Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy Sale!

I keep coming back to this store, so this is kind of like a repeating dream but all in one night.

I go back to the things I had seen before that caught my eye. I had set aside (hidden) a "message" like item. Was it a book or audio? I am not quite sure. I don't even know if it was for me but I felt it was invited to listen to it but share it with others ... not sure. But I found it again and held on to it.

Another item was a book. It was about the Universe. It had "& Natch" as part of the cover. Natch ... short for naturally? I flipped through the book again and it just seemed so fascinating and full of knowledge and fun things to read and learn about. It had lots of natural science things like solar systems, planets, moons, galaxies, etc. etc. Lots of pictures and diagrams in full bursting color! And some of the pictures moved. But also lots of text. So I picked that up.

I saw another book that was pearl white big and I think had a big white flower on the front with a nice green stem in a clear glass vase. On it was a sticker for their "Crazy Sale" where many items had crazy % off, like this one was 27% off. My universe book was 77.7% off? I forget.
I don't remember taking this other bok, but it held my interest.

Next I walk over to a display that seems new to me. It has music on it. Records, cassette tapes, and CDs. Two stick out to me. One looked like "Pink Floyd" but it was spelled differently. Like "Punk Floyd" or something. It had the famous "Dark Side of the Moon" prism on it except it was upside down and backwards. So the rainbow was being sucked into the prism and turning back into white light (which has been a metaphoric idea for me for the end of separation).
Then I see a cool music video playing! I was mesmerized. I think it was by Metallica? But I am not a Metallica fan and it did not sound like their usual sound. But this song (instrumental as much as I heard of it) was captivating! I even started "singing" along with the song because it soon felt like I knew it or could feel it.
The logo was bluish silver metal with a big M like this /\/\ at the start and a big /\ A at the end.
The video was a concave semi-circle of metallic-stone looking spires (obsidian? magnetite?) and these paired up people dancing around it in a way that spoke of preparation and determination, sadness and righteous anger. They were all together but paired up one male with one female. Angels, warrior angels?
I wondered about that. I heard we look like them. I took a closer look and realized they were completely naked without shame or noticing each other being naked.
I looked closer at a female, her bust was small, and i was surprised to see she had nipples. Once I see the nipples I am look "oops" and back off with my eyes and stop focusing on that. I didn't want them to think I was being lascivious.
They don't seem to mind (because for a moment there i was inside that place with them, in the center, watching them) and they allowed/forgave my moment of curiosity. There were these blue lines of lightening that arced between the spires, jumped around them. It was very awe-inspiring!

I grabbed both CDs. At the table, each customer was pleasantly surprised and talking about an item they were selling at the check out table. I can't remember what it was, though, but it caused quite the sensation.

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