Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rude Classroom

I keep going to this one class room. It could be college, feels more like college or after. This is s "roomy" place. Things well spaced out but not too far from each other. The teacher stood in front and had a kind of projection screen/whiteboard if he wanted to use. I attend this class more than once, three times I think. Well by the third time, I was getting tired of some of the people there. My contributions to the class, while imperfect, should not be getting such a response!
Why didn't the teacher/instructor ever say anything?
I tried to just keep it in, just do my contributions and keep going.
So, in the middle of class, I jumped up, and said a little speech about how rude and inconsiderate and bullying and MEAN these people were being. I was so mad that they did this and didn't care, thought it was OK to do and you can't reprimand them because they just shrug it off.
So, I went over to this one guy's desk and I rocked it back and forth telling him he is rude!

people are so annoying
I hate how they adversely affect me
I hate how I was negatively programmed

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"That Weird Thing in the Sky" Party, Polly Wanna Black Olive?

Partinar's (Party + Seminar) Third Event "Sky Oddity"

This dream is very vivid, I feel I am there.
I am ... at some event. I don't know if it is school-related or what, but there are a lot of people here, active and young like me it seems. They seem to be mid-to late 20's to 30's. There are three different nights when special events would happen that I want to go to (to each one), and I do. You have to wait at a stop for a bus to pick you up at a certain time. I am most worried about the third/last date. I have the flier right there in plain sight, easy access, but I felt confused on the DAY, what day is it? Is the final event tonight or later? I just can not tell. It skips to me getting off the bus for the start of the third and last event I feel like I've been waiting for this event my entire life.
There are a LOT of people here, male and female. A lot of the males were getting rambunctious. There was a movie screen like thing there playing stuff and a smorgasbord of finger food. I am with this one female that is a friend and trying to help me scope out a date. She made a "ah?" sound of "look at that winner" and I did and I was like "wow". But two of her female friends came up to her and they all started talking so I was like "crap". They left and I go up to talk to her, we hit it off! We are leaving, when there is some kind of commotion and a crowd rushes outside, splitting us. I'm outside suddenly, and it seems to have calmed down, but I can't find her, OR the bus. Where are all the lights? I hear someone walking faster than me say "what was that all about?" I say what and she calls behind her "that weird thing in the sky", she has straight dark brown hair and seems sure of herself and matter-of-fact. Soon she is swallowed up in the crowd in front of me. I am in a group looking for a way to leave, maybe a car, wondering where they parked their cars. Then I come upon the bus and board it. When I sit down, I am able to breathe a sigh of relief. I sit between the girl from the party and the dark haired girl I just heard, and I smile and relax and wait for the bus to go to the next destination.


Polly Wanna Black Olive?

A man welcomes me to take a copy of a newspaper, but there is a bird on the stack. He tells me the eclectics parrot-like bird was OK. I am good with animals, even birds, so I talk to him as I reach gently for the paper, but he "snaps" at me! This is very surprising to me and the owner. He tries to calmly talk to the bird, to find out what is wrong.
The man tells me to try to take the paper, but I somehow know I am meant to ask what the bird wants something in return first. "What do you want in return, Echo?" The man never told me his name, but this name just came out of my mouth when I asked the question. Echo tells me what he wants, but in a different language (from English). The owner translates it as "black olives". So, I go on a quest for black olives.
And as soon as I step through the threshold the real world wakes me with my radio alarm.