Tuesday, September 9, 2008

crush pills in unwakeable darkness

try to wake, get up groggy, digital clock radio is out of reach on floor or about to fall off, why won't the lights turn on, groggily make way through rooms towards the kitchen to crush pills for her, again with the lights not coming on, gotta crush the pills for her then I can shower
in this long rectangular apartment, i shouldn't need to lock the door anymore, I'm all alone, it's dark why aren't the lights coming on are the motion sensors broken?, look around my place, odd that there seems to be a lot here but not a lot at the same time, stare at doorless closet with jackets hung, dad comes in and leaves, dad and brother come in, dad starts taking jackets off without asking, I find him with his cart of my stuff and I ask him what he thinks he is doing. He states he is getting rid of this junk for my own good.
I tell him it is my stuff, I decide what is junk or not and I will rid myself of what I want when I want to, it is not his decision to make.

Segue somehow to a computer screen. It has an odd interface on the menu. There is a vocal part to this, reading the menus and information. The vocal part gets an odd morphing of a visual element. Looks like just lips at first, spinning. But soon it turns into a bone and muscle mouth and throat. It spins and comes closer. It fills in, but still looks oddly like a skinned being. Eventually it is a whole face, barely fleshed, with a jaw that is much smaller than the rest of the head with chapped lips and tic-tac-teeth. It is not a pleasant sight.
Yet my fear actually lessons as the changes progress.

The radio alarm goes off, awakening me from this very vivid and encompassing dream to two thoughts: 1) why aren't the lights coming on 2) what about giving her the crushed pills?

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