Monday, November 17, 2008

Quiet Listener, Judas Kiss?, Sprited Kitchen, Lightning-Struck Toilet

I am in a work type place. I am listening, quietly. I know what they are talking about, but they don't know that. So, they keep talking thinking I don't know, but I do. The final pieces fall into place and what I felt/was told is now about to take place.

I am sitting down across from my dad now. We're talking about stuff. Soon I am telling him things I heard from the dream before. He's very interested. Then, wary, he wants to know how I could know some things, apparently it links to him. He just told me another vital piece of information. I suspected it linked to him, but he has just told me it does. I didn't have to do anything. He switches from wariness to telling me that I got it from quietly observing and I'm a genius. Then he leans forward and kisses me on the mouth.
-blinks- uh-oh, was that a bad thing?

I am in a living room. I am in an office swivel rolling chair. To my left is the kitchen with a white swinging door that is closed. Right in front of me, on a bed or something, is someone like my brother.
I hear noise coming from the kitchen, but only we are here. I know it isn't animals. I know it is ghosts or spirits or Negs or something. My brother acknowledges that he hears the noises too.
Suddenly there is a big bang and I feel a rush come at me. I don't feel possessed or anything, but i do feel paralyzed. I can't talk. I try to tell my brother what is happening, but i can't. After a few moments, I manage to eek out a single word, his name, and I find myself pushing myself towards him with my feet pulling the rolling chair forward.

I hear another commotion, but this time from above me. I wake up and find myself in bed. Oh, must be the upstairs neighbors. I decide since I am awake anyway, might as well go to the bathroom. I get to the toilet and lift up the top lid when I notice an oddity. The right side near the back has a charred melted hole through it. I drop the top lid and see it does too. Then I look up at the ceiling and see a small melted charred scar there as well. I then hear the upstairs neighbor's arguing again.
Hey, wait a minute, I say, this is a dream not real! I wonder if I can explore this!

But I can't because that is when I wake up for real.

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