Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Danger Follows us to Computer Store, Forest Spiral Cave Vortex

Dream #1: Danger Follows us to a Computer Store

I am in a house & a mute regular looking man was after me. I am trying to figure out how to get away and be safe. I am trying to keep others with me safe, not just myself.

We are in cell-like rooms. Then I am in a computer store. I am still wary of the boogie man, but I still shop! I ask for 2 things. The first is a game. The 2nd is a graphics ship with pixel shading medium in price.
I make sure to ask for a special addition to the game where someone else lives. Te original only came with you the player surviving, but they came out with a version where you can save more than just yourself, and I wanted that version.

Am I playing the game now? At one point I watch this young man get home, he rushes upstairs to his room closing the door quietly but quickly behind him.


Hypnogogic nap

I am in a grotto, verdant, lots of big trees all close together. I go down and around in a spiral to a cave. Inside is a vortex to another place. I enter ...