innocent and try to tell him. One way is by showing that this guy has a lot of money he got illegally and spent it on a lot of nice things. I showed him my cheap zero frills cell phone. It took awhile, but I think he left convinced to wait for more evidence.
Soon there after the authorities come in. They tell the girl to get on her knees. She says "Idiots. You are hurting yourselves trying to stop us. What you are doing to change to stop us with violence and force is doing far more damage than our act s are, and that is the real damage we want!"
I can't believe it, she's the one in the picture? They have the brother too and it turns out he is not related, but her partner in crime. I'm scared because I am close to this girl and him. But the authorities don't seem to pay me much mind. I don't know what to do so I just try to remain as calm and observant as I can.

3) Movie Info

Another double. Basically this tall thin black guy with mini-dreads (like corn rows but not) comes to the side of me on the road, asking me about an up coming movie. I have the stub so I answer his questions and help him. I am a bit wary of him but help him and I'm nice and nothing bad happens.

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