Sunday, February 8, 2009

Again With The Stealing of My Ride

I ride up to this grocery store in my "motorcycle". I don't even know if it is a proper motorcycle, it's pretty small for one.
I back into a parking place, the next one open on the left of all the cars on the right of me (3-5?). I am about to leave my vehicle when I realize it may not be safe to leave it. I look around for a way to keep ti safe, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this. I consider leaving right now, but I need to go into this particular store for some reason. So, I leave it and go on in.
This place is starting to feel slightly familiar. It looks old and neglected in here. I hesitate by the front of the store, someone clumsily bumps past me from the front window on towards the back.
I go a little further in. Here is a display of featured products. Most of them seem to be in-bulk products A few of these are 3 kinds of cereal bags in one cardboard box. I look at those.
Then I go further into the store. Here I find a different kind of store display. It is a glass/plastic case. Inside is mostly desserts, and out in the open too not sealed as far as I can tell. The case is closed though.
But it is strange. This seems to be used food! I see a powdered jelly donut with a bit taken out of it or something. I see the open ends crimped closed as if by a mouth or fingers. I also see other used food.
Some of them just look like mistakes or odd experiments.
Suddenly these big guys appear and start talking to me. They are taller, wider, stronger even maybe than I am. First one, then others. 3-5 in total? I do not like them from the get go.
I try to act casual, not afraid, just talking, but I just don't like this whole situation. On the outside I'm calm, but inside I am looking for a way to get out. They are not surrounding me or making big threatening moves, but it is feeling oppressive.
So I go back to the front of the store, I don't have anything in my hands I am not going to buy anything. I get out without incident, but those men are following me. Not crowding, they keep a distance. But I know they are there. I make it out to the parking lot ...
... to find my motorcycle is gone!
I'm soon pissed! Those thugs stand there with smug looks on their dough faces. I walk right up to them and tell them to give me my motorcycle back. They try to pretend to be innocent. "I saw one of you rush past me to tell you guys to distract me while my ride was stolen!" They cross their arms and glare down at me, stepping forward and pretending to be insulted. "Just give me back my motorcycle, it is mine and you know this is wrong!" or something like that. They refuse. Sheesh, what did I expect?
So, I walk away. I am not that far from home. It will take a bit to walk there, but it can't be more than a few miles away, if not only one.
Then I think it might be more prudent to get away faster, so I speed walk/run to try to gain some distance. Since I am smaller I am faster than them. I navigate the blocks of housing taking a look behind me to see if I am being followed/check for line-of-sight blocks to hide my movements.
The dream ends when I realize my rides have been stolen from that place before. Before this they were cars. I realized this when I came out to see the motorcycle stolen I think, I forget. It ends when I decide I can go straight home now as well.


I woke up from this dream. At first it was just with my eyes still closed. Soon, I had an idea that was more thought but not so much visual of an alternate scene to my dream. This is the alternate, which takes place right after I have discovered my stolen property and have started confronting the villains:

A police officer comes up and tells them he saw what happened. He tells them they are under arrest. They kill him, in broad daylight! I couldn't believe it! They tell me I can go, but to not tell anybody. I am not sure I can do that. It seems another alternate scene is created here where one is I leave, but another is I stand there and tell them I will not be telling on them, they told on themselves. They should either shoot me as well or turn themselves in.

That's the end.



This dream seemed to take place in a real environment in the waking world. It did seem like I had been there before later on. I wonder if I dreamed of this place earlier that night or what?

It takes place in a run-down urbanized part of town. The curbs are crumbling quickly to dust both from cheap badly mixed cement and neglect. The people here know they have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves. There is a feeling of learned helplessness here.
I remember very vividly what it looked like and felt like to run away along those streets. Looking behind me, switching paths around the blocks trying to throw off their scent, trying to remain brave and resourceful.

I suppose it's a message dream?