Monday, September 15, 2008

Anthology: Leave Home eep Come Back yay, Outdoor Festival Turns Dark, Sucubus Nightmare

Lots of dreams, lots of little stories, little scenes:

I am in a car, I am returning to a place I was in an earlier dream tonight, but this time it is from a different angle. It seems like such a nice place. Simple but nice! White walls, nice windows, sunlight shining upon the white bright and shiny! It's like a small hotel. Lots of greenery, flowers, both in front of the building and in the median.
When I was there before, it was inside a residence, coming down to the garage all inside into a basement like garage where my car was. I felt creeped out like someone was waiting for me so I put my keys in between my fingers and decided to talk to no one no matter what until I was in my car. I didn't feel completely safe until I was out and on the road, phew!
This time it felt the opposite. Light, open, safe. And slow! The traffic was slow as I moved in the parking lot road to my garage but I didn't mind, I felt great!

I am at a festival. It is outside, in a short-grass meadow surrounded on either side by hump-like hills with some tree. Lots of tents and a more permanent building, lots of people, lots of things to do and see! There food, games, dancing, shopping, it was a blast!
But now it's night. I find myself walking towards the field. I am not even half-way to the hill yet. It is dark, the shadows play. I hear a loud bass sound .... it is far away, but coming closer. Then it cuts off. I have to run the few feet between me and the first hump-hill. I make it, and I hide up in a tree. I wait. I hope I am not found as hooded shadows, spiky and gnarly with jumpy chaotic energy that pulls in more than it lets out like black holes, as they come towards me and start to pass under my tree but stop ... don't hear the bass of my heart beat don't hear my breathing more like wheezing, don't let my sweat drop on you, don't smell my fear and doubt, just keep walking .. and they do!

I am not so successful in the next scene. I am in a dull concrete room. I know it is far underground, under Colorado. Finally the end of the experiment, last stage! Then testing can begin. This item before me was inside a miles upon miles long circle spinning and spinning and spinning.
Now it's been placed inside this "unbreakable" box, we can see inside, it is also lit from within. We are all males, all middle-age and older, nerdy or stony looking, scientists or military. We have been working on getting this for so long! Did our research in many myths, had help where ever we could find it even Nazi and worse.
We actually smile and cannot wait.
The light in the box is pulsing, a bright white light. Suddenly it flashes so bright it fills the box and pours out into our eyes, we shield them and miraculously nobody goes blind. Still, we blink the purplish hue away until we see what is in the box. It is not just the light anymore, it has company.
It is a paper-white human body with sickeningly bright purplish-reddish-green hair. But not just any human, but a female. She is in a fetal position with her back to us. One of us we don't know who was able to break the spell long enough to hit a button near the box and the figure jumped a bit while staying in position.
Then she unfolds like a flower and turned over on her back and arched. She is naked. And she is perfect. She is irresistible.
Too soon she realizes this. She picks a word from one of our brains, maybe mine, and she calls herself that. She calls herself "Succubus".
Moving so smoothly, perfect feminine in every way, she is now on her hands and knees, beckoning towards us. Her hair seems to flow behind her!
I don't like this. I don't like this at all. But I am just an assistant scientist, lowest on the totem pole of scientists and then military. So, I start to back away.
But the leader of the project, a man steeped in secret societies looking to be spies and spiritual at the same time, which means diving headlong into the abyss, is the one who walks forward. Nobody stops him. Not to help, not out of jealousy, nope no way no how is he stopped. He reaches the glass ... she kisses the glass and puts her bare breasts on the glass ... he kisses her lips and touches her breasts with only the glass between the two of them ... until the glass is gone and she is on top of him.
She screams out in a sound that is part banshee part the highest ecstacy. She rips his clothes off and rides him even as she is eating him alive. She jumps off of him as he squirts a gushing fountain of all kinds of liquids. His body is like a bag or balloon that strangely empties from these two sources until it is flat. She is bathing in the mixture of fluids where she has also added her own. She is slurping it up and sliding and spinning around in it.
As the others are throwing up and reacting however else they are, I don't wait to see what happens next. I know these people have reaped what they have sown, they have gotten what they asked for and boy are they going to get it.
Finally, I am free. I know she is the key to my freedom, finally!!!! I can escape this evil hell I've been forced to help create.
I run out the door and key it to close it ... it is the only one and is specially created for containment from the inside and the outside. I key in the permanent code for both inside and out and make my way to the many different ways and vehicles to reach the surface and the fully loaded military hum-vee that I have waiting for me.

... maybe some day I can also escape the horror I just witnessed ...

... hopefully that horror can never escape and will eventually die of hunger ...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

crush pills in unwakeable darkness

try to wake, get up groggy, digital clock radio is out of reach on floor or about to fall off, why won't the lights turn on, groggily make way through rooms towards the kitchen to crush pills for her, again with the lights not coming on, gotta crush the pills for her then I can shower
in this long rectangular apartment, i shouldn't need to lock the door anymore, I'm all alone, it's dark why aren't the lights coming on are the motion sensors broken?, look around my place, odd that there seems to be a lot here but not a lot at the same time, stare at doorless closet with jackets hung, dad comes in and leaves, dad and brother come in, dad starts taking jackets off without asking, I find him with his cart of my stuff and I ask him what he thinks he is doing. He states he is getting rid of this junk for my own good.
I tell him it is my stuff, I decide what is junk or not and I will rid myself of what I want when I want to, it is not his decision to make.

Segue somehow to a computer screen. It has an odd interface on the menu. There is a vocal part to this, reading the menus and information. The vocal part gets an odd morphing of a visual element. Looks like just lips at first, spinning. But soon it turns into a bone and muscle mouth and throat. It spins and comes closer. It fills in, but still looks oddly like a skinned being. Eventually it is a whole face, barely fleshed, with a jaw that is much smaller than the rest of the head with chapped lips and tic-tac-teeth. It is not a pleasant sight.
Yet my fear actually lessons as the changes progress.

The radio alarm goes off, awakening me from this very vivid and encompassing dream to two thoughts: 1) why aren't the lights coming on 2) what about giving her the crushed pills?