Wednesday, May 4, 2016

There and Back Again (Version 2) plus judgment masked as unbelieving critique on one of my paintings!

OK, last night's dream of going one way with someone, and then going from there back to where they started with a different character repeated itself tonight, but it was not the same story. Just similar idea. I don't recall enough details, I don't think there were animal friends this time (dawwwh).
Either in that dream or separate, I am looking through my things and come across a painting (not framed) I did. It is of a tree-lined river with two bulls-eye whirlpools in the middle with at least 2 large water-dragons (almost like crocodile like animals but not a croc/gator/um the other one). These water dragons were on the left of the twin water portals. Flying in the air on the right were a pair air dragons. Both had claws outstretched towards the portals. Were they trying to attack the portals/each other? Were they trying to raise their claws up in defense of the portals? I had the idea that, together, all work together to create and maintain the two water portals!
I think the colours of the portals were red and lilac? Periwinkle, cornflower? A kind of pale light washed out purple with more white in it.
Oh, the critique? A female, like unto my mother, saw my painting as I was about to go on to the next items but she stopped me. She thought it was amazing, but I didn't paint it. Yes I did. No, you couldn't have! Actually, I could have, because i did. But someone like you is incapable of clear symbolic creative thought and such good hand-eye coordination and creative choices.
!!!! Really? :(

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Deadpool and girlfriend go to town, There and Back, a non-Hobbit Tale (version 1)

I was watching featurettes on the DEADPOOL live action movie ... bled into my first dreams. Basically DEADPOOL being DEADPOOL with his girlfriend who had powers and was having a total blast! What made this more than just a simple "I did a jigsaw all day and now i am dreaming of putting pieces in a jigsaw" dream was the fact that my mind remembered DEADPOOL lurves fourthwallling and he totally fourthwalled my dream! He made comments to me as if he KNEW he was me dreaming him! Lucid dreaming comments like: "be careful, if you try to actually make that sign from gibberish into something you could actually read, you may wake up!", "Thank GAWD we can actually dream in color! Do you see how me and my girl color coordinated our costumes? I'd hate for you to have missed out on that! By the way, who's ass do you like better? I know I know it's a tough choice, but for funsies?" "Uh oh, looks like you are actually paying attention to the scenary, AND trying to focus and control where you go and what I do! If you continue you to do this, I promise I won't kill you because what will happen o me? But I will threaten to try to end this dream. Don't test me, Mister! I have TEH POW-WHUZ, remember? I could have that one, too. Do you really want to test it?"
=====I don't think I have ever had a more fun dream! It was totally crazy and a complete joy! Sadly he made good on his promise====


A young girl is walking through a ruined land just trying to regain itself. Along the way, she finds a couple baby animals, including a piglet! They accompany her on her many adventures until she settles down in a town ... years later, a young man is walking from that town to the way the young girl came from. He turns around to see a pig following him ... is it the same pig? P.S. The world hasn't gotten any better here. Ugh .. but at leat I'm getting an interesting and healthy walk in! :D AND A PIG (and other animal) FRIENDS!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Game of Cat & Mouse

I woke with this dream interrupted:
I am in a complex building, like a house but more. Complicated hallways, secret passages, multiple doors. Seems to have been built with the sole purpose to run war games? Because there are multiple places to hide, get cover, hold up.
I am here with others. I cannot recall how many others, but at least 1 other male (I am male in this dream, first person perspective the whole time) and 2 females. 1 of the females is a lot like Felicity Smoke.
The building is in a sparsely vegetation area with dirt and other things.
The other male goes out to patrol, and catches one of the enemies off guard. He leaves his hat (I think?) under a tire swing (maybe?) that has a pit, and a sign "1 down ..."
I walk patrol next with Felicity Smoke. We come across the tire swing and she notices something different, a new note (written in dark letters on a piece of cardboard box). "... many to go. Surrender Now."
It is dark out, we are exposed, what were we thinking?!
So we make our way back to the building. We move back smart. We make it. But then we are in a stairway, and above us Felicity Smoke (It wasn't exactly the character, but it sure looked and sounded a lot like her! She is smart, caring, insightful and beautiful) hears a noise! She grabs onto me before she can stop her impulse. I am shocked and I want to say something but I know she wants me to be quiet. But there is also an attraction here ...
But I have to be focused on the task at hand. I can do that. We were quiet and are in shadow, but we can look up into the light.
But when I try to, my vision is blocked somehow...
great, starting to wake up.
I try to keep the dream going, but couldn't really. More of a narrative without visuals.
It seems like the dream repeated itself. Like concentrating on taking out the enemies one by one, exchanging notes. Then it started over. The characters changed. The way things happened changed a bit but it was basically the same.