Thursday, January 15, 2009

Parrot Almost Drowned

I am in this comfortable but small room with this pretty woman - i like her she has a good soul. She is playing with this parrot, it has a blue tail and red wings and a white chest. Soon another man comes that she needs to talk to, so she leaves the room and closes the door behind her. This other man is a doctor. Dr. Dan I think she calls him.
The parrot is in this plastic tube thing. It has a sliding cover on top. There is a hole there where you can put it in and let it out.
Somehow water got in. Oh no don't die! I turn tube upside to let water out, water at last leaves his head where he breathes. I want him to live, do not panic
He is ok how did that happen?
Soon it happens again, oh no surely he is dead for sure what is going on feeling guilty but i didn't do it
again tip over water last to leave head, he is alive!!
he sticks a leg out, grasping out with his claw wide and flexing
she comes back in. i feel so stupid and irresponsible and sad as if he is dead but he isn't and i don't know what to say to her, i just want to give her back the bird.
I am so relieved he is alive and the woman doesn't seem to be mad at me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bedroom, Project, Quicker by Toll

I am in a large bedroom with a bed that is in the far corner and is low to the ground. This place is full of stuff but at the same time spacious and not too cluttered.
Someone that reminds me of my brother is there, but is not exactly my brother. I just have the idea of "brother".
I am working on a project. This "brother" is worried for me, on how well I'll do. Giving me all this advice and stuff. I just want him to shut the hell up, enough! I don't say that, I am calm. I endure his talking and just do my own thing. I feel I have done enough for this project to be ready for it.
I lounge in bed now, and I have this one odd card to look at in preparation for tomorrow. It is like the size of one of the larger index cards and it is black background with small white letters almost like a negative or copy paper. I look at it as I am going to sleep.
I wake up to an Ice-T song. I am but briefly in the apartment getting up, getting ready to go, taking my time, my brother is rushing me all a twitter! I am not being lazy, just calm.
Next thing I know we are at a kind of intersection. But it is more like a field. I mean, we have a choice of how to proceed and we are in a car in a flat area with short grass I am not sure of the details here. In front of us is a place like a line of ticket booths. White with windows.
We are discussing which route to take. If we take the regular route, we could be late. There could be traffic or a wreck or something. If we instead take the ticketed route (like a toll route? a bus, a train, what? I don't know) we will be guaranteed to get there in plenty of time.
BUT if we take the ticketed route we might get caught! For some reason it's dangerous for us. Are we fugitives? I never know why my brother is nervous about this way. I still am not, but his worry does make me worry a little.
So, I decide to take the ticket route.
I go up to the counter. There is a space just over a foot long and palm high in the glass that is open bordered in silver and rounded on the sides flat on top. it rounds up to the flat top gradually. I'd say three pairs of regular size hands could fit side by side here. There is a female on the other side, dark hair white, but otherwise vague and mute.
My brother is especially worried about me making crumbs on the counter there. I shrug it off. The crumbs are from a dessert. Like a long rice crispy square. The lady doesn't seem to care.
I get the ticket and go back to my car.
I think my brother is gone. The last time he is clear is what I said last.
At some point a young white blonde gorgeous woman has appeared as well.
That is all I can recall.


Analysis: I think this may be telling me to let my worry side jabber on, but ignore it. Everything is going to be OK, and things are shaping up for something soon in it's own time. I am prepared enough, but a little bit of a review wouldn't hurt but nothing big.
I don't have to really worry about any threats. Just weather them and it will be OK.
Soon I will be on a fast track and guaranteed to get where i am going in plenty of time.
This may also mean "focus energy". I just thought of that on my drive home from work.
As to the blonde ... not sure. If it is my guardian angel, it is further saying that I'm doing just fine. Since I made it through all the other stuff, THEN she appears as like a nod. I forget if she was in the car. If she was in my car, that means she is saying she is along for the ride. All I remember is her smiling, I don't recall a single word or other expression.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Con Artist @ Work?

I am in a workplace. I see a tall gorgeous blonde young woman (20-30) and we talk briefly and cordially. Feels like the air between us has cleared, but there's something else odd about her I cannot place so I just shrug my shoulders and get on with my day.
I in a "back" area like a dock. I am doing what my supervisor is telling me to do. No pressure. I forget what though.
Now I am outside by a truck/van. I am out there to do something (load or unload the van), but I am interrupted by a man who is asking me questions. I try to tell him I don't know even as I try to answer some of them. Finally he listens to me when i have been telling him to go see my supervisor. He acts annoyed that he has to go all the way inside. But, if you want answers, go to the source I think. So, I am nice and smile but his frustration affected me.
Now I am a slightly different situation. It feels as if Two plot threads are twisting around each other like a DNA double helix. Because this part still feels like it is in a workplace BUT it also feels like a social gathering/dinner party.

Later on I have reason to go into the young blonde's office. She isn't there, but two dark-haired middle-aged women are. Her desk faces away from the door and is to your right as you walk in. To her left and behind her is a filing cabinet. Diagonal in the opposite corner facing the door is another desk. That is her co-worker's (but I also get the word "husband") desk.
These women are asking me questions about blondie. They don't seem to know her name yet, and when I say it they nod at each other. This name is on their ALIAS list. They are investigating her as a kid of "con artist". Her hubby and co-worker is probably her accomplice but sometimes she keeps one person closer to her than others.
They tell me about her and ask me questions about her too. They are carefully investigating her desk, trying not to move anything or putting it back. I move one group of stuff. I was trying to be careful, but I am a tad clumsy at it. We try to get it to look like no one has been here.
They weren't 100% sure they had the right person. They also noticed that maybe she was tiring of this charade and wanted to quit/go legit.


I can't quite recall enough of the other scenes, but they were quick. Like one was standing at the top of a few carpeted stairs leading down and there are two lines one going to the left one to the right. I am in the left one, and a guy I know (reminds me of David Piepenburg, my best friend at college) is in the right. We converse a bit.

There is another scene that combines office with dinner party. And a few office-only related things.