Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rest Stop

I am in a city. Probably American. Maybe on a coast/near water? I am driving around. I see a small group of shops which includes a McDonald's. I think about stopping to eat, but what to eat this late/early?
I don't recall if I stop for food, but I now I am driving around to the back of these shops. I keep on going parallel through a road connecting fields of parking lots until I see a change to old light gray asphalt quickly turning to gravel. Here is a sharp right turn and a turn off. I think 1 or 2 cars are already here? Maybe it is only me? But I decided I need to pull over and rest so I sleep in my cart here.
When I wake, there are several cars around me, all resting. Not long after I wake, I see one car, then another wake and drive quietly off. I hear some of their plans. I decide to drive off, too.
But I get turned around and a little lost trying to get out, so I have to back track to where I was napping in order to regain my barrings. This is when the alarm in the real world goes off.

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