Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Danger Follows us to Computer Store, Forest Spiral Cave Vortex

Dream #1: Danger Follows us to a Computer Store

I am in a house & a mute regular looking man was after me. I am trying to figure out how to get away and be safe. I am trying to keep others with me safe, not just myself.

We are in cell-like rooms. Then I am in a computer store. I am still wary of the boogie man, but I still shop! I ask for 2 things. The first is a game. The 2nd is a graphics ship with pixel shading medium in price.
I make sure to ask for a special addition to the game where someone else lives. Te original only came with you the player surviving, but they came out with a version where you can save more than just yourself, and I wanted that version.

Am I playing the game now? At one point I watch this young man get home, he rushes upstairs to his room closing the door quietly but quickly behind him.


Hypnogogic nap

I am in a grotto, verdant, lots of big trees all close together. I go down and around in a spiral to a cave. Inside is a vortex to another place. I enter ...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two Vortexes, New Play With The Dominating Blonde

I dreamed I had to look at a very realistic 3-D map. I was being shown 2 vortex locations. The vortexes looked like a 3-D "cotton swab" of "electricity" light purplish white light. They had something to do with teleportation, but I felt it was more than just Star Trek here. I think I needed to visit one vortex before the other, I had to go through them in a specific order. There was a fun sense of urgency. I felt joyous childlike fun and sanctuary from one of the vortexes and decided that meant my inner psi ability telling me that was the one I was to choose first.

Someone was leading our group. She had "a smiling true heart" as I was "told" by a disembodied voice in the dream and felt inside me when I looked at her, a peaceful warrior. She rode a horse, with long flowing hair & clothes & she had a sense of angelic guiding power about her. We all followed her but even though she was the leader she did not seem to be abusing her power. I was told to keep the rest of the trip secret.

Sense of fun, safe, included, accepted, "in my element", new but known, part of a team, child-like wonder.

DREAM #2: New Play & Dominating/Strong Blonde

I see a sheet for a new play. Reddish background,symbol ... right-profile of a man in a militaristic hat (Roman?) with his mouth open in anger or surprise.

Then I appear at the play. It is in process. I climb over the row, rear towards the front (3-5 rows back) and get from the right to the left to get to see someone on the floor. He seemed kind of put out/apologetic for being on the floor. I don't mind and sit down next to him.

Suddenly I am in a half-shadowed room. There is a male and a bleach-blonde woman. She wants to tower over me so I have that feeling of her. Very strong presence to her! At first, she interacts with the other guy but then he kind of goes into the background into the shadows, then I can't see him any more. She now talks to me. She has a dominating personality. I am wary about her. She is shy at first, but soon she is coming on to me stronger and stronger trying to seduce me.

I wake up before she succeeds, thank goodness!