Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Real Field of Dreams, Thai food

Real Field of Dreams

Last night, I was stirred awake a bit. Seemed normal enough to me, it happens sometimes. But this time it was different!
I decide to open my eyes, to see what time it is, except I don't open my eyes to see my apartment ceiling ... but the open starry sky instead!

It is night here, too. The black of the sky has a very slight dark-blue to it. I can see constellations of small-dots of stars twinkling e ever so gently.
Now birds are flying over me, one at a time in a line. Most of them are carrying what I discern to be nesting material (grass, small pieces of twigs, etc.). I do not know what kind they were, but I can see their dark 3-D form above me, way above me, also black but with a slight color to them (like a hint of browns?). I say "Good evening" to them. Suddenly I realize something and say outloud to them "Please don't go to the bathroom on me!" I try to pull something over my face as a guard just in case, it is hard to pull. It is either my shirt that i am wearing or my sheet, it is hard to pull because I am wearing the shirt -OR- I am lying on my back on the sheet.
The birds do me no harm. I watch as one or two of them drop the items they carry in their mouths and wonder why they are doing that. Then I realize I should count them, but I forgot to. 3, 5, 7 of them?

But wait, I can't be outside.
I decide to investigate some more. I really hope I don't wake myself up from doing this because this is really cool!

I raise my head a bit. In front of me I see a gently rolling down-hill to a line of bare trees and beyond a house. Looking to my right I see grass and a white log falling apart. About as long as a bed and tall as my knee? I am not sure.
More investigation reveals I am lying on something soft like the (duvet?) very top bed spread from my bed, I have a single sheet wrapped around me like a mummy, and a pillow under my head.
I move a hand out from the sheet and onto the grass ... I am feeling grass! I run my fingers through it as if it were hair of Mother Earth. I find what feels like a leaf. I bring it up to my mouth, but sheets are tight in the way, but I manage it anyway. It seems like an elongated vesica Pisces shape, palm length and yellow.

OK, so far sight is here, and also touch. What about taste?
I bring the leaf up to my nose. It doesn't really smell but I catch a hint. But that's not good enough.
So I put it in my mouth, not breaking it with my teeth but rather rolling it on my tongue.
I can taste the slight bitterness of a real leaf!
Taste too?

I take the leaf out of my mouth and try to find a place to put it, store it. I am having trouble finding a pocket. I think I find one, but I am having trouble putting the leaf in there. Then I realize I should have just left it in my mouth, but I was scared I might swallow it and/or choke on it so I didn't.

As a coda, I cannot recall how the dream ended. I did not wake up with it, I had other dreams after it. Sad to tell you I have no evidence yet found from my Journey. No leaf in my pajama pocket :(

Nothing harmed me there. There was little movement but from the birds flying over me and dropping things sometimes (which seemed to float down sometimes, so there was gravity here). No wind, no clouds, and I don't think the grass was very wet either. I did not really feel the temperature. I hope the lack of colors was from it being night and that it was not because i was in LANE (Lower Astral Negative Entity) territory. I don't think I was, it had neither fear or ecstasy ... no strong emotions were elicited from me as I would think they would do if I was in their world. But that can only be a guess.

I cannot be sure if I heard anything or not, to be honest. If it was silent the silence did not bother me. I don't know where I was but it kind of reminded me of my parent's house. But I cannot be sure it was that.


Thai Restaurant

I am in a small Thai restaurant, in a corner with another person. At first I felt weary, I think I just came from a dream that was a bit scary (well, not scary, but more slightly ominous, a slight hint of danger from people, and I feel I ducked in here to be safe, but the feeling had not gone away yet). But it was OK.
The menu in front of me was half-the-size of a book cover. Under each menu item, under the number name and short description, was a small line of food. A small sample of what that dish would look like.
What was odd is that the samples looked 3-D!
It was a really cool and neat idea, I was fascinated by that so much I was not paying attention to what I should order :)
The waitress was already here. She asked the other people what they wanted. Then it is my turn.
She shows me another menu, this one the size of a book cover, and points to one. HOUSE FAVORITE: PUSH
She recommends me that one because she senses I want one full of taste and nutrition but not spicy.
So I order PUSH. I think that was the name of it?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Inside A Conspiracy

Terrorist weapon to target our area to shut us up.
Nuke them before they can hurt us? Are you kidding me?

Gathering my possesions together ... what to take ... what to leave
Why do I feel rushed and impatient to leave at the same time?
If we are in a rush, why is it taking so long to get going?

A man in our party appoints himself leader.
He has connections.
He says he knows someone who can use a nuke as a distraction or defense.
He knows a man who can get us fake papers.
He knows a network to get us out of here and help us on the run.
How do you know all of this?
How did you get these connections?
Using a nuke that's insane!
I thought that man was dead, and did you say adoption papers?
How is there a whole network for this?
This man seems to know everything, he has taken control of the situation.
I don't like that he is telling us how to do things in every detail!
But he is making a point by seemingly having our safety at hand.
I am not sure what to think, he argues the logic so well
and escape and safety IS the ultimate goal.
I argue with him, but he is so calm, always has an answer.
What do I have? I have no proof, maybe I am wrong.
But why do I feel something is off about this whole thing?

Need a shower ... this is an odd place for a shower.
It is behind a /--\ wooden bar.
It is in a salon or living room.
Out in the open behind the bar.
I see the faucet with water but nothing else.
No handles to turn on cold and hot water, no special floor, no drain ....
no curtain, no towel rack, no soap or shampoo.
But this is where I am to shower.
I don't know about this ...
I can't shower yet, anyway ... a couple other people are still in the room.
I want my privacy.
Still in the room is a woman 20 years younger than me & another 11-20 years older.
(I feel guilty because a part of me wouldn't mind if the younger woman stayed but why not the older one that isn't fair I am older by as much to the younger woman as the other woman is older than me yet I don't want her to stay so obviously the younger woman isn't going to want to stay either, besides I am showering that is private to me no matter what so in the end I want both women to go)
I finally get them to leave.
But I still can't get over this odd shower, I work on using it.
I don't even really undress ... what the heek is this all about?
It is just too illogical and it breaks me from the dream.