Thursday, August 5, 2010

Never Got There

I am trying to get to a meeting/event, but I never got there.
I have a map, but for some reason I only have partial directions.
I guess I thought I could remember the last street to turn left onto and the address.
I do fine, getting to the road that curves up and off the straight road I was on, but then I think the traffic confused me because I forget where I am going.
I turn around and find a building to go into to get directions.
I can't even say what this building contains. It may be a hotel?
I start to ask directions, but I am stopped and said the best place to ask for directions is downstairs.
So, I go downstairs.
There is a restaurant there. Almost like a fast food sandwich place?
But it also seemed to be something else at the same time, like a salon?
And now I am suddenly part of a group travelling, but I am unsure of my travel mates.
We sit down to eat.
But, I am antsy because I keep remembering I am supposed to be getting directions and on my way! I only gave myself so many minutes leeway to find the place.
So, I ask for directions, but as I am asking I am forgetting where I am going, which is very frustrating.
I feel so stupid, why didn't I just bring the entire directions?
The young woman helping me is probably around 24? She reminds me a little of Claudia in Warehouse 13, something she says about her chair seems to be a reference to that show.
I try to say "like Warehouse 13" to find out/show I get the reference, but I am drowned out by others talking.
I didn't eat.

I am back at my place suddenly and getting ready to try the trip again, but I look at the clock and realize I have to go now or not at all. I get back to the same part of the road, look at my directions and ... they stop. I can't believe this is happening a second time, I was set on being more organized this time!
I calm down, and try to "see" the way in my head. No good. Darnit!!!!!
So, I go back into the same building. I head straight for the downstairs restaurant.
But, I see it's closed and the lights are out.
I start back up the stairs when I almost run into a woman slightly taller than me, 30's or 40's. long blondish-brown hair, white, pretty, and she starts when she sees me. She gives a shy smile as if she thinks I'm cute. She tells me she is going downstairs for a book study, then corrects herself and says Bible study. Then she continues on downstairs.
I get back upstairs and on out to the steps and sit down in defeat. I'm never going to get there, why was I so stupid, etc.
I notice it is early evening the sun is down.
Then I see a white mouse/rat in the green grass. It sniffs at me all friendly like. I let it.
There is a big guy next to me now, dark features.
He says the rat/mouse is a part of the hotel and is nice.
He says he can show me the way, so we get in (my?) car and he is the driver.
He has a lot of his stuff he puts towards me.
A big square duffel bag (beige) and matching gloves (also light beige).
I am not comfortable with this situation all of a sudden.
I just want to give up and go home all by myself.
I tell him this but he doesn't listen, I know he hears me.
I am more forceful but polite in asking him to stop the car and get out I want to just go home.
He ignores me again.
So, I turn the ignition key myself and pull the key out so the car coasts between a couple trees and finally comes to a stop.
He says we could have had some fun! There is great fishing spots he was going to show me. He was even going to let me try on his gloves.
He insists I try them on now, I politely refuse.
I make him take all his stuff, and thank him.
I scoot over and back into the driver's seat.
But, I am so frustrated at the uselessness of it all that I wake up from the dream.