Wednesday, May 4, 2016

There and Back Again (Version 2) plus judgment masked as unbelieving critique on one of my paintings!

OK, last night's dream of going one way with someone, and then going from there back to where they started with a different character repeated itself tonight, but it was not the same story. Just similar idea. I don't recall enough details, I don't think there were animal friends this time (dawwwh).
Either in that dream or separate, I am looking through my things and come across a painting (not framed) I did. It is of a tree-lined river with two bulls-eye whirlpools in the middle with at least 2 large water-dragons (almost like crocodile like animals but not a croc/gator/um the other one). These water dragons were on the left of the twin water portals. Flying in the air on the right were a pair air dragons. Both had claws outstretched towards the portals. Were they trying to attack the portals/each other? Were they trying to raise their claws up in defense of the portals? I had the idea that, together, all work together to create and maintain the two water portals!
I think the colours of the portals were red and lilac? Periwinkle, cornflower? A kind of pale light washed out purple with more white in it.
Oh, the critique? A female, like unto my mother, saw my painting as I was about to go on to the next items but she stopped me. She thought it was amazing, but I didn't paint it. Yes I did. No, you couldn't have! Actually, I could have, because i did. But someone like you is incapable of clear symbolic creative thought and such good hand-eye coordination and creative choices.
!!!! Really? :(

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