Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Dream Girl Completes the 'ship Puzzle

It seems the only beautiful relationship I am going to have is in my dreams ... literally. I just had another dream (it's been so long since the last one) where I had a girlfriend who made me whole made me better and I was able to do the same for her.
I woke up in my apartment and I thought I heard a noise. I go to investigate but I knock into a round card table with a jigsaw puzzle on it. I did not knock into it that hard but I noticed a lot of pieces on the floor, I a lot more than could have come from my bumping into it. So, I am trying to pick up the pieces so they do not get lost and pick up the bigger sections I have put together. They are strips from edge to edge horizontally. It is of an old sailing ship like from the 1600-1700s. But the strips don't seem to go together and that is so frustrating!
Then I feel a draft so I go to the front door. There is an odd gap there, I try it out and it is off it's hinges but for the top! I open it and it opens at an angle. OMG did someone break in did they get in? I did not notice if anything was missing, but there were far more puzzle pieces on the floor did I hit it harder than I thought or did they do that?
Just then a neighbor I have never seen before appears at her door (I am pretty sure she was coming out of her place). She immediately comes over and is sad about my door. She looks like the Detective Kate Lockley on Angel, if I had to describe her she looked a lot like her.
So she just walks into my apartment and is looking around. I'm nervous because I haven't cleaned everything up for company (there is a pile of stuff right there by the jigsaw table and in the bedroom) and she doesn't seem to mind. She says she loves puzzles and she can never get the ships to connect either.
Then she calls me into my bedroom. I sit down and she hunkers down on the floor next to me and we just start talking. It's very easy and smooth. I reach down towards her and she gently grabs my arms so we are touching each other's elbows and our forearms touch. She is so smart, so bright, so full of light and warmth. I know I can help her to help herself and I know she is the one who can help me do the same. I want to see if this is real when
-- I wake up, of course. I wake up just when she gets up, takes me by the hand, and is leading me back to the ship puzzle saying "let's work on this together."
It's like a cruel joke! Of course it is only in my head. Right when I need help the most, I get it only in my dreams.

P.S. This figure seems different from my other ones I have dreamed about. I have dreamed of 1 or 2 other blonde angels (one seems to be literally an angel!). I think this may be a new one? Or maybe it was Angel once again. She always comes to me when things are darkest, I have dreamed of her before. Did I not recognize her or is this a different figure?

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Asphalt, Old Mountain

I am on vacation and I keep forgetting about my camera. *** Suddenly I am on a highway early evening/early morning and I am surprised to find myself suddenly driving on new asphalt. They have signs telling you to slow down to 35. There are bigger signs in the middle of the highway. There was one other car. I slow down quickly and set the cruise control to fight temptation to go any faster. *** Now it is bright out and I am trying to navigate a mountain curvy road. I am off the road and I'm trying to angle so I get back on. I see semi-trucks in front of me. *** When I finally make it back to the road and around the corner I am now on foot in a line of people also on foot trying to get down a narrow crumbly pass. *** I accidentally slide in-between a family. I apologize, they are OK about it. The son says something about hoping his eyes will adjust soon. Another bus rolls up and the line snakes forward so we can get off this mountain. I realize I forgot about my camera AGAIN. ***