Thursday, April 14, 2011

She Held My Hand As We Laugh And Explore

Finally I recall a dream again. And not just any dream, but a nice happy good one! But, as if I am cursed, I am pulled from the dream for no good reason way too soon.
Why can't that happen with my nightmares or dreams I do not like or wish to recall (like a pre-cog), why with this one which is being comfortable with a female friend who is also comfortable with me? Y_Y
anyways ... the dream:

I am with this girl. She is a brunette. Sometimes her hair seems dark brown, other times light almost blonde, or even a dark blonde. She is white and around my height and has one of those kind pretty faces that is like a smile covering some sadness but prefers the smile.
We are inside a building. It has a place with tables and chairs to sit down but I don't know what for, I don't see any food or anything else. We walk through that area, but it is so narrow at times we have to walk in a line instead of side by side.
Then we find rooms like bathrooms and we both go into a different one.
I come out of mine, peeking around the door and see her doing the exact same thing. We both laugh at that!
Then we go into another room. This is like a cinema. We sit next to each other a few seats away from the right aisle I am on her left. The chairs seem like red velvet.
I don't know how to describe the movie. I don't recall enough details to be able to do so. But it is is like a light drama with comedy. At one point we are following this guy talking to another man but we can't ever see his face. Then the camera pans up his front and finally reveals his face.
When it does so I realize my friend is holding my hand and we turn to each other and laugh at the same time, her face is lit up! It feels so great that she is holding my hand and we are laughing at the same time like that. I am relaxed, at peace, next to no anxiety (still a little, but VERY little). I just feel comfortable being with this person and she with me.
What were we laughing at? It seems to me the man revealed may have been a famous person. Either a non-actor or a very famous actor in a film with no stars in it. Anyway, that was shock to see him, but more so because he had penciled in eyebrows like a woman BUT had not shaved off his real eyebrows! I don't get it, but it was hilarious anyway, very fun!
The movie is over and we are leaving. She is still holding my hand. I let her leads me wherever she wants to go. Oft times she holds are hands up high (mostly the kind of height you would get if you raised your hand up but kept your elbow down low towards your body). I don't mind I don't care what others may think I don't care where we go. She takes us into another bathroom like area. "oops" she says and we try to just make our way through to the other door, but when we go through that one we find ourselves in yet ANOTHER bath room! No one is in them and we laugh at the absurdity and confusion.
Just as we finally exit the bathrooms and walk around is when the dream cuts off. Opening my eyes a little later I see the clock says 5:38.

It would have been so fun to keep being with her as we held hands, laughed, and explored. Oh well ... back to life back to reality back from my fantasy back to the here and now ;-(

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